by Tony Durso
Keep Reaching Out
To be successful at all in any way, shape or form, you have to keep reaching out. It is the salesperson who must approach the potential customer. Otherwise, the customer will never know where to get that product. If you did not know where a car dealership existed, and you could not find one on the Internet, then you would be very happy to get a communication from a car salesperson to let you know how to get a vehicle, correct?
You must reach out on a constant, never-tiring basis, to let the potential customer know who you are, where you are, and that you have what he or she needs. Frankly and truly, the more consistently you reach out, the more sales you are going to get. There is actually an algorithm here: the number of people with whom you speak to about your product will result in some proportion of sales. The dynamics of this equation are determined by the adherence to the procedures in this book. This point will shortly be covered from another angle.
You have heard it said that sales are a “numbers game,” which is true, but that is a shallow statement. There is so much more to it. A salesperson, not knowing the procedures in this book, could make a thousand phone calls to potential prospects and make only one or no sales. “Reaching out” is a part of the hat of a successful person and cannot be overlooked. But it is not all that makes you great in your trade. There is a very important step to practice when you are “reaching out,” and that is to make a record of your new contacts.

Let’s Put This in Perspective Another Way
Let’s take John.
His Vision is to be a key player in the social media-helps-businesses-get-key-info-they-need type of company. He wants to be a key player in this industry. He gets an idea. He develops a rudimentary app to help people deal with social media, allow them to focus on the most relevant topics, and to enable them to anchor their company information or pitch, along with what is hot. He calls it “Social-Eye.” John’s Purpose is to help companies position themselves with hot topics and to benefit from popular trends.
OK. he writes up his Purpose.
To Help Companies Position Themselves with Hot Topics and Benefit from Popular Trends. All right. Now, what’s his Long-Term Objective?
Well, in about 3-5 years he wants to get his application cemented in Fortune 1000 companies and with a strong foothold in the US and Europe. With his application in use for his company, he can do that.
His Long-Term Objective is:
To gain a strong foothold in Fortune 1000 companies in the US and Europe.
But it needs a little more. John realizes the objective has to tie in sales of his product. He re-works it to read:
Fortune 1000 Companies in the US and Europe Utilizing Social-Eye to Benefit from Popular Trends.
There, that ties in sales, productivity, and income. Now he’s happy. John writes up his Master Plan, including a section on Strategy and on the Tactical actions he will accomplish to achieve his 3-5-year Objective.
Next, John uses the Major Tactical Steps to work out his daily, weekly and monthly action list of Things-To-Do (Action List).
Next, John works on the Action List. He writes out a list of key actions he is going to accomplish on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, that is in alignment with his Strategic and Tactical Plans.
All right. Now, John is all set. He knows where he wants to go with his Vision, he has his well-defined Purpose, a clear Long-Term Objective, a well-written Master Plan that includes the Strategic and Tactical Steps to take. And now, he has his Action List of what to accomplish by day, week and month. By this John now has everything in place needed to accomplish his Long-Term-Objective.
John takes on a temporary tech guy to help him work on Social-Eye features. John makes the new tech person read the Vision, Purpose, Long-Term Objective, Master Plan and Action List. Now they are in synch and working together for the common goal. Over time, John makes some sales and hires someone to administer part of Social-Eye for his own company, as well as clients. John has this new hire read the Vision, Purpose, Long-Term Objective, Master Plan and Action List. Now they are a group of three working together. Some work is outsourced to a tech company to write some specific code. John sees that the coder has his Vision, Purpose, Long-Term Objective and Action List in mind. Good. Now they are more synchronized.
John continues these actions each time someone is brought into helping the company from the inside or outside. And thus the group grows. The Social-Eye app continues to sell, and their presence continues to grow. Those are the basic points. You can drill those down and work out sub-actions as well as strategic and tactical. You can also do this by industry depending on your business. Thus, you can have a Marketing Strategy, a Technical Strategy and so forth. As your business grows, you can dial this in further and further.
Your business stands a much greater chance of affluence (strong business growth), and you can be a very good leader and manage any number of people if you make sure there is a good Vision, well-defined clear-cut Purpose, a cleanly stated Long-Term Objective of what the company needs to accomplish, and a Master Plan that contains both the Strategic and Tactical actions necessary to accomplish the Long-Term Objective. Apologies are given in advance for the following negative statements, which
are needed to help differentiate the key points.
Someone would not be a very good leader if they:
• did not know the Vision and basic Purpose of their company and what it needs to accomplish in 3-5 years.
• did not discuss the company’s Vision, Purpose and Objectives with those under their care. And do this on a regular basis.
