Tiffani Teachey is a Sr. Mechanical Engineer, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) advocate, TEDx international speaker, and international best-selling author of the children’s book, What Can I Be? STEM Careers from A to Z and two women empowerment books. She is the host of the Read It Right Radio Show on WDRBmedia. Tiffani is the owner of Thrive Edge Publishing and owner/publishing consultant of Inspired Authors Publishing. She helps industry and business leaders publish children’s books about their field to inspire children to choose the same path.

Jules: You are a leading STEM advocate, TEDx international speaker, publishing consultant, and best-selling author. What led you to a career in STEM education? 

Tiffani: My passion for STEM education stemmed from my upbringing and experiences during my formative years. My parents played a significant role in my career path. My mother’s profession as an educator and my father’s work as an entrepreneur influenced my love for learning and the value of hard work.

I attended a Math & Science Saturday Academy in middle school, where I discovered that engineering is all about problem-solving and critical thinking. My interest in math and science naturally led me to explore various engineering programs in college. I was fortunate enough to have a civil engineering client of my father’s suggestion that I consider engineering a potential career path.

Before my freshman year of college, I attended an orientation at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and had the opportunity to hear former Assistant Dean Patricia Tolley speak about her engineering journey. Her story inspired me to realize I could pursue an engineering career. I started as an undecided engineering major but eventually declared my major in mechanical engineering after taking an introductory class that allowed me to explore different engineering types.

My STEM education has given me numerous opportunities to make a difference in the world, especially in a field that needs more representation. It has been an incredible journey. I’m honored to be a leading advocate for STEM education, a TEDx international speaker, and a best-selling author, all of which have allowed me to share my passion with others and inspire the next generation of STEM professionals.

Jules: How are you inspiring the next generation to engage in STEM careers? 

Tiffani: I am inspiring the next generation to engage in STEM careers through my work as a leading STEM advocate, TEDx international speaker, publishing consultant, and best-selling author. My passion for STEM education and my STEM career has shown that anyone can excel in these fields with hard work, dedication, and the right resources.

As a leading STEM advocate, I am constantly advocating for more representation in STEM and promoting the benefits of pursuing a career in STEM to younger generations. My work as a TEDx international speaker allows me to share my experiences and insights with a broader audience, inspiring them to consider STEM careers and pursue their passions.

Additionally, as a best-selling author of “What Can I Be? STEM Careers from A to Z,” I am inspiring the next generation to engage in STEM careers uniquely and positively. I am providing young readers with an introduction to the wide variety of STEM careers that are available to them. By highlighting careers from astronauts to zoologists, your book shows a place in STEM for everyone, regardless of their interests or background.

My work as a leading STEM advocate, TEDx international speaker, publishing consultant, and best-selling author has significantly inspired the next generation to engage in STEM careers. My efforts show that STEM is an exciting and rewarding field with endless possibilities for those willing to work.



Jules: You are the Owner of Thrive Edge Publishing and owner/publishing consultant of Inspired Authors Publishing. Share your work and what you offer to clients.

Tiffani: Thrive Edge Publishing specializes in producing high-quality STEM children’s educational and engaging books. The company aims to inspire future STEM professionals by providing children with exciting and informative books promoting diversity, inclusion, and creativity.

Thrive Edge Publishing houses a variety of STEM children’s books, including “What Can I Be? STEM Careers from A to Z” and other books that cover topics such as robotics, coding, and space exploration. Thrive Edge Publishing is committed to providing children with the tools they need to succeed in STEM fields. The company helps children develop a love of learning and inspire them to pursue their interests and passions.

Inspired Authors Publishing is a publishing agency that specializes in helping underrepresented industry leaders create children’s books and deliver TEDx talks that inspire the next generation. The mission is to provide a platform for diverse voices and empower industry leaders to share their stories and expertise with a wider audience.

