By: Alondra Nicole

Ani Nalbandian was recognized as The American Institute of Legal Professional’s ‘Top Lawyer of 2023’ – leading as a California prowess of personal injury policy and contract law. 

Ani Nalbandian is re-defining the traditional image of a successful business woman, and winning awards in law while doing so. She is the co-founding partner of the Los Angeles based boutique law firm, NYA Law. ,“I want nothing more than to be an inspiration for the next generation of empowered women. May you have the courage to be bold in the crowd, and represent the name of the law with the flair of your authentic personality.” Throughout the trajectory of her career, Nalbandian has blueprinted confidential contracts for ambassadors of global Fortune 500 companies, including Sephora and Walmart. Impressively, the top-ranking California attorney has provided legal counsel to ambassadors of marketplace organizations, such as Revolve, Ole Henriksen, HUDA Beauty, NARS, and skin health brand – Caudalie. 

On Instagram, Ani shares her latest endeavors as a dynamic business woman, paving her own path of authenticity as a public figure. And though her career in the public sector of law provides her with a fortified sense of purpose, Ani enjoys breaking the barriers of tradition – standing out as the new prototype for living an empowered life as an accomplished modern woman. Ani Nalbandian is a decorated scholar having attended the tier one ranking university of UCLA, following a rigorous J.D. program at the University of West Los Angeles. ,“Since as long as I can remember, becoming a lawyer intrigued me,” revealed Ani, “I have maintained a lifelong passion for upholding the core principles behind practicing integrity. As a lawyer, my truth is that injustice is a violation of every human right. My character pairs well with representing personal injury cases, because my identity has long been anchored in the responsibility I feel towards my community.” 

Nalbandian was prestigiously recognized by the National Academy of Personal Injury Attorneys for being within the top 10 of personal injury attorneys in the State of California, accomplishing career highs under the age of forty. And though Ani maintains a disciplined regimen of case analyzation, she dedicates her life to being a present mother to her children, constantly crafting a thoughtful work-life balance. ,“ I strongly believe that the foundation to any success story is underpinned by the support system in place, breathing life over the revolution. My family is mine. My children are mirrors to who I am – I wish over them to have no fears in chasing their dreams.” 

Ani’s legal career is a testament to the caliber of lawful expertise required to pass the California Bar Exam; her career success underpinned by the rigor of honoring the equitable enforcement of justice. Recognized as a member of The State Bar of California for her commitment to defending the ethical and competent practice of law, Nalbandian has garnished multiple awards of honor commemorating her bureaucratic approach to mastering the complexities of legal representation.  “As I’ve dedicated myself to mastering law, the honor I feel at being recognized before the California Bar is immense,” said Ani. The State Bar of California protects the legal administration of justice, and advocates for the advancement of citizen protections – awarding licenses to lawyers that demonstrate superlative prestige within their jurisdiction. Ani is led by her cemented vision of making an impact upon the once upon a time, male dominated sector of law; pioneering a revolution of change with regal elegance, grace and triumph. 

Nalbandian’s heartfelt investment towards shaping an equitable future has also led her towards charitable endeavors. ,“My clients have played a role in my growing identity as a philanthropist,” expressed Ani, “Their stories receive my full integration.” The top-ranking lawyer allots mentorship hours to hardworking law students aspiring to become attorneys, for both public and private sector clients. “My words of encouragement to the version of myself that was only just beginning to understand law, is to truth the process, it’s all going to work out for your highest good. I wholeheartedly aim to instill that within the students I mentor. Greatness is a destination, and the journey there is full of obstacles that you must conquer as your own.”

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