Constantinos Maniatis is a business expert and financial advisor who has worked in the industry for years. His passion for finance developed during his early years, which inspired him to pursue a career in the field. He is highly educated, holding a degree in Economics from a prestigious university. In his role as a financial advisor, Constantinos has helped countless individuals and businesses navigate the complex world of finance. He is known for his deep industry knowledge and ability to provide clear and concise advice. He started his career on the institutional bond trading desk at Merrill Lynch, where he worked for several years before moving to Morgan Stanley. While at Morgan Stanley, he teamed up with Morgan and founded Corps Capital Advisors, a Dallas-based wealth management firm that provides comprehensive financial planning and investment management services to individuals and families. In addition to investment management, Corps Capital Advisors offers risk assessment and allocation, wealth preservation, and performance reporting and feedback services to its clients. With over two decades of experience in the financial industry, Constantinos Maniatis is a well-qualified wealth manager who can provide comprehensive financial planning services to individuals and families. Aside from work, Maniatis is a philanthropist and loves to give back to others, He participates in numerous charities in his region and also volunteers his time and skill to help whenever he can.


Please tell us a bit about your business – what is your company about?

Corps Capital Advisors is a wealth management firm that provides comprehensive financial planning and investment management services to individuals and families. We work with our clients to identify their financial goals and develop a plan to help them achieve them. We also offer investment management services, which include portfolio construction, asset allocation, and ongoing monitoring and rebalancing. Our goal is to help our clients build and preserve their wealth so that they can live the life they want. We are headquartered in New York City, but we have clients worldwide. Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about our company or our services.


How did your background set the stage for your expertise in wealth management?

I have always been fascinated by the finance industry. As a child, I would watch my father manage our family’s finances, and I was always intrigued by how he made money decisions. This interest continued into college, where I studied economics. After college, I started my career in the bond trading industry. I worked in institutional trading for a few years before moving into wealth management consultancy. As a consultant, I help clients make informed decisions about their finances and invest their money wisely. My background in economics and finance has given me the skills and knowledge necessary to provide excellent wealth management advice. As a result, I can help my clients achieve their financial goals and build long-term financial security.


Was it difficult to get started?

It took a lot of hard work to get the business off the ground, but it was worth it. I was passionate about helping people grow and preserve their wealth, so I spent long hours building my clientele. I cold-called potential clients, networked at industry events, and even knocked on doors to introduce myself and my business. It wasn’t always easy, but I loved what I was doing, and it eventually paid off. Today, my business is thriving, and I’m proud to say that I’ve helped many people achieve their financial goals.


What is your vision goal for your firm in 2022?

Wealth management is a dynamic and ever-changing field, and my vision for my firm is to be at the forefront of innovation. In 2022, I want my firm to be known for its cutting-edge investment strategies and world-class client service. We will continue to attract and retain the best talent in the industry, and our clients will benefit from our expertise in managing their finances. We will also continue to invest in technology, ensuring that our clients have access to the latest tools and information. In short, my vision for my firm is to be the leading wealth management firm in the world, providing exceptional service and outstanding results for our clients.


What inspired you to start your career as a wealth management consultant?

After a decade of working in the financial sector, I was ready for a new challenge. I wanted to use my skills and knowledge to help people achieve their financial goals. So, I became a wealth management consultant. As a consultant, I work with clients to develop customized plans for managing their money. I often meet with clients facing major life transitions, such as retirement or divorce. My job is to help them navigate these changes and make sound financial decisions. I take great satisfaction in knowing I am making a positive difference in my clients’ lives. It is this satisfaction that inspires me to continue doing the work that I do.


Were there any difficulties you had while setting up your wealth management firm?

Setting up the firm was a learning experience. I had to wear many different hats initially, from accountant to marketing manager to human resources. It was a lot of work, but it was also very rewarding to see the company grow and thrive. One of my biggest challenges was finding the right software to manage our finances. There are so many options out there, and it took a lot of trial and error to find the one that fits our needs. Another difficulty was hiring employees. We were growing so quickly that it was hard to keep up with the demand, and we had to be very selective in who we brought on board. But overall, it’s been a great experience, and I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished.


How do you separate yourself from your competitors?

One of the ways I separate myself from my competition is by offering a comprehensive suite of services beyond simply managing finances. I also guide retirement planning, estate planning, and philanthropy. In addition, I work with my clients to develop a personalized investment strategy that considers their unique circumstances and goals. By taking a holistic approach to wealth management, I can provide my clients with a level of service that is unmatched by my competitors.


As a wealth management company director, what is the important takeaway (your goal) for the firm that you want people to know about?

As the director of a wealth management company, my goal is to provide our clients with peace of mind. We want them to know that their finances are in good hands and that they can trust us to provide sound advice. For this reason, we always put our clients’ best interests first. We take a comprehensive approach to wealth management, providing investment, estate, and tax planning services. Our ultimate goal is to help our clients build and preserve their wealth so that they can enjoy a comfortable retirement. We take pride in our work and take great satisfaction in helping our clients reach their financial goals.


What do you think it is that makes you successful?

I believe that three primary factors have contributed to my success. First, I deeply understand financial principles thanks to my experience and education and how they can be applied to achieve specific goals. Second, I can build strong relationships with my clients and understand their unique needs. Finally, I can provide comprehensive and customized solutions tailored to each client’s situation. By combining these three elements, I have consistently provided value to my clients and help them achieve their financial goals.


What motivates you to keep going in all that you do?

Many things motivate me to keep going in all that I do. First and foremost, I am motivated by my love of learning. I enjoy acquiring new knowledge and skills, and I am always looking for ways to improve my understanding of the world around me. Additionally, I am motivated by the satisfaction of achieving my goals. Whether it’s finishing a project at work or completing a difficult task, setting and achieving goals is a great way to stay motivated. Finally, I am also motivated by the people in my life who believe in me and support me. Knowing that there are people who care about me and want to see me succeed is a great motivator to keep going, even when the going gets tough.


What business books have inspired you?

Many business books have had a profound impact on the way I think about entrepreneurship. One of the most influential books is “The Innovator’s Dilemma” by Clayton Christensen. This book Changed the way I think about how new businesses can succeed by challenging established companies. In particular, it taught me the importance of disruptive innovation and how to identify opportunities for change. Another extremely inspiring book is “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. This book is about financial literacy’s importance and creating passive income streams. It taught me that wealth creation starts with having the right mindset. Finally, “Atomic Habits” by James Clear is a book that has helped me to understand the power of small habits and how they can lead to big changes. This book has been instrumental in helping me to develop better systems and routines in my business. These books have had a major impact on my thinking as an entrepreneur and have helped inspire me to create something special.


Do you have an important message you would like to share with our readers and entrepreneurs?

Starting and running a business is no easy feat. There are many moving parts, and it can be easy to get overwhelmed. I would advise entrepreneurs to keep going, even when things get tough. Quitting is never the answer. When you face obstacles, you must find a way to overcome them. Draw on your support network, and remember why you started your business in the first place. With hard work and determination, you can achieve anything you want. So don’t give up – keep pushing forward and chasing your dreams.




Interviews and PR by Matt Peters and Team.


About The Author