Copyrighted by Mikey Adam Cohen
1. You are saving money. Sure, I know this will have disastrous effects on many businesses and I am sorry about that. You can support your local restaurant by ordering online if possible, and you might even buy a few clothes and items online, but all in all, being in quarantine will most probably make you spend less. And maybe you will make a pattern out of that and save more? You might even realize that you can live well with so much less
2. This is good for the planet. So good! No tourism, no ferries, so few planes. Carbon emissions are sinking at the speed of light and in China, in the quarantined areas, Forbes says 77,000 lives were saved by reducing pollution. In Sardinia, dolphins are swimming in harbors in the absence of ferries. I am hoping that this is the silver lining to this crisis, that people see that we can mitigate climate change if we want to.
3. You can enjoy your time with your children. Your kids love to be with you 24/7 although it may be tiring for you, they will probably remember this as a wonderful time with their parents. Maybe this is the time you realize that you want to work less in the future and spend more time with your family.
4.Cherish your elders. We realize how much we love our elders and our families in general, and don’t want to lose them.
5. Creative cooking. You can start using the time to empty your cupboards of food and cook creatively with what you have in order not to go to the shop too often.
6. Decluttering. You can do all the things you never have time to do: sort the old clothes that you want to give away, clean your home, read those books lying on your shelf for a year. Take that online course.
7. Focus on yourself. You can start being creative again: start writing that book you’ve been talking about for years or start drawing again. Start doing yoga every morning and meditating.
8. Fix your home. You can fix things in your home. For once you are home when it is allowed to make noise. Repair that squeaky kitchen door. You can even start making a small project to build shelves or other things you need.
9. More remote work in the future? Your boss might realize that remote working works and might allow you to do that more in the future. You will have good points to show that it is possible and does not impact productivity.
10. Rethinking your life. I know this sounds far-fetched, but I do believe this crisis will have many impacts on us that we do not even foresee yet. Maybe you will have time to rethink your career path. Or your relationship, maybe you want to get closer to your family or get a divorce (ok less positive). Maybe you want a more rewarding job even though you might earn less. Good luck! And keep your eyes open for positive impacts of this crisis. #HappyQuarantine #onpurposecre8tv #mikeyadamcohen #pink
11. Let’s be grateful.
12. A chance to be grateful for having to cancel your trips and hotels to and from another country (either for a vacation or for work). Thankful for not being able to host that soccer match, or for not being able to go to the gym.
13. Grateful for being one of those lucky people who experiences all sorts of “luxury problems”. Trips? Working out every week? Be GRATEFUL. Because there is a very large group of people that don’t even have this option, people who need to make ends meet with a small salary. Or who are working in health care and need to work LIKE MAD to keep our hospitals up and running? Shout-out and much love to these heroic people! And a lot of other people who are struggling. These people are currently struggling even more, which brings us back to our first point: be kind to others. Help where you can. Because, the biggest opportunity the Coronavirus is giving us, is the chance to get closer to one another. It is forcing us to work together. More than ever in the past few years, this situation is making sure that mankind is caring for one another and we’re reconnecting on a deeper level with each other and the world around us. There is hope.
14. This gives me hope for the future. Trust that on a global scale, we CAN accomplish things together. Together we are fighting to flatten the curve and slow the speed with which the virus is spreading. I believe in us. That we – when this Corona storm has passed – can also tackle other problems like the global climate crisis, together. We should take this virus seriously. Don’t be overconfident, thinking ‘it won’t get me!’. Help those close to you. But above all, stay calm and see the opportunities ahead. I’m on a mission to bring people closer to each other and themselves. Under the name Corona Carl my initiatives have inspired people from all over the world to build stronger connections with themselves and others. It is more important than ever before to have meaningful conversations and to reflect. I have a contest for artists, writers, everyday heroes to post positivity and the winners will be featured in the next issue of our magazine. Feeling inspired? Spread the word! ~Mikey Adam Cohen
Mikey Adam Cohen