Part of the preoperative planning for cosmetic surgery is mental preparation. Cosmetic surgery is a procedure that yields positive results, but it is also physically transformative. As with all changes in life, even positive changes can be challenging to adjust to. The more mentally prepared you are ahead of time, the easier the adjustment will be.


Ask Lots of Questions

Fear of the unknown can put you in a weak mindset. Arm yourself with knowledge about the treatment so you feel in control and part of the process. Ask lots of questions from your cosmetic surgeon. “I love it when patients ask me questions,” says Dr. Joan Grace Valina. ”That indicates to me that they are vested in their own care, which means they are taking things seriously.”

Be Realistic

Most patients are elated with their cosmetic surgery results, ultimately. But bear in mind that full results won’t be apparent until between 6 to 12 months after treatment, and sometimes even longer. You must give the body time to rejuvenate and heal. Cosmetic surgery is surgery, after all. Be mentally prepared ahead of time to see swelling and bruising in the immediate weeks to months after surgery. Your cosmetic surgeon will explain the details, but just know that your patience and following your surgeon’s postoperative care instructions will be rewarded!

Remember What Got You Here

Dr. Joan Grace Valina says that right before your cosmetic surgery, you may feel cold feet. This is when you need to step back and review the reasons why you opted for cosmetic surgery, to begin with. Think about how your feelings and self-confidence are connected with your appearance. Above all, make sure that you are having the treatment for your own reasons and not someone else’s.

Focus on the Future Version of Yourself

Next, think about how your cosmetic surgery may change your feelings and the way you see yourself. It’s okay to have high expectations; that’s a positive outlook! Try to envision yourself after your treatment. See how you have a spring in your step, and you can hold yourself high. Results are dependent on many factors, including but not limited to your nutrition preoperatively and postoperatively, anatomy, body shape, wound healing, postoperative care, and type of surgery.

Don’t Try to Clear Your Plate Entirely. 

Just like when you try to clear your in-basket right before you leave for vacation, you may try to clear your plate of all your obligations before your cosmetic treatment. It’s smart to clear a few days of your schedule after your treatment, of course, so that you can rest and recuperate. Most importantly is planning your postoperative care. Depending on what your surgeon recommends, you will need to be monitored for at least 24 hours postoperatively by a reliable adult. Healing will improve vastly when you have your close friends, family, and hired medical professionals to aid with your postoperative care. Follow-up care with your surgeon postoperatively is also very critical to guide you through the healing process.

Dr. Joan Grace Valina explains that the more relaxed you are mentally before your cosmetic surgery, the nicer the experience will be. Don’t worry, though. Your mental state won’t affect the outcome one bit. It’s just that with a positive mindset, knowledge in hand, and realistic expectations, the process will be much less stressful and much more enjoyable!

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