A confident dialogue between myself and my other half.
Old Self: Higher Self, I am eager to finally ask a question that has been on my mind for quite some time.
Higher Self: Assert yourself and express your thoughts and opinions without hesitation. Speak your peace with confidence and conviction.
Old Self: What is Virtue?
Higher Self: (smile) When the student is truly prepared to learn, the teacher will undoubtedly emerge. Once the student’s desire to learn is genuine, the teacher will vanish, having imparted all necessary wisdom and knowledge. Confidently, I declare that virtue is the habitual practice of acting in a manner that may be challenging for oneself but beneficial for others. It encompasses justice, prudence, temperance, and fortitude, and is synonymous with goodness. Therefore, it is imperative that one always strives for excellence in the pursuit of virtue.
Old Self: What makes these virtues truly good? What is the underlying reason or explanation for their goodness? Could it be that their goodness stems from God’s endorsement and love for them?
My understanding of morality is based on the concept of moral rightness and wrongness of actions. I firmly believe that whatever actions God chooses to love are inherently moral, even if they include murder, vengeance, pettiness, selfishness, aggressiveness, ignorance, lying, breaking promises to Him, harming others, and even harming oneself. If God has chosen to love all of these things, then it follows that they must be considered morally good virtues, right?
Higher Self: Divine Order and Divine Love are the fundamental pillars that underpin their inherent goodness. Without these two, goodness would simply cease to exist. It’s all about harnessing the power to transform your imperfections into Divine’s Beauty.
Yes. However, the way in which God operates is not as you perceive it to be. It is not within His power to arbitrarily determine what actions are good or bad. Morality operates in a way that is independent of God’s will. It is determined by the laws of karma and your own actions. You have been entrusted with the responsibility of your own life by God. It is up to you to ensure your survival, foster your personal growth, and undergo your own transformation. God has no authority over that matter. The Divine Law will discipline you in the same way a father would discipline his son. Neglecting your duties is not an option. It is imperative that you attend to them with utmost diligence and responsibility or continue to suffer in pain.
Old Self: I completely understand now that you’ve shed light on the matter. Your perspective is both profound and impartial, and I have no doubt that your words hold great wisdom. It’s time for me to focus on my own tasks at hand, but I am grateful to my Higher Self for providing me with such enlightening insights. I will take the time to reflect on your words and uncover the hidden gems of wisdom within them. Thank you, Higher Self, for your guidance. I look forward our next encounter.