Are you looking for an opportunity to get
Media Coverage?
Are You able to provide expertise or valuable insight within the areas of Business, Mindset, Leadership, Innovation, Lifestyle, Humanitarian work, Entertainment, or Performance? Then you might qualify for the possibility to be one of our next guest writers OR GET FEATURED IN Influential People News or in our JV magazines!
–Want to market your brand or be a contributing writer in an international News or Magazine?
-If you are an expert looking for more visibility, connection, creditability as an Influential People Expert, look no more!
-If you are a PR company looking for someone to market your clients, look no more!
-If you want to share some advice or tell us about you/your company in an article, look no more!
–Want to tell the world how awesome and influential you are? GET FEATURED!

Getting yourself featured in magazines, digital news, and blogs can lead to more exposure and help to raise the profile of your brand. For some online sellers, press features have proven to be even better than SEO at getting customers to their business. But what’s the best way to get your message in front of journalists, media, magazines, and bloggers?
Being an Influential People Expert Council Member at Influential People News is considered as Experts within your field, and you will get the most visibility out of all your articles in all our channels. We feature all our Influential People Experts articles across all our social media accounts, websites, Joint Venture Magazines, sites, and we promote you as the “Expert”.

Share your article, get visibility, and become a part of the Influential People Publishing Team.
We feature all our Contributor articles across all our social media accounts, websites, JV magazines in the areas of relativity, Influential People News sites, and we promote you as the “Influential People Contributor”.
We feature all our Advertiser Ads or articles across all our social media accounts, JV magazines, websites (depending on the choices), news channels in the areas of relativity, and in our Influential People Media sources.
Now you have more options to choose how you want to advertise yourself and your business.
- Ad placement
- Article with Ad
- Inside Feature with full page ad
- Cover and back cover Feature
- Interview feature
- Book Ad
- Business Directory
- Business Card
- and more…

Get more visibility, credibility, exposure, and connection for your clients.
Distribution Network
Your client story is syndicated to our network of businesses, readers, clients, sponsored magazines, and news outlets to increase your client presence online and in search.
Client Featured
Get your clients featured on Influential People News, Influential People Magazine, Influential Doctors Magazine, International Fitness Fashion Magazine, Business Marketing Magazine + our quality joint venture/sponsored publications.
Targeted Distribution
We will share with our journalists your client article, news, and industry.
Multi-Network Distribution
Influential People New’s comprehensive network provides options to ensure your client press release is distributed to the right audience at the right time through the right medium.
Direct Journalists Viewers
Our database of media contacts allows us to find and directly pitch your client story to our media outlets covering your client’s industry.

From Our Founder
Why Choose to Market Yourself With Us?
We are an inspirational, and influential marketing/promotional News and magazine source. We strive to help you succeed! Put your trust in us and watch your business grow. We have testimonials from clients all over the globe that put their trust in us and watched their business skyrocket.
Influential People Media takes every client and contributor seriously, we listen to every detail and make sure you get what you want in the end.
Influential People News is fast-growing global News source that focuses on the topics of business, leadership, innovation, entertainment, lifestyle, humanitarian work, fitness, fashion, Doctors, health, wellness, finances, Wealth Planning, events, and more….
We officially launched in 2009 then relaunched in 2014, IPM is growing very quickly worldwide with over one million viewers and has many amazing and big profiles and celebrities coming this year.
We currently have about 20,000+ organic reach and about 90,000+ media reach (within each target market), over one million viewers, and we’re growing by the day.
However, the reach is not even the biggest possibility here…. Brand-Building is!
Praesent sed lobortis orci. Cras a magna facilisis, tempus velit sit amet, mollis ligula. Morbi dignissim ut nisi sit amet sollicitudin. Integer convallis tellus at sodales dignissim. Nunc ut scelerisque lectus, non maximus dui. Integer molestie non neque et dapibus. Morbi turpis ante, pellentesque a tempus eu, sollicitudin eget purus. Vivamus a erat vel ipsum luctus consectetur. Phasellus tincidunt, enim sed ornare sodales, sem urna elementum tortor, eu tincidunt lorem ex ac ex. Sed sagittis ipsum ligula, non vestibulum nibh fringilla et. Aliquam laoreet sapien imperdiet, tempus mi dapibus, egestas quam. Aenean sit amet vulputate ligula.
