by Mikey Adam Cohen

Copyrighted by Mikey Adam Cohen
Motivations Finest TRANSFORMATION CENTRAL at The Balboa Bay Resort in Newport Beach-Part 2 of Story in Influential People Magazine with Producer/Sponsor Of The Series David Meltzer & Sharon Lechter
Great motivators take action before others do, leading from out front, where the risk is often dire and their own future least absolute. Everyone has something to lose, and many on our list risk possessions that most people value highly: reputation, career, fortune, self-esteem. This group of The World’s Greatest Motivators initially didn’t know for sure if their plans will work, but they pave the way anyway. This article recognizes their dedication to their craft.

Lynn Kitchen and Julie Hamilton of Kitchen Hamilton Productions,
along with David Meltzer of Meltzer Enterprises, are the executive producers of “The World’s Greatest Motivators,” which is a 13-week television series with a distribution of over 370 million household viewers shown across the globe. The television premiered on WGN TV in January of 2020 as well as online and other such as Fox Sports West, BNC, Biz Television, as well as Family Channel, DOVE, as well as on their World’s Greatest Motivators Podcast on iTunes, Google, iHeart Radio, Stitcher and more.
The first filming took place in Newport Beach, CA, on July 30th, which featured Bob Proctor, Les Brown, Mary Morrissey, David Meltzer, and special guest Sugar Ray Leonard. The second filming, held at the Balboa Bay Resort on November 13th and 14th, 2019, had nine stats. They were Jack Canfield, John Assaraf, Lisa Nichols, Dr. Rev. Michael Beckwith, Blaine Bartlett, Sharon Lechter, Cynthia Kersey, Shanda Sumpter, Spars Shah and Brian Tracy who was introduced and interviewed by Erik Swanson at a taping at the Habitude Warriors Conference.
NEWPORT BEACH, CA, UNITED STATES, Lynn Kitchen, and Julie Hamilton, of Kitchen Hamilton Productions along with David Meltzer of Meltzer Enterprises, are proud to announce the second filming in the series of World’s Greatest Motivators, taped live in front of a studio audience.
The filming took place The Balboa Bay Resort in Newport Beach, California, Kitchen Hamilton Productions and Meltzer are the executive producers of the series “The World’s Greatest Motivators” a 13-week television series with a distribution of over 370 million household viewers. I asked my cousin Psychologist, Dr. Michael Mantel what skill set I needed to win the competition to be The Next Global Impactor, he said that my motivation came from persistence and flexibility. That I need these two virtues to calm your conscious & unconscious mind. He added that Persistence beckons you with eternal hope, while flexibility enables you to get through the obstacles that stand between you and your dreams. If you can understand and apply the positive psychology of persistence and flexibility, then nothing can prevent you from achieving success. “
The but it’s striking how the psychology of persistence and flexibility of one’s inner strength, determination, persistence, & failing isn’t an option for this group of motivators in any aspect of their diverse lives in business, government, education, sports, spirituality these Motivators take action before others do, leading from out front, where the risk is often dire and their own future least certain. We all have something to lose, and many on our have to take their passion to that extreme. Put their reputation, career, fortune, & esteem on the line…
Never know for sure if their plan will work, but they pursue no matter what! These motivators have helped their audiences reach new levels of success and much more. They focus on achieving personal and professional goals, breaking through barriers, and stepping into greatness. They have motivated me to take action and reprioritize my goals. I am now creating social good, global change, paradigm disruption movement. “We are thrilled to continue the live filming of the World’s Greatest Motivators, which features world-renowned motivational leaders, such as Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, John Assaraf, Dr. Rev. Michael Beckwith, Sharon Lechter, Blaine Bartlett, Cynthia Kersey, Shanda Sumpter plus Brian Tracy, via a previously filmed segment introduced by Erik Swanson. The first initial filming was in front of a live audience who were inspired by legend motivators such as Bob Proctor, Les Brown Mary Morrissey, David Meltzer, and special guest motivator, Sugar Ray Leonard,” said Hamilton.
The Balboa Bay Resort is hosting this exclusive filming with limited seating available for the live television audience. “We expect another 2- days of empowered filming in which the Unstoppable Foundation will receive a percentage of profits from the series. The audience will be inspired and motivated in this elegant setting, which includes gourmet lunches and a party on the bay, Nov. 13th. I believe this will create an unforgettable experience for all!” Hamilton continued.
These motivators have helped their audiences reach new levels of success and much more. They focus on achieving personal and professional goals, breaking through barriers, and stepping into greatness. They have motivated me to take action and reprioritize my goals. So I am now creating social good, global change, paradigm disruption movement.
I had the privilege to talk to the World’s Greatest Motivators separate about their life, hopes, dreams, how they got started, what makes them tick and everything about the life they’ve experienced. You’ll find them inspirational, spiritual, heart-warming, with a raw authenticity that’s not found in most people as these are spoken words from a place of gratitude. All of them expressed the gratitude they have for everything in life, that can-do spirit, the get-up and go attitude – the motivation that makes you wake up and want to live each day as if it’s your last. Please enjoy these as we go through all of the motivators featured on The
