Anthony Fenech is a culinary expert with a passion for innovative cuisine. Growing up in the heart of Memphis, Tennessee, his love for cooking was instilled by the delicious food his family cooked for large gatherings. Being raised in a city with a rich culinary history, Anthony’s fusion of New York and Southern cuisine has allowed him to create his unique take on classic dishes. From a young age, he honed his skills and embarked on a career in the culinary world. His innate ability to infuse worldly flavors with down-home goodness has made him a sought-after chef, and his creative twist on classic dishes is quickly gaining him recognition as a culinary mastermind. With his passion and creativity, Anthony Fenech is leaving his mark on the food scene and inspiring chefs everywhere to push the boundaries of culinary art.

Anthony’s passion for bringing people together through food is reflected in his impressive culinary career. With the distinguished University of Memphis Chef Award under his belt, and features in 4Memphis Magazine and other local publications, he has become a personal chef extraordinaire. Anthony caters to a variety of events from weddings and parties to cooking for clients in their homes. He also takes on the influential role of being a corporate chef for a local restaurant group, and offers consulting advice to struggling establishments. His culinary journey has led him to draw on personal experiences and travel around the country to create a unique mark on the food scene. Anthony’s aim is to provide food for everyone, regardless of their background or expectations. As he says, “food for your mood.” His ambition to match or exceed his clients’ expectations is evident in every dish he creates, leaving a lasting impression on all who indulge in his culinary creations.


What does your typical day look like, and how do you make it productive?

As a personal chef and restaurant consultant, I take pride in my ability to prioritize tasks and tackle them efficiently throughout the day. Whether working in a client’s home or coordinating menus for events like weddings and parties, I always make sure to have all necessary ingredients and equipment ready in advance. And as a corporate chef for a local restaurant group, I spend many hours working closely with restaurant owners and managers to find creative solutions to their unique challenges. At the heart of my productivity lies a deep dedication to my craft and a firm commitment to effective time management. By starting my day early and setting clear goals, I am able to deliver the best possible culinary experiences for my clients. And by collaborating closely with the restaurants I work with, I am able to contribute to their ongoing success and growth.


How do you bring ideas to life?

As a chef, bringing ideas to life in the culinary world is an incredibly thrilling and creative process for me. Every day, I actively seek out inspiration from various sources, whether it be a new ingredient, dish, or even a conversation about food with a friend. Once an idea takes hold of my mind, I become consumed with bringing it to life. Sketching out the concept, considering the flavor combinations, textures, and presentation, I then head to the kitchen to begin experimenting. This is where the real magic happens. I’ll try different techniques and refine the dish until it meets the standards of taste, texture, and aesthetics that I envision. Ultimately, bringing an idea to life requires a combination of creativity, experimentation, and a keen sense of judgment – it’s about turning inspiration into a tangible, memorable experience.


What’s one trend that excites you?

As a chef, I find it incredibly fascinating to witness how my peers are consistently pushing the boundaries and introducing new and exciting taste experiences to the dining scene. This trend is particularly inspiring, as it allows me endless creativity in the kitchen. But what’s even more exciting is how this trend reflects the evolving palate of the American diner. People are becoming more adventurous when it comes to trying new flavors and cuisines, and they are open to experiencing dishes that incorporate ingredients and spices from around the world. As someone who has dedicated my life to the culinary arts, this openness to diverse flavors and ingredients is not only refreshing but also encourages me to constantly experiment and create unique culinary offerings. In essence, this trend of embracing bold flavor profiles aligns perfectly with my passion for bringing people together through food and creating memorable dining experiences. It allows me to continually explore, innovate, and surprise diners with new and exciting taste sensations.


What is one habit of yours that helps you be productive?

As a chef, the art of planning ahead has become an ingrained habit that has helped me stay productive in the kitchen. From carefully selecting ingredients to prepping my tools, there’s no denying that a well-thought-out plan can make all the difference when it comes to executing a meal flawlessly. And while many may think that this level of preparation might stifle creativity, I actually find that it allows me the freedom to unleash my creativity with confidence. By anticipating obstacles before they arise, I’m able to focus on bringing new and exciting dishes to life without the added stress of last-minute scrambling. In short, planning ahead has become the foundation on which I can build my culinary creations, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.



What advice would you give your younger self?

As I look back on my life, I realize that the one piece of advice I wish I could have given my younger self is the importance of reaching out for help. For far too long, I believed that independence was the key to success and that asking others for assistance was a sign of weakness. However, I now understand that building a network of support, whether it be through mentors, colleagues, or friends, can be incredibly beneficial. By working collaboratively with others, I can receive valuable guidance and emotional support during challenging times. So, if I had to give one piece of advice to my younger self, it would be to embrace the power of collaboration and remember that seeking assistance is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of wisdom.


Tell us something you believe that almost nobody agrees with you on.

As someone who is passionate about the culinary arts, I firmly believe that taking risks is the key to discovering new and exciting culinary trends. Although it may seem counterintuitive to some, it is only through taking bold risks that we can truly innovate and create something truly remarkable. Whether it’s experimenting with unconventional ingredients or trying out new cooking techniques, the willingness to take risks is what sets the greatest chefs apart from the rest. While some may view this approach as reckless or unsustainable, I believe that it is the risk-takers who will ultimately define and shape the future of the culinary world.