Curabitur dui elit, sollicitudin vitae enim in, commodo dictum urna. Maecenas nec vulputate ligula. Integer viverra nunc massa. Curabitur interdum, elit scelerisque tincidunt mollis, turpis ipsum dignissim mauris, sed facilisis purus felis sit amet ipsum. Etiam rutrum viverra diam vitae convallis. Vestibulum pulvinar vulputate magna.
Curabitur dui elit, sollicitudin vitae enim in, commodo dictum urna. Maecenas nec vulputate ligula. Integer viverra nunc massa. Curabitur interdum, elit scelerisque tincidunt mollis, turpis ipsum dignissim mauris, sed facilisis purus felis sit amet ipsum. Etiam rutrum viverra diam vitae convallis. Vestibulum pulvinar vulputate magna.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dignissim eget ligula vel commodo. Praesent ipsum nisl, posuere vel nibh nec, euismod pharetra risus. Morbi ultrices laoreet dictum. Praesent bibendum viverra varius. In hendrerit lacinia dui, in sagittis magna viverra a. Curabitur commodo placerat sapien, ut gravida diam rhoncus id.
We now have open spots!
Client Testimonials
“Being featured in Influential People Magazine was a wonderful experience. What an honor it was to be among the pioneers and visionaries that are bringing a message of hope, positive momentum, and excellence.”
“Well, this is something I never thought of, I never dreamed of, and furthermore, I really never expected… Here I am on the cover of Influential People Magazine! What an honor! It’s a great magazine, and hats off to Heide, the editor!”
“I am so grateful for Influential People Magazine featuring me! Since then, I have been receiving more speaking engagements. Thank you!”
–Lim Flowers
Frequently Asked Questions
Why marketing with us?
One of the things that we at Influential People Media, are very passionate about is this internet marketing that this world has taught us a lot about internet marketing, however, we thought there are some better ways to do it. In fact, they would say that no one is better than you. You have it inside of you, a story, and the strategy of how you would like it to be done for delivering your story to your audience.
What we are about to tell you about what is more important than anything else that you can learn about. As our publisher was told that “no one wants to hear your story’… Later we did find people do want to hear people’s stories to learn more about them and to feel inspired by them.
We found it never been easier to get your story out there, and that is great news! It was not hard to get people to hear the great news to get people to care. As you are a successful business owner and you have figured out how to help a lot of people with your product or services. Your products are changing people’s lives. Everyone is telling you that you have a great product or service, and everyone is telling you that you have nailed it.
Now you figured out that it is the time you want to create more exposure to inform others who have not heard about you yet. However you realized that you needed to make more money in order to hire more people to help you and you are even working more harder, putting more time in different project, and you realized it was time to change the ways you have been doing things, thinking to do more with the digital marketing and you know the future is online, however, you were built it the old fashion way through the great sales process, and everything you tried is not working. You tried email, landing pages, software’s, Facebook Ads, YouTube channels, podcasts, and others, however, it is not working; all of it is important, however, you felt you were not important to them until you get one thing right and it is the story. Your stories matter now more than before.
Think about it, about the ancient art of storytelling is so important and it has been with us the whole time being afraid to come out. It is all about how you connect with each other’s, even nation has risen and fallen on the power of stories. Religion, movements, and more are all started with a story, imagine it is now the digital age and all those internet marketing thinkers are telling you that it is a better time for you to get on with the business. The cost of getting your message out there online is publishing tools on Facebook and YouTube, now you can publish your videos and you can reach approximately 3 billion people with your phone, there has never been a time doing this where it is easy to get your message out there and that is the good news however the bad news is, it is not that easy since everyone now has the power to publish because everyone is putting their message out there as well and it was getting harder to get people to care about your business.
