My name is Oxana Lovich, and I was born in Russia. My childhood was filled with many traumatic events which helped me grow and evolve at an early age. At the age of 17, I already was completely on my own, and was inspired by my arising passion of acting. A strong emotional pain due to the loss of my parents was still deeply in my heart, and it influenced me to begin learning spirituality and psychology which opened my perspective on what was possible. After studying mind power, energy healing, Reiki, RTT, CBT and many other powerful techniques for years I began seeing outstanding results. I unconsciously started teaching and transforming all of my friends, and they have such amazing results, that deep inside I knew my true purpose was to help humanity evolve to their highest potential. That is when I seriously began pursing my career as a transformational coach.
Tell us about APEX Life Mastery. Why are clients coming to you today?
I believe that everyone is striving to improve their lives. We live in the world where self-improvement practices are easily available. It is no longer seen as something abnormal to work with a coach. Clients are coming to me because of my unique technique, many years of experience, and the success cases of my previous clients. My technique is different from other coaches, as I combine multiple practices at once. I work with all seven areas of life. I believe it is the fastest and the most profound way to achieve a fulfilled success. A fulfilled success is when you feel abundant while being prosperous. As you probably know that success doesn’t always come with fulfillment. That is why I teach my clients not only the success principles but also, I teach present moment awareness, heart-brain coherency, confidence, communication and relationships skills and intuitive abilities.

In your opinion, where does healing begin?
Any healing begins with discovering self-limiting beliefs and the challenges, which prevent clients to use their fullest potential. When we start working, I believe all my clients feel an immediate hope in their personal transformation. After the first sessions they stop feeling a victim of their life’s circumstances. They begin making powerful changes such as eliminating negative self-talk and self-sabotaging patterns from their life. They begin loving and approving of themselves. They become much better communicators and improve all their relationships. Those who have not yet discovered life’s purpose, discover it. My clients achieve success and fulfillment in every area of their life and eliminate any lack and negativity from their mindsets.
What differentiates you?
Some coaches only specialize and help their clients in one or two areas of their life. I do believe though that unless we master all seven areas, the results may not be as powerful. It is because when we, for example, become financially independent, but we can’t be fully present, our mind is just always running and creating a consistent need for more. If we attract the love of our life, yet our health is not at its optimal, we may experience less bliss and fulfillment in our relationships. If we achieved perfect health yet experience a lack in our finances, we may not experience life at its fullest. That is what I mean about having success in one or two areas. It is not a fulfilled success; rather it is a limited success.
What is the key to Reprogramming Subconscious Beliefs?
In order to reprogram subconscious beliefs, we should work directly with the subconscious mind. Those beliefs are formed when we were little children, and they reside in the subconscious. That is why sometimes years of therapy may not always produce outstanding results. While working directly with the subconscious mind using hypnotherapy, we reach those beliefs and are able to transform them as quickly as in few sessions.

How are you helping clients to become masters of their mind?
When you shift the attention into your heart and begin living from a state of unconditional love and appreciation, the limited self-talk of the mind no longer affects how you feel. That is when you become the master of your mind.
Share a few stories with us.
I met a client who was completely depressed. She was unhappy in her career. She was not able to attract an intimate relationship. Her motivation and health were not at its optimal. She was highly addicted to alcohol and prescriptions medications. We began her transformation with a hypnotherapy session, in which we discovered that all her childhood she saw a deep unhappiness in her mother which was drinking heavily and had a really hard time coping with every days’ responsibilities. She realized during that session that she became her mother as that the only behavior she saw growing up. She was immediately transformed when she understood that it was simply a learned behavior rather than her true essence. We have worked with her for a few months, and her life took a completely different turn. She began loving herself, stopped drinking and taking pills. She discovered her life’s purpose, and went to study to receive a proper education. She fell in love with life, and even reached to her mother to assist her oh the path of transformation.
Share your projects in 2022.
I am currently working on a book “AbunDance’’ The Fulfilled Path to Success which will assist the readers to create success and fulfillment in every area of their life. Additionally, I am creating a course which will provide additional exercises and hypnosis for those who would like to learn and experience the transformation deeper.