Exclusive Interview with New Emerging Influential Leader Cleopatra Fitzgerald
Cleopatra Fitzgerald is a Manhattanite born on February 16th, 1984. She graduated with honors from The City College of New York from Political Science and attended Hunter College. Fitzgerald recently graduated from the Institute of Metaphysical Humanistic Science.
She also graduated with honors with a Master of Metaphysical Humanistic Science, Specializing in Ufology. And additionally, she obtained a CPI making her a Certified Paranormal Investigator and Ufologist. Cleopatra is currently gradually completing her PHd in Ufology.
Fitzgerald is a global leader, celebrity, experienced in international affairs, Interfaith Minister, Fashion Model, and has participated in performing arts and arts in general. She is known for her adaptability and versatility to find resolutions to world issues to help humanity. She is advocating for cosmic worlds’ causes. Her mission is to make the world a better place in peace.

IPNews: Do you have any tips on how you made it through to where you are now?
- Be Grateful: I am grateful for the persons in distinct stages in my life who trusted, supported, respected, and wished me luck.
- Follow Guidance: For whatever I was completing, endurance and wholeheartedness guided me.
- Collaborate: I like being decently sociable, sincere, frankly verbose, compliant, and collaborative when assisting others or while working on projects, I learned from many.
- Believe in Yourself: Through the truth of faithfully believing in oneself.
- Stay Strong: Not to become discouraged and to seek alternatives.
- Get Involved: Not to be ashamed but to stand up for what is just and get involved in peoples’ worries.
IPNews: How have you become influentially famous, what is it due to?
Somehow most of my relatives help people and that is how I was taught since I was a child – they also emphasized the importance of being well-mannered and educated. Therefore, my efforts in research to psychologically comprehend peoples’ ailments and give them advice that would extend to them a more joyous resolution. I have dealt with persons whose personalities have ranged from bad-tempered, nosy, and grumpy and I have seen their disposition change just by conversing with them and being attentive to their history.
I have been given the opportunity many times by media in general, companies, CEOs, etc. to participate greatly in the public sphere. It has been a pleasant experience working with people who professionally made me realize the facets of the industries.
IPNews: How are you a people-person?
I want to share that I have committed my life to people from all statuses, lifestyles, religions, races, and backgrounds from an early age. I have lived all my life in Manhattan, NYC. I have attended public, religious and private schools. Attended Hunter College, Graduated from CUNY college in Harlem. Have visited all the boroughs and many cultural enclaves.
In view of my multicultural family and ancestry and various languages learning, and as an interfaith minister, I can relate to anyone regardless of who they are. I am nonjudgmental and I will listen to everybody that needs help.

IPNews: Do you have any message you would like to share with our readers?
Life is precious since it is a unique gift created by a supernatural being for a purpose. Humans have not yet found the capabilities to invent life.
Lifespans here on Earth are short and there is so much hatred, ignorance, wars, crimes, etc -instead there should be happiness, peace, love and to help one another. Regardless of differences we can think of better ways to overcome conflict and bring about optimistic unity.
IPNews: You are a fashion model, can you share with us about the fashion industry you are involved in?
My relatives have passed on hereditary, nostalgic, cultural, traditional family values which we share such as etiquette, honoring nature and life in all its forms. Therefore, when modeling I have blended eras, cultures, perspectives, and raised awareness of global causes.
I had received all kinds of proposals including modeling proposals. I work on various projects which are completed gradually and are for the improvements to society.
IPNews: You mentioned that you are a certified paranormal investigator, can you share with us about your work?
My research on the paranormal comprises of everything I have learned and my experiences on the topics. I am utilizing my training in a positive manner to shed light on both benign and evil spiritual, supernatural entities and extraterrestrials.
My research and findings hopefully will help persons who are concerned or unaware of the paranormal.
IPNews: What piqued your interest in the paranormal and ufology?
Throughout my elementary up to college years I have completed courses on: “Psychology, Philosophy, Astronomy, Religion, Mythology…” and those courses which I enjoyed had many similar themes found in Metaphysics (Paranormal & Ufology). Thus, I wanted to study more in depth. Since an early age I was familiar with paranormal/ufology topics. As an interfaith minister it is my responsibility to be aware of diverse religions credence or supernatural phenomena. To aid with benevolence for the audience to be alert on those topics. In my press releases and past campaign I have mentioned Metaphysical themes.
IPNews: What political party do you most align with and what led you to lean that way?