Listen to your message about how you can help them that is what I call a paradox of the digital age. It was not that easy for a business owner out there to get someone to care and listen. You can focus on the brand, imagery, business cards, letterhead, and how the products look, however, if you don’t get your story right to connect with your potential clients, it doesn’t work. It is painful, costly, and ineffective. If you think about storytelling and the power behind it. That is why it matters more now, that is why everyone thinks they have something to say and only apply the ancient art of storytelling with precision and power where you can reach and connect on a deeper level and that is when everything changes.
Why does it cost money to be featured?
Being featured on the magazine cover for a variety of magazines still plays an essential role in defining and sustaining a media brand that will capture the public’s attention through marketing. The cover feature is a concept that is ingrained into our lives as it will always have a place that reflects something about the culture, we live in. The cover feature is a powerful message for the readers. Paying directly through advertising or paying indirectly through tens of thousands of dollars on PR, Marketing, Promotion, and etc… it does cost money to pay our people to do the work!
Each magazine companies have their own methods…The typical cost is from $0 to $20,000 depending on the publication is local, national, or international, the professionalism, reach, target market, the size of your Ad, cover, or inside feature. You can spend as much as $500,000 to buy the inside front cover of some national magazines! Advertising in another magazine with national distribution will be expensive even if you are only advertising in the local sections. Influential People Magazine is an International Marketing Magazine company that will help you to advertise yourself, as you can see, we do charge less than national magazines. There will be people who go the great distance to spread the word of your existence to others.
Our publisher of Influential People Magazine and News used to work for Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Fashion Faces, and several other magazine companies, (where our professionalism comes) in her experience she has noticed Vogue (back then) charged close to over $7,500 for the feature package as they hire photographers, writers, editors, and etc… The same is similar to Cosmopolitan magazine however they also had a different method. Both magazines had their writer/editors write the stories, sometimes the stories do not come out accurately. With Influential People Magazine, the featured people have the choice to have their own article they want to feature in the magazine and they own their own rights to it as well. This helps with the accuracy of featured people’s stories and plus the reader will know it comes from the featured person and gives them a chance to know the featured person more before they decide if they want to use your product or services.
The biggest thing is that with Vogue and Cosmopolitan, we still love them and all the co-workers there. However, their methods are 80 to 90% Ads, you may have noticed it, every page is full of Ads and you come to the point of asking yourself “where is the article I want to read? There’s so much clutter of Ads!” That is one of the reasons why we wanted to reduce the clutter for our eyes and our readers.
Our main purpose is to have more positive educational articles to bring out our featured people with approximately 20 to 30% Ads in the Influential People magazine and on our website (where most of the traffic is.) As each person who is featured will have their own Ad along with their article as of promoting them at the same time giving more exposure and to help our readers/subscribers to know who they are and to learn. Therefore this does become like an advertisement in a warm marketing way and it helps to reduce the clutter of Ads for the eyes and mind while the cover & back pages advertise themselves.
We feature only people who are making an enduring impact on people’s lives around the world. We wanted our magazine to be educationally based on ‘How to, Did you know, Steps to, Tips to, educational or stories of their trials to success.” With their article of choice, they want to feature. Then we give the cover feature people a full-page Ad inside and back cover. We give our featured people value and deliver your value to our readers.
This is another reason why it cost to be featured on our cover package as we do pay our people, editor, designers, layouts, Ad designers, our company time, marketers (organic, media, social media, and websites) as it does cost money to pay them for the work they do for you and us. And plus, we do the work of marketing organically, virtually, website, and on social media along with our Joint Ventures. Our method is not like other magazines that give free cover features, where there is little value, we create a win-win environment for all the people we feature and build close relationships with others as well.
