If you are going to be on the radio, you need to remember and make sure that you can bring great value to the audience and that means you want to always be on top of your game. With these 8 easy steps, you can ensure you will be the best radio guest possible.

1. Control Your Moods and Your Stresses

You need to make sure that you are not going to get angry and that means that you want to never let anything go awry on a radio show. You want to make sure that you are always able to keep things focused.

2. Do Not be False!

Make sure that you have great information and that you are sharing it with the audience. This means that you want to make sure that you are accurate and that you’re always giving the best information that is going to be discussed in the long term and in the short term.

3. Listen to Other Shows!

One thing that is very clear is that all the stations that are out there have their own style and their own content, so you want to make sure that you can get the points across that are going to be close to one another and are going to be important to the content.

4. Do Not be Sexist and Racist!

You want to make sure that you are going to be kind to people who are going to be on your radio show.

5. Re-Read Your Scripts!

You want to make sure that you are reading and rereading your scripts so that you are never allowing bad information to be put out to the public in advance. That also means that you want to make sure that the content that is going out is something that you can be proud of.


6. Be Ready Before and After Your Show!

You may have too much on your plate, but you want to make sure that you are well rehearsed and that you are going to always have a great result. You want to make sure that you are always completing all your paperwork as well as that you are ready for whatever may be tossed your way.


7. Be Proud of Home!

Wherever you are from, make sure that you represent. On the air, this is very important to make sure that you are going to make the right decisions. What that also means is that you want to know you are looking at all the information and sharing it with others.

8. Laugh at You!

You want to make sure that you realize that you are fallible and that it is important to laugh at yourself. If you do not do that you will never be happy with the results and in the long term, you won’t know what to do with yourself when looking for a solution in difficult situations and times.  ~ Melissa Hull


Melissa Hull runs two global media companies, Globex Media Group and E360tv. From leading her content creation team to hosting The Melissa Hull Show, Melissa has a natural ability to turn stories into impact, and ideas into strategies. Through a social media audience of more than 460,000 followers and growing, one-on-one coaching and her Global Media Membership,.

Today, Melissa speaks, writes and coaches on the grieving process by focusing on what’s possible after child loss. By sharing her story, Melissa unintentionally built a loyal and dedicated audience that paved the way for her to express her hard-fought lessons through various mediums, including The A.R.T. of Healing Membership, her first book, “Lessons From Neverland,” her award-winning artwork Melissa Hull-Gallemore Fine Art and professional speaking opportunities across the world.



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