Kentrell Parker, the CEO of The Art Within You has officially affirmed in taking on the most Moral Roles in Humanity as a philanthropist. She is ensuring her and the company make history and change lives. Every day, someone makes history and today Kentrell Parker is aiming for the stars. She initially stepped into her humanitarian role as a philanthropist on August 6, 2023. She was awarded an Essential Professional Development Certification for her courageous role in taking on the responsibility of protecting the young” says Staff at the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning.

 If there’s any imminent danger lurking to and fro when it comes to protecting any child, one shall always have the courage to stand up for that child. Whether that child is at home, in society, in school, or anywhere. Help The Art Within You protect innocent children by keeping them as safe as possible.
Kentrell stated “We must protect our babies by any means necessary.” says Kendrick and Runiel Parker, Head Security of The Art Within You.
This race has been going on for centuries and Kentrell has vowed to put on her cape and tackle any problems by transmuting them into powerful solutions for the betterment of life. The Art Within You has been fighting for human rights, injustice, equity, and change for the past three months in private. This company is indeed for the people.
Her heart is so big that she will literally give the shirt off of her back just to make sure that the needy’s needs were met that day. There’s not a beautiful soul that I have encountered before until I met Kentrell. She’s amazing, inside and out. Her character is unquestionable and yet inspiring.” says an employee for The Art Within You.
Her favorite quote is by Martin Luther King Jr. when he stated: “Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve…. You don’t have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.
The Art Within You is making a bold and loud statement when it says “You do not need any education, career, or money to serve humanity. This is the most valuable thing that anyone else can contribute and return the favor back to nature. This is morally more right than anything else in life.” says Naphateria Dorvilus, Management for The Art Within You.
Wayne Muller once said: “As we serve others we are working on ourselves; every act, every word, every gesture of genuine compassion naturally nourishes our own hearts as well. It is not a question of who is healed first. When we attend to ourselves with compassion and mercy, more healing is made available for others. And when we serve others with an open and generous heart, great healing comes to us.”


It’s all a part of life. This is what brings true happiness to Kentrell. The type of deeds she’s doing in the communities in Georgia. Kentrell displays her inner wisdom courage, resilience, effort, and humility when it comes down to serving the communities and others. As a person gets lost in the act of serving, somehow they end up finding out who they really are, according to the Family of The Art Within You.


The only thing that really matters in life is being courageous and making a difference in someone else life or in the world.


Congratulations to Kentrell Parker for her striving, dedication, effort, and courage in making a difference in the community and the world we live in. Thank you for your service, Kentrell Parker.


The Art Within You aims to earn success based on being a service to others and not at the expense of others. This is a duty and we’re pleased to do just that. We’re here to help and give others hope for a better life and strengthen families back together.” says Kentrell Parker, CEO for The Art Within You.


If you would like to join the movement, please contact The Art Within You by email, mail, or by phone.

Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, Giving Back to the Community, helping others excel, Humanitarian Congratulations Kentrell Parker for your Service


The Art Within You
Kentrell Parker

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