Larry Namer has joined forces with Silicon Valley and the Entertainment Industry on a fundraiser for Go Back To Your Country, a feature-length documentary sharing personal stories of AAPI individuals who have been victims of racist assaults and xenophobic hate crimes.

Go Back To Your Country is the first of many projects that will open up the dialogue among AAPIs and other communities. We will engage with younger generations to create solutions through powerful storytelling, and thoughtful and meaningful conversation. The film will entertain and appeal to diverse audiences. 

The fundraiser will be held at Elyse Restaurant in San Jose on Jan 14 with the goal to raise $1.5M. They are looking for sponsors and items for their gift bags.



You have recently embarked on a documentary about AAPIs who are leading the change against AAPI racism and hate. What led you to this project? 

For the past decade, I have been doing a lot of work in Asia (particularly China) and have gotten to know many people. I realized that they have the same hopes and dreams we do here in the US and while our governments may disagree on a lot of things, we have more in common than we have differences. I mentored several Asian graduate students when they were at USC and stayed in touch with them. One even made me godfather to her son which I take rather seriously. It appalls me to see her and her husband both working here in the US, paying taxes faithfully, gainfully employed, homeowners, and basically ideal citizens who love this country, get heckled and abused by ignorant people who don’t have the brains to realize that this country was built by immigrants.

Who is on your team for the documentary?

Charles Tseng, Marina, Dr Jen Lee, and Risa Morimoto are the primary folks but there are a dozen or so more that have jumped in to help. Thatch Namer (no relation) has donated a gourmet dinner at her San Jose restaurant for us to use for our fundraiser.

Tell us about Go Back To Your Country and why this is important now.

This will be a feature-length documentary about some of the ridiculous and unwarranted hate being spewed at anyone who even looks Asian regardless of their country or origin. It is designed to make people aware of the problem and hopefully, they will join in the movement to put an end to this.

 “APPIs are being marketed but not part of the conversation.” Explain.

I think that particularly in America we confuse the acts of governments with the basic good of the people and our commonality. As a minority Asians seem to get lumped together as one ( they are not) and are not seen for the great contributions they make to our society and our country.

What is your mission for your film? 

I think a lot of people are very unaware that there is a problem and it is nonsensical. This film will bring awareness and hopefully mobilize people to call it out whenever they see it.

 You are hosting a fundraiser on Jan 14 at the prestigious Elyse Restaurant in San Jose and would like Silicon Valley to join your cause. What is your mission?

We are trying to raise the 1.5 million production budget ourselves and not ask any networks or platforms to pay for it. We felt that might muddy the waters as far as executing our creative vision for this film.

Are there any celebrities who you would like to see at your fundraiser?

I think that there are Asians in almost every sphere of our society who are well-known and very accomplished. Their presence at the fundraiser and the ensuing publicity will remind people that some of our heroes and important parts of our society are Asian.

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