What is the one thing you repeatedly do and recommend everyone else do?

As a chef, I constantly find myself seeking new opportunities, staying motivated, and seeking new inspiration for my culinary creativity. One thing that I recommend, and I myself do, is staying in touch with other chefs and restaurant owners. I’ve learned that by keeping these connections, I can keep myself informed and inspired with new ideas and techniques while keeping my network open to collaborate with other professionals. Constantly staying in tune with what other chefs are cooking up is not only refreshing but also a great way to develop new relationships in the field. Keeping an open mind and an open line of communication in the culinary space has been a game-changer for me and is something that I will continue to value in my career.


When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, what do you do?

Whenever I feel myself becoming overwhelmed or lacking focus, I have a reliable strategy that helps me take charge and get back on track. I like to concentrate on a few familiar tasks or routines that I find comforting and controllable. This method helps me reset and generate positive momentum, which then enables me to tackle larger tasks or refocus on my priorities. For instance, I might begin by organizing my workspace, tidying up my kitchen, or briefly looking over my to-do list to ensure I have a clear understanding of what needs to be done. These familiar tasks give me a sense of order and control which is incredibly calming during turbulent times. Once I’ve completed these smaller tasks and feel a sense of accomplishment, I’m typically in a better mental state to address more significant challenges or concentrate on my primary objectives. It’s a practical way to break down unmanageable situations into doable steps and reclaim the clarity and motivation necessary to be productive.



What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business or advance in your career? Please explain how.

One strategy that has been instrumental in helping me grow my business and advance in my career is the mindset of resilience and perseverance. I’ve learned that success often involves facing challenges and setbacks, and it’s essential not to give up when things get tough. Many people are tempted to throw in the towel at the first sign of disappointment or adversity, but I refuse to let those moments define me. Instead, I strive to push through and come out the other side stronger and more determined than ever. It’s in these moments of struggle that I remind myself it’s not about the destination- it’s about the journey. The journey to success is rarely a smooth one, but it’s one I’m willing to take. Knowing that every obstacle can lead to transformative opportunities for personal growth and learning, I’m motivated to keep moving forward. And by doing so, I am empowering myself to shape my own career, and ultimately, my life’s purpose.


What is one failure in your career, how did you overcome it, and what lessons did you take away from it?

One mistake that stands out in my career journey is accepting jobs as a chef that ultimately weren’t the perfect fit for me. At times, I was swayed by the allure of higher compensation or other attractive perks, only to find out later that the work environment or the role itself was not in sync with my values, abilities, or aspirations. It took me some time to realize that I needed to make the tough decision to leave these positions behind. Although it was difficult to admit that I had made a mistake, I eventually acknowledged that staying in a job that wasn’t a good match was not only hurting my professional fulfillment but also my general well-being. These experiences taught me a valuable lesson: evaluating a job should involve more than just monetary compensation or benefits. It’s critical to weigh whether the position matches your passion, values, and long-term objectives. By finding the right fit, not only can you achieve greater job satisfaction, but you’ll also be able to feel like you’re truly living out your career goals.

What is one business idea you’re willing to give away to our readers?

One business idea that I would love to share is creating a unique and memorable restaurant experience. I strongly believe that in this day and age, when everything is becoming more and more automated, it’s important to provide experiences that are personalized, unique, and easily remembered. This could be seen as a restaurant that features a different theme every month, that awakens all your senses, and takes you to different corners of the world. Or a restaurant where the chefs cook in front of you, using only fresh, locally-sourced ingredients, as you sit back and enjoy the show. There are a million ways to create a dining experience that is beyond just a meal.


What is one piece of software that helps you be productive? How do you use it?

I can confidently say that online ordering software provided by food vendors has been a game-changer for my culinary work. With real-time inventory updates, I can quickly check the availability of the ingredients I need and avoid any delays in procurement. It’s also incredibly helpful in monitoring price changes and comparing options from different vendors. What’s more, the software has eliminated the need for physical order forms and paperwork, making everything easily manageable electronically. The time and stress that this software has saved me cannot be overstated, and I highly recommend it to anyone in the food industry who wants to streamline their procurement process.

What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why? (personal or professional)

The best $100 I spent recently was a new knife. Having a great knife completely changes your success in cooking.

Do you have a favorite book or podcast (or both) you’ve gotten a ton of value from and why?

I always love exploring different cookbooks from my fellow chefs as it opens my eyes to new recipes and ideas.


What’s a movie or series you recently enjoyed and why?

A series I recently enjoyed was The Bear, it gave great insight to the culinary and restaurant world.


Key learnings: Write up 3-5 bullet points summarizing the key learnings from your interview.

-Advance your career with a mindset of resilience and perseverance.

-As a chef, the art of planning ahead has become an ingrained habit that helps chefs stay productive in the kitchen.

-Actively seek out inspiration from various sources, whether it be a new ingredient, dish, or even a conversation about food with a friend.

About The Author