There are some magazines out there that offer the free cover feature, from what we have learned, the reason why they were offering free for you to in exchange to bring in more readers and exposure for their magazine since it could be new or lack of readers or low exposure, or (a fine line) offer free in exchange of bringing in $10k a year worth of business services or products to their business, or it is a local magazine that you find in grocery stores or pharmacies., Normally most magazines companies would not include your contact information’s, website, social media, any other kind of backlinks to your pages or none at all and most are a few times a year publications, and/or some don’t have value in their magazine or some just plainly lie to make them look bigger.
What is the requirement guidelines for submission?
- Send articles in MS Word or PDF document. .doc or .pdf file to Influential People Magazine in an attachment, do not embed it in the email.
- All articles/stories/contents must be professionally edited for grammatical errors BEFORE submission.
- Send unpublished images in High Resolution (300DPI) uploaded to Dropbox email address: (Please adjust image size to no larger than 5MB)
- Or can send to our email Influential People Magazine, in an attachment, please do not embed it in the email.
- The 300DPI and all colors should be processed in cyan, magenta, yellow, black. NO PANTONE OR SPOT COLORS
- Images must be in .jpg or .png file.
- For email: (Subject line) IPM Submission. Please include Your Name (First & last) and Email (for us to contact you.)
- All articles/content, credits, bio, interviews must be in .doc or .pdf file, no zip files.
- No nudes and seductive imagery will be considered for publication.
- Please DO NOT SUMMIT ZIP FILE FOR PREVIEW. – Submission rejection
- No email file above 15MB. Do NOT embed images in the email. – Submission rejected. Send as an attachment.
- Consider various distances, outfits, poses and setting for layout purposes.
- Submission should show – off your whole team’s best work- photographer, make up artist, hair stylist, and etc… If any.
- Send team credit information- Website link to their business, name, job title, and profile picture. Affiliate links are ok if they are short.
- Prepare all team credits & photographer’s permission required (Submission acceptance form) when approved, no embedded credit on images will be accepted.
- Please, no press release article. As your article would lead people wanting to know more about you.
- Due to a large number of monthly submissions our team does its best to review submissions and reply in a timely manner
If you would like us to edit your article, our editor can help you with a minimal fee. Contact us at: Influential People magazine with “Would like article edited” in the subject line. Then we will connect you to our editor.
We are accepting more contributing articles and images on and about, featuring you or someone. Please include your website and/or social media links to your business or that someone’s business. (Please do not send articles about selling yourself or products. If you want to advertise yourself or your business or products, you can refer to our link “advertise with us.)
Please follow the rules as shown above for guideline submission.
Requirement what we will need from you:
- An Article The article can be on “How to’s” or “Tips to” or “Did you know” or “Steps to’s”… or your educational story or inspirational story or life learning lesson story or your personal story the journey of trials to your success to where you are making an enduring impact on people lives. (your story behind the rise, the inspiration, where you got your drive and determination) or…story of people who are invisible hero who is making an enduring impact on people’s lives. (Please No press release)
- NO Press Release story, because your article will make people want to know more about you and they will find you with your backlinks.
- Any articles based on (See below “Article List”)
- Can be unlimited words & characters up to 1.5 pages long with font size 9 text.
- All articles must be professionally edited before submission. This helps us with our time to get the magazine published on time and save more time for our editors.
- Profile picture (send at least 5 for us to review and choose for the cover & profile), – All in 300dpi resolution, no lower than 175 resolutions.
- Short mini-bio of you- for our readers to know who you are and what you do.
- Backlink – to your website & social media links we are featuring, This will give you more exposure to your business or book or program as well.
- Any pictures you would like to feature up to 3 to 5 can be placed, (send at least 5 to 10 for us to pick which one we chose to feature) depending on the space left.
- Your mini short Ad with backlinks to your page.
- Any information you would like to place on your ad.
- All pictures must be in 300dpi resolution.
- We can not accept photos of selfies (we say no to duck-lips) from your cell phone or snapshot camera OR submit your images through Facebook or Instagram or messaging apps since it compresses images to fit their format, yes, even Facebook, the dpi resolution is very low range from 32 to 96; which means all the pixels are blurry. Images submitted to us must be high quality for publication these should be 300dpi resolutions. Most Professional Photographers know how to do this.