As I have discussed in other interviews or press releases before, I have changed political parties thrice in the order as follows Democrat, Independent, Republican, and Democrat currently, and I have voted in favor of diverse parties (swing voter). The ideologies inherent in each party can be appreciated if one researches their concerns. There were instances where contrasting parties were civil and others when seemed antagonistic.
One can see how political parties have transformed themselves, become defunct, and politicians create new parties, other countries, and regions have no parties, one, two, or multi-party systems. Those running for office might have changed parties throughout their lifetime.
My perspective is that I am open to beliefs, and I do not judge each party’s principles.
If you take an online quiz “What is your political ideology quiz, what is your political leaning, what political typology quiz, political compass, personality quiz, etc.” you might be surprised that you might get different answers just by the way the questions are shaped.
If political clubs, associations, conventions, and so on are biased and impolite it can lead to members breaking away from the party. I am a conglomeration of ideas -nonetheless, I am veering toward the Democratic freedom principles including freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and freedom of association. I value the liberties on which USA was founded and it is a pity when American civil liberties, privacy rights, and civil rights are breached. Notably, civil liberties, protests, and media make people acquainted with those violations. I respect that the USA is defined as both a Federal Democratic Republic or a Constitution Republic and Representative Democracy. I opine that each party brings novelties to repair society. Likewise, I have researched political parties/ideologies globally and each has its utility and strategies to improve their zones.

IPNews: You have been advocating for a long time for human rights. How important is freedom of speech or freedom of expression?
I have researched that in conformity with each country’s laws, policies, religion, tradition, and administration -the term takes divergent meanings and degrees of tolerance. Usually, when freedom of speech is restricted it is because those that are in governance do not want the exposure that might reveal the failures and abuses of their system. Anyhow, when the world uncovers their oppression through outlets -then, human rights organizations, networks, coalitions, whistleblower support organizations, commissions on ethics, international anti-corruption groups, activists, and so forth lead in requesting immediate changes. Nonetheless, the laws do often protect against hate speech, obscenity, libel, slander, defamation, malicious gossip, rumor-mongering, false statements, violent speech, cyber-libel, and speech that is hostile.
Free speech is important when citizens, immigrants, tourists, and other categories want to discuss the maladies in the zone so that people can live peacefully and civilly. There are indexes that rate a country’s progress on freedoms. Even so, the ratings might not be accurate because it is taken through samples, and surveys and do not encompass all situations. Several indices are the Press Freedom Index, Freedom of the Press (Report), Freedom in the World, Freedom in the Net, World Press Freedom, Global Peace Index, and innumerable more which companies, and organizations create in tandem with maps, graphs, charts, and data as a reference.
IPNews: Do you believe in fairer laws, and policies for minorities, disabled, and other marginalized groups?
I consider that marginalized communities or individuals are unfairly ostracized from the advantages of the majority or those with easy access. These marginalized groups are discriminated against for factors such as “race, culture, religion, lifestyle, gender, age, disability, non-citizenship, language barriers, etc.” During the pandemic, these same groups were the most vulnerable to poverty, abuse, underrepresentation, unemployment, health conditions, and devoid of resources.
These systematic inequalities are costing millions to trillions globally depending on what each group is undergoing.
Political inclusion which helps them participate in politics can give them a voice in the political process and the judiciary system. The laws and policies need reform and to be enforced not just to keep constructing laws evading by those in office. The international, national and local communities can convene and converse in forums: types of investments, funding, donations, policies, educational distribution, initiatives in promoting equal rights, and improving rights.
IPNews: How do you feel about gerrymandering across the United States? Do you believe it is a major issue in New York?
Gerrymandering has a far-reaching history in the US, its name is said to have begun in the 1800s by US settlers. I believe this is going on with different tactics here in New York and it happens internationally as articles say. For instance, the main political parties want to remain at the top whereas the minor parties are involuntarily pushed aside and even disbanded because of limited resources and dishonest means.
Vote buying, vote selling, electoral fraud, voter suppression, and election manipulation have become a gigantic illegal business and they vary in techniques – basically influencing or determining the election outcomes. Examples are: When voters are bribed to vote, when candidates have questionable donors, enter fraudulent ballots, when candidates ask voters to vote in exchange of favors., all these and much more are grounds of corruption that denies the people of political integrity.
