Brian Gould is the CEO of Trulife Distribution and Trulife Marketing. He has an extensive background in retail distribution and manufacturing, which he uses to assist international manufacturers with importation, distribution, and promotions nationally in the United States. Gould is also the co-founder of The Dietary Supplement Import Association (DSIA). Brian is also a philanthropist who believes in giving back to society to fulfill his Corporate Social Responsibility. He has participated in different charity activities hosted by not-for-profit organizations and charity programs. In pursuit of this end, he also started a foundation called the Brian Gould foundation that is tasked with reducing global poverty by helping the poor, the less fortunate, and recovering drug addicts.

Gould’s interest in business began at a young age; since the age of 11, he has devoted most of his time to learning and assisting in the family business. Today, he continues this work by collaborating with international manufacturers to bring their products into the US market. In his spare time, Gould enjoys playing drums and tennis, traveling, exploring new places, watching movies, fine dining, and participating in gym and fitness activities. We had the opportunity to ask Brian Gould about his day-to-day, strategies and the founding of Trulife marketing.




What does a typical day look like for you?

Every day is different when you’re an entrepreneur. But in most cases, I spend my days connecting with customers and collaborating with my teams. I start by spending time in the trenches, working through upwards of a dozen pre-set Zoom meetings with prospective customers. I love the sales experience and spend as much time as I can on the front lines of my businesses.

In between those calls, I connect with my network of retail buyers. I introduce new products and discuss whatever new opportunities have arisen for their stores since we last communicated. And then, of course, I connect with my team. Every other day we have formal team meetings to go over and review potential new brands and product presentations. Apart from these, I’m constantly communicating with my individual staff members to make sure everyone is taken care of and we’re all on the same page.

How do you make your days productive?

I always start by taking my supplements, eating a healthy meal, and giving myself some time to gain a full head of steam. Then, I do my most challenging tasks between nine and ten in the morning.

After that, I work out at lunch to stay healthy and re-energize myself for the afternoon. I end my days by going over my to-do list. This resets everything so that I know what’s ahead of me when I wake up the next day!

Where did the idea of Trulife distribution come from?

I’ve spent my entire professional life (and even some time before that started) observing brand management companies operate. I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. Regarding those last two, there are a lot of organizations that don’t know how to manage a brand six ways to Sunday.

The idea for TruLife came from years of watching brand management groups mishandle their clients. I knew there had to be a more effective way to honestly and transparently help brands build awareness and establish themselves for long-term success. That’s what we work on every day at TruLife!

What is one trend today that excites you?

That one’s easy. Entrepreneurship is bigger now than it’s ever been before. The younger generation is embracing creativity and innovation in new and exciting ways. Every time I see a new brand or product or technology, it gets me excited. You can see the potential, and it’s exciting to think about the “what ifs.”

Add to that the growth of the U.S. market retail sector, and the sky’s the limit. That trending growth coupled with innovation gets me going whenever I think about it!

What’s your most productive behavior as an entrepreneur?

There are a lot of habits and attitudes that I find boost productivity! But if you’re looking for the most productive, I’d have to go with the ability to effectively communicate in every situation. Healthy communication — to both my team and clients, so we’re talking across the board — that’s a cornerstone of maintaining productivity and sustainable retail success.


I firmly believe in the practice of underpromising and over-delivering. Expectation management has a huge effect on momentum, attitudes — the kind of stuff that can quietly make or break your productivity over time.

What success strategies do you swear by that you’d advise anyone else to use?

Again, never take a formula without a grain of salt. You always need to adapt advice to your own situation. With that said, always having a plan in place is key. If you have a goal without a plan, you’re pinning everything on little more than wishful thinking.

What software or web service do you use for productivity?

There are tons of great third-party apps out there. My life runs through Monday and Pipedrive. A good organizational tool and a powerful CRM platform are absolutely essential for running a marketing and distribution brand in the retail sector.

What strategies helped you grow your business?

Network, network, network. If you have a network, always utilize those contacts to connect with the right people. If you don’t have a network yet, work on building one with the right people in your industry.

I also am a big believer in walking the walk when it comes to treating others the same way you want to be treated. Customers, non-customers, employees, acquaintances — it doesn’t matter who you’re talking about. No one wants to do business with someone that they don’t like or want to communicate with. Build real relationships. It makes a difference.

What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur and how did you overcome it?

Letting too many variables in my career remain in the hands of others. I trusted the wrong people at times in my past, and that seriously stunted my future. It even undermined it, and I’ve had to work hard to make up for lost time.

When I started my own company three years ago, part of the goal was to take control of my own future and true destiny. Seeing the success I’ve managed to generate so quickly has only reinforced what I already knew. If you want to succeed, you can’t wait for others to do it for you. You need to take the reins and do it yourself.

What is your favorite quote?

I wish I could remember who said it, but I’ve always loved the quote “Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.” It’s a tenet I live by every day!

What is one book you’d recommend anyone to read and why?

“Think and Grow Rich” is an entrepreneurial favorite, but I actually would go to another one of Napoleon Hill’s magnum opi. I firmly believe that his “The Laws of Success” is one of the greatest pieces of literature ever written. If you haven’t given it a read, I highly recommend that you do. Bring a pen and paper for notes, too.

How do you bring ideas to life?

That’s one of the great entrepreneurial challenges, right? To perpetually bring vision and brainstorming into reality. I think my best advice here is to write down your goals and then use that concrete expression of your thoughts and ideas to visualize them.

Also, the people you surround yourself with are critical in helping you achieve your goals. If you want to bring your ideas to life, make sure to surround yourself with the right people who have the skills and mental fortitude to complement your own natural skills and ambition.


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