Global Pay It Forward Day is a worldwide celebration of kindness that takes place every year on April 28th. As this inspirational day approaches, we’re thrilled to celebrate it with such an inspirational woman as Chi Meechieono. Chi loves assisting women business owners which is something that she’s passionate about.

As a philanthropist, Chi has a heart for giving back to the community. Through HER Professional Society, she has given over two hundred life baskets to homeless boys in Central Florida. She also donates children’s room decor to women who have children in the foster care system and are working to provide a home to gain their rights to their children back.

Chi is a highly respected publicist and entrepreneur, known for her strong work ethic, determination, and generosity. Her commitment to excellence has earned her a reputation as an award-winning celebrity publicist who is dedicated to helping brands with their creative strategies, compelling stories, and increasing visibility.

April 28th is Global Pay It Forward Day! What does paying it forward mean to you?

Chi: Paying it forward means helping others without expecting anything back. I think we should all try to make the world a better place by using our skills and resources to support others. I’ve always tried to pay it forward by mentoring, volunteering, and donating to charity in my personal and professional life.

One example of paying it forward that I’m particularly proud of is my involvement with Lil Swan Essentials, which used to be called Basket for Boys. Our focus is on helping homeless mothers to provide basic necessities for their daughters. We also have monthly confident calls with The Confidence Doula Lynnecia Eley. I believe that everyone deserves access to the things they need to live a healthy and happy life, and I’m passionate about using my skills to make a difference in this area.

In what ways have you paid your talents, expertise, resources, and skills forward throughout your personal life and career?

Chi: I love assisting women business owners is something that I’m particularly passionate about. I understand firsthand how challenging it can be to balance work and family life, especially as a mother and wife. That’s why I take great pleasure in helping these women get their systems and processes in order, so they can run their businesses efficiently and effectively without sacrificing precious time with their loved ones.

By providing guidance and support in areas such as time management, goal-setting, and business strategy, I help these women achieve their desired outcomes while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It’s incredibly rewarding to see them succeed and thrive in their personal and professional lives, knowing that I played a part in their success. I strongly believe that by empowering women entrepreneurs, we can create a better future for ourselves, our families, and our communities as a whole. I enjoy seeing other women winning!

Who has paid it forward to you and how did you express that gratitude?

Chi: When it comes to expressing gratitude for those who have paid it forward to me, I want to highlight a beautiful woman who has become more than a friend but more of a mother, Doreen Taylor. She has stood with me in some of my darkest hours and the brightest days. Her support has been beyond any words I could share with you here. She has given me words of encouragement and purchased almost everything I’ve created. I try to express my gratitude to her by being there for her whenever she needs me and by doing my best to pay it forward to others in my own life.

What recent opportunities have you just landed that you are excited to share with us today?

Chi: I am thrilled to announce that I will be participating in a Virtual Authors Panel on Friday, April 21, alongside some incredible women. Our discussion will center around the three critical elements of sharing your story: confidence, clarity, and connection. As a four-time author, I’m passionate about sharing my expertise on how to successfully market and gain press coverage for your new book. It’s a pleasure to be able to contribute to this important conversation.

From your perspective, what do you think the world needs more of?

Chi: Displaying and choosing authenticity over perfection is important because it allows for a deeper connection with others. When we are authentic and vulnerable, we create a safe space for others to do the same, resulting in more meaningful relationships. Conversely, striving for perfection can create unrealistic expectations, leading to feelings of inadequacy and isolation.

Fair compensation for employees is also essential as it shows that their work is valued and appreciated. When employees are compensated fairly, they are more likely to be motivated, resulting in high-quality work and a more productive company. In contrast, undervaluing and underpaying employees can cause resentment and a lack of motivation, ultimately impacting the company’s success.

Finally, fostering a culture of love and empathy towards one another is crucial in creating a more compassionate and supportive society. Practicing empathy and compassion creates a sense of belonging and connectedness, which is vital for our mental and emotional well-being. It also encourages us to be kinder and more understanding towards others, leading to a more harmonious and peaceful world.

Is there anything outside of your industry that you’re extremely passionate about? If so, what is it?

Chi: I’m so passionate about Black-owned businesses, supporting each other is crucial for building a strong and prosperous community. By prioritizing support for Black-owned businesses, we can create a sustainable economic foundation that leads to growth and success. It’s important to acknowledge and combat the systemic racism that has held Black businesses back. We all need to be advocating for fair policies and practices, we can level the playing field and promote justice and equity. The point I want to make is supporting one another and creating a supportive environment is key to rebuilding and empowering the Black community.

I also believe that it’s important to help others whenever possible instead of being a gatekeeper of information. Gatekeeping can be harmful to our communities, and it’s essential to assist others whenever possible.

What else would you like to share with our readers?

Chi: I’m thrilled about the new release of my Social Butterfly Content Planner. It’s a digital tool that includes over 100 content ideas, 100 templates, 500 hashtags, and other features to help you spread your wings on social media.

I’m also on a weight loss journey with a goal of losing 100 pounds by December 2024. After experiencing complications during my pregnancy, I gained a lot of weight, but I’m determined to shed those extra pounds. Currently, I’ve lost 20 pounds and am continuing to work towards my goal.

What is the best way to keep up to date and follow all of your amazing endeavors?

Chi: If you’d like to keep tabs on everything I’m up to, the easiest way to do it is by joining the Two Queens Media mailing list. You’ll receive news, event invitations, free stuff, and lots more. Another option is check our website


More on Chi Meechieono

In 2001, Chi Meechieono founded Dymond Management, which has since become Two Queens Media, a full-service lifestyle public relations firm specializing in media relations, publishing, partnerships, and brand protection. Her business partnership with Lynnecia Eley also led to the creation of Soigne’ + Swank Magazine in 2020, which highlights black excellence and aims to inspire and empower its readers.

Trenice is also the driving force behind Eta Rho Sigma Sorority, Inc. d/b/a Her Professional Society, a Business Sorority exclusively for women entrepreneurs and career professionals. Since its inception in 2015, HPS has steadily grown and its signature event, Wine, Women & Networking, has attracted over 429 women and continues to expand. Trenice released her first book, Beauty, Brains, Business & Branding, during this event, and it was met with great success. She is now a four-time author, with her latest book, “Pitch Like Crazy,” set to be released in late March 2023.

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