- Up to 2 pages of text.
- Due by the 15th of each month. (The latest is the 20th)
- Lastly…since we will be helping you to give exposure for you and your business, we would love to have you help to share the magazine link and screenshot of your article with others as we do marketing and etc… for you, while you are helping us as well. We will send you a copy of a tear sheet and the link to the magazine for you to share once the magazine is published.
- We are excited to get your name(s) and work exposed through our network! Please include your current social media (Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook) information.
***All we ask for is to help us back by driving people from your social media to our magazine link. We will send you the link and screenshots when the magazines are published online.***
All payments are due at the time of the order through our PayPal.
Disclaimer: Submitting your work does not guarantee your work will be featured in the magazine.
Written content is also accepted for content. If you are a journalist or blogger or other, we are happy to consider your contribution interviews, tips & tricks, event plus travel. We can and will include your website or business contact information links in the magazine for your contribution to help to give you more exposure for your business.
We are not responsible for hard copies of the issues(s) you are contributing to. The Influential People Magazine publication is a platform for you to show and tell about your team’s creative concepts and showcase your talent/skills by creating exposure for you and your business. Tearsheets are available upon request. (Normally we do send you a copy once the magazine is published, in case, you can email us.) Send a request to Influential People Magazine (Subject line) TEARSHEET REQUEST, Issue month, volume number, and your name.
The submission form will be sent for completion of all approved submissions for notification, permission, and networking/promotional purposes.
What article types we look for?
Article Information on what we look for to feature in our Magazine:
Influential People Magazine: Inspirational stories of People who are making an enduring impact on people lives relating to Self-help, Education, Business, Leadership, Wealth, Financial, Invisible Heroes, Motivational, Sales, Entrepreneurship, Fitness, Training, Fashion, Modeling, Health, Lifestyle, Medical, Entertainment, Celebrities, Public speaking, Coaching, Training, Success methods, Media, and the like…
- Articles can be on: Any topic on “How to” …or “Did you know” … or “Tips to” … or “Steps to” …or… your educational story… or …your journey of trials to success to where you are making an enduring impact on people lives (your story behind the rise, the inspiration, where you got your drive and determination), or…story of people who are an invisible hero who is making an enduring impact on people lives.
- Please follow our Submission Guideline/Requirement for your article to be accepted. Submission Guideline
Get a Free Quote -or- Ask a Question
Here are some of our partners:
– Influential People Magazine is a monthly digital and print on demand publication aiming to showcase, spotlight, and brand the best and brightest individuals in entrepreneurship and humanitarian work across the world. A magazine looking to celebrate and brand diverse leaders, celebrities, businesses, entrepreneurs, and humanitarians while providing high-end luxury value to a wide audience community that uplifts one another for their innovation, humanitarian work, and thought-provoking leadership in business.
-Influential Doctors Magazine is a monthly digital and print on demand publication aiming to showcase, spotlight, and brand the best and brightest doctors in entrepreneurship across the world. A magazine looking to celebrate doctors while providing high-end luxury value to a health-conscious audience community that uplifts one another for their innovation, humanitarian work, and thought-provoking health-related articles.
-International Fitness Fashion Magazine is a monthly digital and print on demand publication aiming to showcase, spotlight, and a confluence for emerging artists to be discovered and featured. It brings the vision of the industry by creating a marketplace and informative resource for the fashionistas, trend chasers, subscribers, agents artists, and more while providing a platform for exposing international creativity and excellence.
-Business Marketing Magazine (Coming soon) is a monthly digital and print on demand publication aiming to showcase, spotlight, and brand the best and brightest entrepreneurs across the world. A magazine looking to celebrate marketing and business experts while providing high-end luxury value to a business and entrepreneurship audience community that uplifts one another for their innovation, expertise, and thought-provoking articles.