• just let the company meander on its own, through time, doing whatever it wanted to do.
• assumed those under their charge knew the company’s Vision, Purpose, Long-Term Objectives and were in agreement with them.
You would be a very good leader if you:
• read out the company’s Vision, Purpose and Long-Term Objectives at the beginning of any group meetings.
• you made your decisions based upon the accomplishment of the company’s Vision, Purpose and Long-Term Objectives.
You would find yourself rising higher in the company hierarchy or earning a lot more money from your position if you look at the company’s Vision, Purpose and Long-Term Objectives on your own, and saw that your weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual plans aligned with that Vision, Purpose and Long-Term Objectives.
You would find yourself not only being a great leader but rising high in influence and income, simply by adhering to these simple principles. And very important: You would be a very good leader if you kept abreast of your industry, and related industry announcements, circumstances and events so that if necessary, you can modify or tweak your existing strategy in order to not
only stay in the game but capitalize on important industry changes in the future.
Remember that well: Stay abreast of any developments in your industry and industries that can affect yours. In the past, there were many enormously successful companies who never thought they would be out of business. You do not even hear their names anymore, despite them being the kingpin of their day. They bit the dust, so to speak because they did not stay abreast of changes and developments that could affect them. And today, with the rapid production of technology products, you really need to stay on your toes on this one.
Get Information to Employees
Remember: The point is to write it up and get the information to employees. And consultants and agents. And any outsource company that you work with.
In closing: You did not see or hear any mention of personality. Nothing was said about charisma. There was no discussion about charm. There was no talk about people liking you. In fact, nothing was said about a lot of things that you may have learned over the years, and in other books and classes.
These other points help you become better and help you get the message across so that it is better understood. But the basic message is the basic message:
By adhering to the company’s Vision, Purpose and Long-Term Objectives, you find yourself more and more aligned to being EFFECTIVE AND GETTING THE JOB DONE. More and more people who follow the Vision and Purpose will like you. Those that are lazy or just there to collect a paycheck and are not interested in the company’s Vision and Purpose will eventually disappear. They always do.
The new hires that accept the company’s Vision and Purpose will make themselves part of a bigger and greater team that is under your charge. Be fair. Be proper. Conduct yourself as best you can. But always make sure that you make your decisions based on the company’s Vision, Purpose and Long-Term Objectives and every single one of your superiors, your consultants, your agents, and your vendors will all consider you an excellent leader and the person to go to with their needs. This makes you indispensable!
Do these steps and you will find that you are an effective leader in this new age! You will Beat the Odds to Achieve Rapid Business Growth! Take your Vision and break it down into the detailed steps listed above. Take your time. Go over it thoroughly. Constantly reflect upon it. Constantly. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I truly hope that you enjoy The Vision MapTM and put it to good use! A lot of blood, sweat, and tears went into the production of this knowledge to give to you. Use it wisely and feel free to contact me for any assistance. An audio reading and a training class on The Vision MapTM is available and may be obtained at If you wish assistance on setting up The Vision MapTM for your career or business, email me at
~Tony S. Durso
FB: @Tony S Durso LinkedIn: TonysDurso
Twitter: TonyDurso

Tony DUrso was born in Sicily, Italy and came to the U.S. at age three. At five, he operated as a paper route boy in Chicago. For ten years, he gave every penny to his parents to help support the family and to pay for his education.
At nineteen, Tony made his way into the business world and learned through the school of hard knocks. He made impressive, record-breaking sales forays into real estate, collectibles, and other varied industries.
His accomplishments, among many others, include raising $3.25 million in a six-month period for a start-up business.
Tony’s latest and fourth book, “Elite Entrepreneurs” topped the Amazon Bestseller List at #2 on its first-day debut.
Academically, he graduated in the top one percent in the nation as a Summa Cum Laude graduate of La Verne University with a degree in Business Administration.
Tony is the self-styled “Dream Business Maker” and hosts the popular show, Revenue Chat Radio, which achieved over One Million Downloads in its first 2 years! Revenue Chat focuses on Elite Entrepreneurs who give their insight and best advice to the audience. This show is syndicated predominantly on iTunes and Mobile (open this link from smart device). Listen to Revenue Chat. Revenue Chat Testimonials
Tony also hosts a second weekly talk radio show, The Spotlight on the Voice America Influencers Channel, giving Tony a prime time one-hour weekly show. Voice America has a growing audience anticipated to reach 10 million. The Spotlight focuses on Hollywood Stars, Game Changers and World Renown VIPs who tell how they made it to the top, and provide their Best Advice to listeners. Listen to The Spotlight.