With her diverse skill set, Toushai has been making waves in not only the music industry but the art world as well. Her paintings have been featured in galleries across the country, showcasing her unique vision and creativity. Toushai’s talent extends beyond just her art and music, as she has also made a name for herself as a creative director, collaborating with major brands to bring their visions to life. It’s clear that Toushai’s multifaceted career is a reflection of her limitless creativity and boundless passion. With each project she takes on, she continues to solidify her place as a true icon in the making. It is our distinct pleasure to interview Toushai and learn what paying it forward means to her as we gear up to celebrate Global Pay It Forward Day on April 28th, 2023.

What does paying it forward mean to you?

Toushai: Paying it forward means being who you always needed, in my world. Paying it forward for me is like “stepping up” to show love to someone who you will never be able to receive love back. It’s a practice of learning to give love without expecting anything in return.

In what ways have you paid your talents, expertise, resources, and skills forward throughout your personal life and career?

Toushai: I feel that is naturally me. Providing resources for friends and strangers; buying food for friends/family and strangers; I helped feed 10k people in LA. I pay it forward by just naturally being myself. I have painted for free for the Perth Amboy YMCA festivals and schools in LA, and I have painted for free for the Boys and girls club in Perth Amboy and also for their summer program. I have done more than 70 shows for free. I give discounted rates when I feel someone cannot truly pay me what I am worth though they want my service. I like to view it as me blessing people with my gift as I have been blessed with the gifts I have.

Who has paid it forward to you and how did you express that gratitude?

Toushai: Many people have shown me love but to say someone has paid it forward to me is different; I don’t think I have ever experienced that truly. Cashiers have given me things for free just based on our conversations at the register and in exchange I just make sure to continue doing what I naturally do for others because it comes back around eventually.

What recent opportunities have you just landed that you are excited to share with us today?

Toushai: I have aligned myself with the love that’s meant for me. Friends/family/acquaintances/business partners…everyone in my world is finally aligned with the love I share and many opportunities have arisen because of it that is en route to being shared with the world.

Is there anything outside of your industry that you’re extremely passionate about? If so, what is it?

Toushai: Loving humans; paying it forward and just being there for people who need me when they need me. I’m like an Auntie to the world and not just my nephews.

From your perspective, what do you think the world needs more of?

Toushai: The world needs the people like myself to be louder with their love because if it’s anything the world needs, it’s LOVE.

What else would you like to share with our readers?

Toushai: Choice. I’d like to share that choice is the number one factor in everything that happens. We choose if we want to have good or bad days because of how we choose to look at what happens for us as opposed to us. It is our choice to show and give love to others and ourselves.

What is the best way to keep up to date and follow all of your amazing endeavors?

Toushai: TOUSHAI everything and everywhere.

Sometimes my life’s a bit of a mystery, but I’ll always be Shai.


Photographer: K Visionary (Kadyr)

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