Bridget Rice is a powerhouse at the United States Postal Service and has held several senior roles. She is currently a senior director, and is instrumental in streamlining USPS transportation procurement systems to drive costs down while boosting delivery efficiency. 

Growing up in the DC area, Bridget Rice always longed for adventure, and she has achieved it. She loves to travel internationally and recently added piloting to her roster of hobbies – scuba diving, repelling, and skiing are all included. With classes already booked, it’s only a matter of time before she takes flight.



You have quite an impressive career in supply chain management. For those looking up to you, how would you say you started out, and what would you be your advice?

Ten years ago, I was content as an individual contributor. But Karen – my amazing boss and lifelong mentor – saw something in me that I couldn’t see: leadership potential! Despite my doubts about managing people, she pushed me into the executive role, and boy, am I glad she did? From being able to set strategy and make meaningful changes to improve employees’ lives – this decade-long journey has been enriching. Of course, hard work and the skills I had acquired before entering the job market played a huge role in giving me the head-start I needed to succeed in the job. For someone just getting into the market, I would advise you look for a mentor, someone who will guide you in your chosen line of work until you find your footing.

As someone managing hundreds of people and having to make high-level decisions all the time, you must be under a lot of pressure. How do you remain productive under so much pressure?

One of the best strategies for achieving higher efficiency and productivity is to limit or avoid taking part in unnecessary meetings. These meetings usually drown out the useful ones and fill up space in our schedule. It takes a lot of effort, patience, and discipline to prioritize effectively. Still, when done right, it reduces unnecessary pressure and lets you focus on getting the job done effectively. This strategy has allowed me not only to finish tasks quickly but also to deliver outstanding results. Currently, I am handling digital transformation, and this strategy has helped me achieve a lot in a few months. It’s a strategy I would encourage anyone at a high decision-making level to try out.

Supply chain management, like other fields, is fast-evolving, mainly due to the influence of technology. What aspects of supply chain management changes do you find most exciting?

Remote work has revolutionized the way that many companies manage their supply chains. With remote access, businesses can tap into a global talent pool and bring in highly skilled professionals worldwide. This means that projects can be accomplished quickly and efficiently since there are more experts available with different perspectives. Additionally, remote teams create an immediate culture of collaboration and cost savings for businesses by having innovative digital solutions available on demand. This work is exciting because it can drastically improve how we manage supply chains; more efficient use of resources benefits organizations and the employees they hire.

With the ever-changing landscape, especially in tech, how do you stay on the cutting edge and keep achieving at the highest levels?

Being surrounded by smart individuals helps to propel the team forward and closer to its goals. This strategy has certainly worked for me; I’ve seen significant improvements since allowing my colleagues to make decisions and contribute their knowledge. Not only does it help me to learn how to delegate tasks, but it opens up a wealth of new ideas that my team can draw upon. We spend regular meetings acknowledging our successes and discussing how else we can optimize current strategies. The potential of having free thought among the team is liberating and allows us to push each other into exploring innovative strategies. With this approach in mind, we can guarantee better efficiency and tangible progress.

As we grow older, we take stock of our wins and losses from youth and learn from them. Based on your experiences, how would you advise a younger version of you who aspires for the success you have achieved today?

We all face hardships in our lives at some point. These can be discouraging and make us want to give up. However, I advise the youth never to lose hope and to keep pushing through these hard times. Every experience you go through in life is a learning opportunity; taking each lesson with you will eventually lead to success. Even when it appears as if everything is failing around you, know that this too shall pass and that something greater lies ahead for you. Embrace the struggle because it’s what will help shape your character and make you a better person in the end. Don’t enter into a state of defeatism – determination will take root and put you on the right path toward achieving great things.

Certain habits make us better regardless of the career path? Which are some of those you have found to work for you?

Regular checking in with your direct reports can make all the difference in fostering solid and successful teams. Getting updates on their work is essential, but don’t forget to mix it up by ensuring you get a feel for their lives outside of the office, too — their mental health, family dynamics, and any upcoming travel plans they may have. Getting to know your staff as people, not just employees, will go a long way and help create an environment where everyone feels seen and heard. Relationships built with these interactions can be invaluable in getting the best out of your team. I have seen it work, and has helped me a lot in achieving most of the success I have achieved so far.

Technology has become an integral part of everyday life. What piece of technology do you feel has a huge influence on your life?

YouTube has become a part of my life. I’m an avid YouTube Red subscriber, as it allows me access to ad-free music streaming. This allows me to create the perfect soundtrack for my morning workouts, helping put me in the mood and get the most out of my routine. Aside from this benefit, I’ve also found YouTube great for learning new things – whether honing a foreign language, picking up lifehacks, or understanding more complicated topics through videos. I’m determined to make better use of these moments viewing YouTube by taking away something useful daily.

Are there books you have found helpful in your life journey and would recommend to our readers?

Yes. I love the book, Change Your Questions, Change Your Life by Marilee Adams. It is a book that encourages finding unique ways to solve problems. I have employed its ideals several times and am happy with the results. It’s also a book that has taught me to always try and learn new things at all times.






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