Despite that, the methods might not always be against the law, but they show considerable bias and impartiality. We can observe legal and illegal like in media coverage favoritism, election recounts, hacking, election machine breakdowns, throwing out of absentee mail-in ballots, cronyism, voters not being informed about the voting process, or purposely dissuaded from voting through indirect/direct strategies. There are politicians whose career spans decades and even a lifetime and it is not the fact that it was by reason of being elected by the majority.
Whenever a new candidate appears it is noted that the incumbent tries all dirty means to denigrate the character and relevance of his/her opponent. Politicians who are frank and loyal to the public end up not getting elected and protests indicate formidable disapproval of those remaining in office. This scenario exists commonly throughout the Earth.
Suitably there are multitudes of candidates, politicians, and rulers who have been investigated and charged as guilty, have resigned, given long prison sentences, asked to pay back in damages, and risk reputational trust.
IPNews: With the current outcry over police reform, what are your thoughts? There is fear of police killing citizens, and there is fear that if we reform there will be no more police. What are your personal thoughts on this?
By assuaging their worries and agreeing that both sides have honest concerns. Questionnaires, surveys, online polls, collected from a wide range of police and their staff as well as from citizens, immigrants, persons from minority to all types of communities to research their complications. It is resolved by statistical analysis, demographics, collection of data, conflict resolution, crisis intervention, correct training, surveillance, no police corruption, no re-hiring of repeat misconduct until evidence shows officer was reasonably justified, racial profiling issues no hiding of facts by neither parties, citizens and police to have peaceful relations, an intermediary, watch dogs, non-affiliated oversight. To work on focused deterrence conflicts, policing for profit unfair incidents, not about reducing police force instead on applying the correct amount of police in certain zones and creation of non-injurious technology that could capture criminals in the act effortlessly. We should not forget the futuristic technology such as exoskeleton with biosensors, high tech google eyeglass, body worn cameras, sensory detection, and so forth.
IPNews: How are you making an influential impact on peoples’ lives around the world?
I have served the public throughout plentiful years and in varied phases of my years I made an impact with the skills I learned such as in the arts, performing arts, religion, foreign affairs, politics, and diversified industries. Through my past political campaign and project in performing arts, I as an international influencer have spread my educational awareness themes with the hopes that it will improve the communities and the world. I have volunteered, donated to causes, I have been constant and active in the public sphere which I value very much.
IPNews: How do you think immigrants are an ongoing issue?
Immigrants since long ago have contributed industriously to our economy and the world.
They usually work long hours and under risky conditions, they helped build our economy and continue to do so. People’s ancestors most likely were immigrants. Each borough and the world have its demographic or cultural neighborhoods where immigrants or the same or related cultures unite. Immigrants should be treated fairly and not be discriminated against.
They are generally discriminated against because of their language barriers, poverty, culture, race, religion, status, lifestyle, gender, age, education, xenophobia, and stereotypes. Nonetheless, when given the opportunity to excel they have dedicated themselves to their work or education.
It is known in newspapers and human rights groups that immigrants detained are being constantly abused and many have fallen victim to crime, injuries, and even death which could have been prevented. It is essential to treat immigrants as humans and set up policies, and rules that make it safe for them.
IPNews: How did influence have an impact on all businesses in general?
Influence is the ability to persuade customers, and clients, to purchase your products, services, or others. If your product/service gains trust it elicits brand loyalty or customer loyalty and continuous commitment to your business. Influence is good in business because it generates reliable transactions, commerce, and partnerships. Influence can bring an increase in work output and cordial, sociable networks. It can widen your team and enhance sales by making connections. Society itself is an influencer. Mass Media, and groups, can have a social influence either for good or bad. Role models can positively influence society by notifying people about healthy practices and bringing about prolific business.
IPNews: How does business help the community?
There are various types of business ownership or structure. Community businesses are usually helpful to the community as they provide jobs and local products/services crucial to daily living. International business aids in diversification, oftentimes tax rates, foreign direct investment benefits, and so on. Businesses with their industries and sectors cater to diverse needs and with it a profundity of assistance.
IPNews: Can you share about your humanitarian work that you are advocating for Cosmic Worlds’ Causes?
The mission I am advocating for goes beyond humanity, it encircles any living entities, things that are needed to keep life alive. It is the peaceful interrelationship between and contact of humans and other existences (ET, entities, paranormal, etc.). The protection of our human species and the expectation that much can be further learned from these interactions lead to positive, mutual benefits.
IPNews: Any closing statements?
It is important for the world to keep on improving. if persons are committed to their efforts in advancing society and not deteriorating it with the ills that repeat themselves throughout history and those ills that are new due to the era concept.