Virtually anyone with computing power and basic programming knowledge could claim to be an expert in web development. Unfortunately, many people exaggerate or overestimate their programming capabilities and do not deliver quality web development services.

Indeed, professional web developers like Gary Matthew Payne can provide evidence of successful completion of a variety of high-quality certification programs. They can also show you work examples that utilize the knowledge it takes to deliver the best possible web development services.

Certifications help to prove someone has the knowledge, experience, and expertise needed to produce exceptional work, explains Gary Matthew Payne. They help to separate the true web development professionals from the amateurs. The following gives you a closer look at relevant certification programs.


Harvard CS50 Course Certification

One of the most intensive and skills-affirming certifications is the Harvard CS50 course. The online certification course provides participants with a comprehensive education in current programming and algorithm development.

The Harvard CS50 certification is a widely recognized accomplishment and requires course participants to learn:

  • Computer science and programming.
  • Concepts behind algorithms, abstraction, data structure, resource management, and other factors that go into web development.
  • Various programming languages, including CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.
  • Development and presentation of programming projects.

When web developers like Gary Matthew Payne can think algorithmically, they can also solve problems encountered with web development more quickly and efficiently.

Google Certifications

Search engines dominate the online and mobile consumer realm, and Google is the global king of search engines. Google certification courses are created with the assistance of industry experts who are active in their respective web programming fields.

Virtually anyone who has the time, inclination, and requisite programming skills could obtain Google certifications that include:

  • Google Analytics
  • Mobile sites
  • Search advertising
  • Mobile advertising
  • Digital sales

More than a dozen Google certifications are available and help affirm that the certificate-holder understands and has mastery of the various programming concepts that make web development work within the Google search platform.

Whenever looking for the best available web programming professional, you should request evidence of industry certifications like those obtained by Gary Matthew Payne and other successful programmers. The certifications elevate true professionals to the top of the industry.

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