Dr. Milan Krajnc is an expert in solving problems caused by different personalities in a company, municipality or country. He knows how to complete projects and start from point 0. He finds the cause of the problem and eliminates it. He is the author of the Dynamic Leadership Model.

Share your experience as a psychotherapist. 

I have worked as a psychotherapist for more than 20 years, 15 of them in private practice. Every day I meet more people who want to take a step towards themselves, thus ensuring that others do not understand them. The basic problem is that people do not understand themselves. And my job is to hold a mirror up to them so that they get to know themselves.

You have been solving crisis situations in corporations and family businesses for 20 years. Please share your work.

The biggest problem in family business is the takeover by a new generation. The problem is not so much the new generation preparing to take over, but the old generation not wanting to let go of leadership and ownership. Therefore, the most successful families are those in which the old leadership begins in time to prepare to leave and to hand over leadership and ownership.

What do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy resolving conflicts in large collectives the most, when it involves preparing several different personalities to understand the same thing.

Second is writing, I enjoy writing educational content.

Third is developing a new scientific science of Dynamics.

Tell us about your latest work, entitled “Dynamic Leadership Model”. 

The Dynamic Leadership Model is a business paradigm for the direction, organization and communication strategies of a company that prevents the personalities of those people who actively shape the business from influencing the it. The entire model is based on the laws of nature.

You have been officially nominated for the Nobel Prize in Economics 2021 Tell us about your work that has a global impact.

I am often asked how a psychotherapist can be nominated for the Nobel Prize in Economics 2021. However, if we consider economics logically as a reflection of the needs that delegate the state and the response in the market in terms of production, procurement … it means that it is necessary to focus on the person who is the real consumer. In fact, however, the needs of the person today are very different from those of fifty years ago, on which principle we still operate. Most importantly, the recent pandemic has made people even more aware of themselves and their needs. This means that business can change from one day to the next and therefore we need a different system of leadership and management, which is what I have based my business method on Dynamic Management Model.

I developed this story as a physics student and then only deepened it as a psychotherapy student. In fact, it all did not make sense until I started working hands-on on projects. I was aware all along that what we were doing was one big manipulation to work, just to work and keep money flowing. A lot of people were trapped in jobs from 7 AM to 3 PM and then the way of life was delegated so that production was easier because then consumption was more consistent.

I felt that one day this had to change. However, as I worked on projects, especially in corporate recovery and crisis management, I knew that change had to be gradual, slow, lest an even greater catastrophe occur.

So, as a scientist, I first founded a new science called Dynamology. Dynamilogy is the active study of “living” processes and phenomena related to man and nature! It is a new branch of science that I formed based on physics, psychology, and economics.

It is decoding of nature’s secrets of a sort. If we look at nature, we will see that everything is simple, that everything works on its own. We often say that it would be great if it were like that in our lives.

Let’s examine a diamond as an example. The diamond is made of carbon. But graphite also consists of carbon. The difference between them is only in the atomic structure. If we transfer that to the economy, how much graphite would we have to sell to get the same value as if we sold one diamond?

The whole secret is, therefore, in the right structure. The natural code is the right structure. If we compare a business process or a process in personal life with natural processes, we will quickly discover what we are doing wrong. That way we will quickly come up with a formula for success. We just need to structure our personal or business life process properly.

And in the end, you will realize that happiness is just a decision!

The goal of dynamilogy is to raise a person above work and to reverse the course of the current chaos in the world.

The following models are derived from dynamilogy:

  1. The Dynamic Leadership Model, a business methodology that puts people first.
  2. The Dynamic Leadership Model for Administrative Systems on a Local Level, which puts the potential of the environment and people first.
  3. The Dynamic Communication Model, which is actually a refined flow of information.
  4. Sirius Personal Transformation, a psychological method of self-discovery.
  5. Sirius Business Transformation, a business methodology of process reform.
  6. Project Office, a form of enterprise organization in which the basic element is project and project management, which is a completely natural process.
  7. Dynamic Circle, an organization of one’s own life for accomplishing inner peace.
  8. Dynamic Leader, a New Age business profession.
  9. Dynamic Manager, a New Age business management profession.
  10. Dynamic Engineer, a New Age profession for personality-based process planning.

“I will not change my self-image to appear successful in the eyes of others.” Explain.

I trust myself completely, so I do not look at the outside world, I mainly listen to how I feel. Of course, I look at the reaction to my actions so that I can align my work with the current reality, but I never defer to others, nor do I do things to please others.

You are the Associate Professor of Public Management at European Center for Peace and Development, College of Peace est. by UNITED NATIONS. What are the trends you see today?

I teach future politicians how to run the world differently. That’s why I like to look into the future, because I see brand new, free leaders of the world who will be true to themselves and to nature.

What impact have you made during your career? 

My advantage is that I am true to myself and do not deviate from it. And because very few people trust themselves, they learn it from me!

“All significant things are short and simple – like this book.” Tell us about your book, Happy Us – Successful Us. 

In the richest country in the world, I teach people to be happy, so I see where the biggest problem is: with those who have everything materially. So I wanted to tell the whole world what it really means to be happy and what it means to be successful.

The book was also published in the US, where I had to adapt it a bit because they perceive success differently there than in the rest of the world. It can be found on Amazon.

What are the most important aspects of your book?

Before I started “selling the theory,” as an entrepreneur I created a lot, lost a lot, and then created even more.

Before I started “developing the theory,” I read numerous books, spent hours in the lab, and most importantly, experienced and survived many strokes of fate.

Before I started teaching the theory to students, I tested it countless times in practice.

The greatest secret in the world is revealed in it!


What do you wish as your legacy?

That people see and feel the true nature again.


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