Copyright Chris Salem
Chris Salem
In today’s business world, it seems to get more polarized and divisive each year. It is a lack of the art of giving and receiving that creates this division and often prevents companies to play at a higher level, a sustainable way.
The energy flow of giving and take affects everything around you from your career, wellness, family, and even the amount of money you make. Life is about balance and that includes your business as well. If you stop giving to one area of your life, be it knowledge, healthy foods, proper rest, financial support, and love, that part of your life suffers and thus returns very little back to you.

What is the result? You have blocked the energy flow or circulation to return back to you. It becomes stagnant. Giving and receiving forms a circle and a circle has no end. For each area of our lives to thrive and grow, we have to give freely and receive with gratitude. Begin the process of circulation by giving what you most want to receive. Do you want to receive more abundance in the form of money? Give what you can with kind intentions, and with no thought of return. Do you desire more appreciation from others? Give honest compliments and attention to others by doing unexpected favors. fidence to know what you send out will return to you. Give for the sake of giving, and your life and business will overflow with abundance and prosperity. To your health & prosperity, ~Christopher Salem
Christopher Salem is an Executive Coach, Corporate Trainer, and Professional Speaker mentors C-Suite, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals to build and protect their brands by raising their level of influence as trusted advisors to maximize their results. He also works with companies to create an interdependent work environment and thriving culture through a growth mindset foundation, effective communication, transparent leadership, and higher engagement. His book Master Your Inner Critic / Resolve the Root Cause – Create Prosperity went international best seller in 2016. He also co-authored the recent edition to “Mastering the Art of Success” with Jack Canfield. His weekly radio show Sustainable Success is part of the Voice America Influencers Channel.
Chris Salem Christopher Salem @WHealthteam Christopher Salem ChrisrSalem