Hello Influential People News readers please meet Freelance Journalist, Content Marketing Writer, and Licensed Massage Therapist, Dominique M. Carson. Dominique’s work has been published by Ebony, Sister 2 Sister, TheGrio, NBC News, Bleu Magazine, and Soultrain to name a few. She holds a Master of Science degree in Media Studies and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Italian. Dominique has interviewed over 100 celebrities since becoming a journalist ten years ago.

In addition to writing, Dominique also served as Program and Communications Coordinator for Man Up! Inc., a nonprofit organization in East New York, Brooklyn, and a New York State licensed and Nationally Certified massage therapist. Her overall goal is to ‘facilitate people’s lives through her work and hands.’

She is the author of Are You Still Down: The Story of Jon B.

Please enjoy our interview!

What sparked your interest to enter the media industry and what topics are you most passionate about covering? 

Dominique: My love for writing and media began over 20 years ago. I started writing at eight years old and it was a troublesome period in my life. Writing became a valuable tool when I was going through personal challenges as a child. My mother and my sister’s dad’s relationship deteriorated and it took a toll on me emotionally because I was still yearning for my first immediate family that fell apart. My uncle Ricky and cousins, Niani & Fatima influenced me to express my creativity on paper as a therapeutic source. I started taking writing seriously after watching Teen Summit on BET and editing my fourth grade classmate Erica Booker’s essay. My 4th and 5th grade teacher, Ms. Asregadoo encouraged me to embrace my artistic expression. I just knew becoming a journalist was a part of my plan and my destiny. With the help of my late maternal grandparents and mother, I started submitting poems and short stories to different writing contests and was honorable before I was a teenager.

After high school, my writing journey led me to attend and graduate from CUNY Brooklyn College with a bachelor’s and master’s degree. I love writing various articles but I would have to say features, health, lifestyle, and entertainment. I am more of a health writer since I am a licensed massage practitioner and massage is the career that is more of the forefront. I believe writing is my voice but massage therapy is becoming more of a calling on my life.

As a beloved and esteemed member of the press community, what have been some of your most memorable career moments thus far? 

Dominique: I would have to say Charlie Wilson. I love R&B music and I grew up listening to it. My grandfather was from Charleston and The Gap Band was one of his favorite groups. It was a dream for me to interview him. Charlie has done so much for the community, culture, and music. Even his awareness about prostate cancer is amazing. He is a powerful force showing that even though he is a veteran in this game he is still rocking and rolling. I admire his story and all the things he has been through. I had the opportunity to interview him three times. One of the times I interviewed him was in person and it was a long interview. Normally you don’t get a lot of time to interview celebrities. He and his wife welcomed me and we had a great conversation. When I interviewed Eddie Levert, my grandfather was reincarnated and he is the closest thing to Gerald Levert. The Isley Brothers and Carlos Santana collaborated together for the “Power of Peace,” and I interviewed them live at Electric Lady Studios. It was wonderful since the studio is named after the late guitarist, Jimi Hendrix’s song, “Electric Ladyland. “ I love interviewing legends because they paved the way for the younger generation of artists. I am just thankful that one of my media mentors, Gary Gentles, known as “G” recognized what I had to offer as a media analyst and a dynamic lover for music and entertainment.

What are you currently working on as of late as a journalist? 

Dominique: I submitted a contributing article on the Grammy award winning rapper, Pras’ and his role in helping a Malaysian financier launder funds and lobby U.S. officials in a kleptocracy case. I also wrote various articles for Preferred Health Magazine including vasectomy, Valentine’s Day, alopecia, and the stiff-person syndrome, the condition that pop icon, Celine Dion was diagnosed with which paused her participation in touring. I am working on my stories for Preferred Health Magazine for summer 2023. I was featured in Authors All Stars magazine for my work as an author and journalist under Taurea Vision Avant’s company, Show Your Success LLC.

What did your role entail as Program and Communications Coordinator for Man Up!? 

Dominique: I interviewed young adults for our youth programs, collaborated with Program Aides on several projects that highlighted social activism in East New York, Brooklyn, monitored the quality of service provided to young adults, evaluated work-site placement, and assisted in the development, recruitment, and procedures of the organization. I worked with adults and walk-ins on job etiquette, and soft skills in the workplace, critiqued resumes and cover letters, established relationships with employers that will help Job Development participants receive employment and/or training, and attended meetings & seminars pertaining to job development. During my time at Man Up! Inc, I received a citation from the New York City Council and the “It’s My Park Award,” from the Partnership for Parks for community engagement in my hometown, East New York, Brooklyn.

Please tell us about your journey as an author. 

Dominique: Before I was a teenager, my beloved grandmother, God bless her soul, told me I was going to write books and people were going to read them. She said you have stories to tell, whether it’s others or your own. Then, throughout my life, six others told me I was going to write a book by the time I was 30 years old, including my mother, late Gramps, Uncle Ron (Ducos), Aunty Kim, my mentor, Robert Scott, my god-brother, Jonathan. Prior to the pandemic, I had another book, a biography to be exact that had to be on the shelf for copyright reasons. But, I was thinking about an artist that I wanted to write about and I said to myself, I want it to be a male artist. I decided to write a book about Jon B because, for starters, he is one of my favorite artists of all time. When I was a little girl, I had a crush because I really respected his artistry and swag.

Secondly, I interviewed him so I already had a glimpse of his interaction with the press and that sealed the deal. I believe Jon B. doesn’t receive enough as an artist because he is multi-talented and knew he wanted to be an R&B artist before he entered the music business. Most white artists have to start off as pop artists before they can fully transition to R&B. Hence, they may have to be an R&B artist to get their foot in the door but Jon was not having it at all. Lastly, it was his fight to be an R&B artist that prompted me to write a biography about him and named my first published book, “Jon B: Are You Still Down.”

What else would you like our readers to know about you and the work that you do? 

Dominique: My ultimate goal is to facilitate people’s lives with my hands and words. I will continue to help others as a massage therapist and I will continue to write because it is my artistry and my voice. I want people to recognize my realness in being transparent as a media analyst and massage provider.

What are you most excited about for 2023? 

Dominique: I am excited for a few endeavors. 2023 makes four years that I am a licensed massage practitioner. I am so thankful to God that I’ve been in the field that allowed me to be a stress reliever through my hands. Within the last four years, I partnered with four different companies that allow me to massage for therapeutic purposes. I am also a Lead Massage Therapist for Green Leaf and Pebble, an award winning Med Spa for nearly a year, although I’ve been at the establishment for two years. I am also working on a book collaborative project with Taurea Vision Avant, and 18 other authors and speakers on entrepreneurship and business. The name of the book is “The Whole Entrepreneur.” It will be released in fall 2023 and will have a virtual and in-person conference about the book. Readers can preorder the book by clicking on the following link: https://dashboard.stripe.com/products/prod_NhiY6pPg6ADIHL before its’ release date in the fall.

Lastly, we would ask, what do you want your legacy to look like in the media industry? 

Dominique: I want people that I was not afraid to look weird and step out of the box, that I believed in my craftsmanship, write with accuracy, brevity, and clarity so you have a clean copy, and that it was imperative to take risks; you have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Keep up to date online:

Website: https://dominiquecarson.contently.com/

Twitter: twitter.com/domcarson
Facebook: facebook.com/dmc922

Instagram: instagram.com/domcarson90
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dominiquemcarson

About The Author