The agency offers various services to help its clients bring their vision to life. They can create beautifully illustrated children’s books, entertaining coloring & activity books, novels, and journals, tailored to the client’s unique needs and audience. The agency also provides ghostwriting and translation services, ensuring clients’ books are well-written and accessible to a broad audience.

In addition to book publishing services, Inspired Authors Publishing also helps their clients deliver a powerful TEDx talk. They work closely with clients to develop their talk’s content, style, and delivery, ensuring their message resonates with the audience and inspires the next generation of industry leaders.

Inspired Authors Publishing offers comprehensive services to help underrepresented industry leaders share their stories and expertise with the next generation. By providing custom publishing services and expert guidance on delivering a powerful TEDx talk, the agency empowers its clients to make a meaningful impact in their industry and inspire the next generation of leaders.


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Jules: Tell us about your children’s book What Can I Be? STEM Careers from A to Z. 

Tiffani: What Can I Be? STEM Careers from A to Z is an inspiring and easy-to-read alphabet picture book that teaches our next generation about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) careers. This book provides colorful illustrations of six diverse children representing various STEM careers (i.e., astronauts, doctors, scientists, engineers, etc.), helping children (5 to 8 years old) see themselves in one of the STEM careers and motivating them to shape their future through STEM!

What Can I Be? STEM Careers from A to Z is also available as a coloring & activity book, teacher’s guide, a guided journal, and translated into Spanish, French, and Swahili.

Jules: What are key areas in your book? 

Tiffani: Key areas covered in the What Can I Be? STEM Careers from A to Z children’s book include:

STEM careers: The book features colorful illustrations of six diverse children representing various STEM careers, showing children that STEM has a place for them.

Alphabet format: The book follows an alphabet format, introducing a STEM career for each letter of the alphabet, making it easy for young readers to follow along.

Inclusion: The book promotes the importance of diversity and inclusion in STEM fields, showcasing a diverse group of professionals, including women and people of color, breaking down barriers and inspiring children to pursue careers in STEM.

Motivation: The book motivates children to shape their future through STEM, encouraging them to explore their interests and passions and showing them the possibilities that await them in the world of STEM.

Overall, “What Can I Be? STEM Careers from A to Z” provides an inspiring and engaging introduction to STEM careers for young readers, showcasing the exciting and diverse range of possibilities available to them in science, technology, engineering, and math.



Jules: Do you have upcoming speaking engagements? 

Tiffani: Various upcoming speaking engagements range from serving as an Engineering Management Institute Black History Month panelist, International Women’s Day speaker, AuthorsUp guest speaker, speaking at schools, and many more. 

Jules: Share your vision for STEM education in 2023.

Tiffani: STEM education is rapidly evolving, and as we embrace 2023, we must continue to adapt and innovate to meet the changing needs of our children and society. Here are some potential areas of focus for STEM education in 2023:

Increased focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion: We must ensure that STEM education is accessible to all students, regardless of their background or identity. This includes providing equal access to resources, opportunities, and mentorship.

Emphasis on real-world problem-solving: STEM education should focus on developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation skills that can be applied to real-world challenges. This approach will help students see the practical applications of their education and prepare them for future jobs.

Integration of emerging technologies: As new technologies continue, STEM education should keep pace by integrating emerging technologies into the curriculum. This will help prepare students for the rapidly changing technological landscape and encourage them to become innovators and creators.

Influential People Magazine can be crucial in advancing these focus areas by highlighting the stories of individuals making a difference in STEM education. By shining a spotlight on the work of innovative educators, researchers, and leaders, the magazine can help inspire others to take action and push for change in their communities. Additionally, the magazine can provide a platform for underrepresented voices to share their experiences and perspectives, helping to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM education.

For more about Tiffani, visit her website at www.tiffaniteachey.com and www.iapublishagency.com. Free STEM gift at www.stemistheway.com. Free publishing ebook at www.publishtherightbook.com.

About The Author