By Susie Moore
Have you ever had the feeling that you’re not living your full potential and you should be? Does something feel missing? Do you feel like you’re drifting along, letting life happen to you when there’s something deeper inside of you, dying to come out? Is there so much more to you that you want the world to, see?
If you ever find yourself daydreaming about connecting more with your passion and even turning what comes so joyfully to you into a part-time profession (aka a Side Hustle), then you’re probably onto something. And what better time to get started than now, especially when the Side Hustle is the trend du jour? Today, more than ever before, it’s easier to begin that self-starting, entrepreneurial path.
Think about it. A good side hustle could solve basically all your problems. Seriously. For example, are you strapped for cash? Side hustle. Are you feeling unfulfilled by your job? Side hustle. Want to make a positive impact on the world? Side. Hustle!
Here are six clear signs that you should consider launching your very own Side Hustle and working towards reaching that full potential of yours (in your one precious lifetime!), pronto:
If you feel bored or stifled at your nine-to-five job, and you’re realizing more and more that you just weren’t built for cubicle life, it might be time to consider launching your own side gig. Even if you don’t fully quit whatever career you’re currently pursuing, focusing some time and energy on a passion project can seriously enrich your everyday life.
No matter how cool your office perks are, many people can’t handle the structure of a job that sets rigid rules, hours, and performance expectations. It can start to feel too much like school (or even jail)! If this rings true for you, you’re probably more of an entrepreneurial human than you realize.

Are you a natural doer? Self-motivated, energetic, motivated personalities make great Side Hustlers! When I was running my Side Hustle and working my full-time job, I’d write before work. I’d coach in the evenings. It felt great! I loved the ownership and security of the business being mine. In fact, in the beginning for me, it wasn’t about the money at all. It was about being my own boss. If you can motivate yourself, you’re 99 percent there.
And it probably involves solving a problem you see in people’s lives. Passionate problem solving is the cornerstone of all solid businesses. If you’re a natural problem solver who helps people with your advice, skill set, creativity, knowledge, network, and/or smarts, you’re a Side Hustler already, you’re just waiting to bloom (and your full potential awaits)!
If you feel there is an undercurrent of dissatisfaction in your life, it’s very possible that it’s due to you holding something back from the world. There is tremendous satisfaction and joy in being a creator and entrepreneur. You just know you have more to give than you’re currently giving.
Take note of who you look up to. If it’s Richard Branson, Victoria Beckham, Arianna Huffington, or anyone who has built a successful empire of their own, it may be time to strike your own path. Whoever you most aspire to be like is a great indicator of what’s inside of you.
Having a 9-5 job is no reason to not have a small business on the side. There’s also no such thing as job security anymore so it’s smart to hedge your income with multiple revenue streams. If a Side Hustle feels right for you, it’s time to get busy! There is no time to waste and a whole lotta freedom, satisfaction, and cash to receive into your life. And there’s no time like the present to begin.
However, you begin, if you’re consistent with your side gig, the sky’s the limit. I love what Derek Sivers says and repeat it often, “What’s obvious to you is amazing to others.” Don’t sell yourself short or overlook your skills. There are a million ways to make a living and the results are likely to surprise you. ~Susie Moore
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