NY Spine Care has gained an exceptional reputation for providing interventional pain management to individuals enduring chronic or acute discomfort. Under the leadership of Ji Han, the team of skilled physicians at NY Spine Care ensures that every patient receives quality care and effective treatment plans for an array of conditions ranging from shoulder pain, back pain, neck pain, and leg pain to finger and foot pain. The facility prides itself on delivering personalized care that’s tailored to each patient’s unique needs, ensuring that they always feel heard and supported. Their recent opening of a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to interventional pain management demonstrates their unwavering commitment to excellence. NY Spine Care’s new 8000 square-foot center offers an expansive range of expanded treatment options aimed at providing patients with optimal care. With NY Spine Care, individuals can trust that they are in good hands and will receive the personalized care they require.

NY Spine Care Interventional Pain Management is a highly recommended source for individuals dealing with different types of pain. Their team of specialists are equipped with the latest technology, providing patients with a wide range of services that cater to their unique conditions. Patients suffering from migraines, carpal tunnel syndrome, and nerve pain can count on NY Spine Care Interventional Pain Management for relief. They have established themselves as a go-to for back pain and joint pain, with their medical branch blocks and facet joint injections being highly effective in reducing pain symptoms. NY Spine Care Interventional Pain Management is devoted to providing individualized care and treatment for all their patients, ensuring they receive the best care possible.



What type of pain does NY Spine Care Interventional Pain Management treat?

At NY Spine Care, we offer top-notch pain management services for a broad range of medical conditions. Our team is highly trained and experienced in treating a variety of issues, including back pain, neck pain, arm pain, leg pain, nerve pain, foot and ankle pain, joint pain, spinal stenosis, sports-related injuries, migraines and headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, radiculopathy, compression fracture, De Quervain Syndrome, elbow ligament injuries, tennis/golfer’s elbow, peripheral nerve pain, sciatica and herniated discs, complex regional pain syndrome, tendon injuries, shingles pain, no-fault injuries, worker’s compensation, arthritis of the spine, and degenerative spine. We understand that living with chronic pain can be a life-altering and debilitating experience. That’s why our goal is to provide compassionate and effective care to help our patients get back to living their best lives.


How is NY Spine Care’s Facility equipped to treat these type of services?


As the owner of NY Spine Care Interventional Pain Management, Dr. Ji Han is proud to announce the opening of our new state-of-the-art facility. This stunning new space spans over 8000 square feet and has been created with the sole purpose of providing a safe, clean, and comfortable environment for our patients. We understand that each patient’s needs are unique and require individualized treatment. That’s why we have taken a personalized integrated approach to patient care. Our facility has been designed explicitly with the comfort and well-being of our patients in mind. As a team, we have made sure that the most modern technology, tools, and resources are available to our patients to provide them with the best treatment possible. Our goal is to improve the overall quality of life of each and every one of our patients.


How can patients treat pain at home in between visits to NY Spine Care Interventional Pain Management?


NY Spine Care is a medical practice that offers treatments and injections to address back pain. However, there are also natural home remedies and prevention measures that can help reduce and prevent this discomfort. Maintaining good posture, stretching and strengthening exercises, and applying heat or cold to the affected area are just some of the effective ways to alleviate pain and improve mobility. In addition, consuming anti-inflammatory foods and reducing stress through meditation and relaxation techniques can help prevent or alleviate pain in the hands and feet. Incorporating these home remedies and prevention measures into your daily routine can help you take control of your pain and enjoy a more comfortable, active life. With the help of NY Spine Care and natural remedies, you can find relief from back pain.

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