World’s Greatest Motivators!
Ann Landstrom has a special gift in capturing the diversity and authenticity of women through her beautiful award-winning photography! She celebrates the diversity, strength & motivation of the people that she
Ann Photography
photographs in her studio in Carlsbad, California. Born in Sweden and living in North County San Diego through the imagery of women specifically she helps challenge perceptions and to fight stereotypes and bias. One of her current campaigns’ features women over forty photographed Boudoir Style!
Authentic imagery of women equally vibrant of various ethnicities and walks of life all the whole encouraging woman that she photographs a pep talk mentoring of sorts she allows them to tell their stories from poverty to now thriving and helping others do the same. Ann’s ex-husband gave her cards of uncertainty forcing her to be homeless with her kids. She had good friends that she could stay with, but it was her perseverance and motivation sparked by leading world-renowned motivational speakers Les Brown & Lisa Nichols that got her through her toughest times. Later she was fortunate to shoot their campaigns & they have since featured her on their power
ful stages to do keynotes and tell her story. Ann is my first call action taker, in any event, I am involved in. I know as an on-demand music festival photographer that Photographers play an important role in helping forge community together breaking stereotypes and broaden perception while celebrating the authenticity, strength, and diversity of people worldwide. I sat down and interviewed Ann for this month’s issue: Mikey Adam Cohen: Was there a catalyst that led you to the idea –of empowering women through photography? Ann Landstrom: I went through a very bad divorce in
2011 from a verbally and mentally abusive husband and ended up forced out of our home broke and broken with no job, no money, no place to live, and a 6-yearold. Eventually after picking myself back up landed a job as a boudoir photographer and realized what a power and therapy these sessions were for women including myself. Mikey Adam Cohen: What might be the core values or ambitions for the project? I am doing this to bring back self-love, acceptance, build self-esteem, and also the empowerment of telling and sharing your story to help and inspire other women. Ann Landstrom: What would you say is the impact of these stories being
seen and heard? It changes how you view yourself and accept who you are right now and not what you use to be and look like in the past or how you would want to look like aka younger, thinner, Mikey Adam Cohen: Where do you see Ann Photography go in the next couple of years? Ann Landstrom: I would love to see this project as a start of a movement for us mature women over 40. To accept ourselves for who we are right now with our history, stretch marks, scars, muffin tops, or whatever we see in the mirror that we cut ourselves down for. Mikey Adam Cohen: How do women find you and to volunteer to sign up? Ann Landstrom: 40 over 40 projects
I hope we can help support Freelance photographers like Ann who have been hit particularly hard by COVID-19 as 96 percent of the Women Photograph community has reported being financially impacted by the pandemic. We’re currently raising money for an emergency fund to support independent women and non-binary photojournalists coping with the loss of business income and no end to the crisis in sight. If you can, please support us and donate at the link below. Stay safe and thank you! Despite many fantastic women working with photographic media, the industry continues to be dominated by male counterparts.
Landstrom is self-taught and has gained clientele by improving her portfolio as she learns, and this inspired her to open her studio. Ann & I hope to be in the running of a new San Diego city beautification project for parks in which we hope to incorporate city political leaders, teachers, youth, CEOs, Homeless citizens, humanitarians, City employees, etc. The photographs above feature woman from the forty over forty campaign which requires a payment of $295.00 for hair and makeup and for those interested go to the link below and or call at … or email at… (760) 610-6263

Les Brown is highly regarded as the greatest Motivational Speaker of our generation. You can find great Les Brown quotes around every corner of the internet and social media. His Speeches have been used in all the best youtube motivational videos & he is respected and loved the world over. People relate to Les Brown because he is living proof that you can live your dreams, despite the obstacles that might arrive at the front doorstep of your life. He teaches you, the “it’s possible” to live your dreams. It is possible, and that is all you need to know. Mikey Adam Cohen: Les this was a fantastic experience today I first wanted to tell you how moved I am by your keynote today… First thing I wanted to know when you’re in a space in which those you love, let’s say one’s parents or relationship partner is constantly telling them that their goals aren’t achievable that one lives in worlds of grander than possible to achieve? Les Brown: Mikey wow I’m sensing this is very personal to you my brother, you need to know that other people’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality. Live that life you dream of your Truth will set you free, it’s the truth men don’t want to hear. Look you don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great, does that make sense?” Mikey Adam Cohen: would like to add. Completely, thanks for your time. Anything else you
Les Brown: Thank you for pulling me aside today. Yes, think about this for a minute, I believe Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. Those people will try to be your best friend when you decide to step into greatness, you’re close the decision is up to you. I recommend you to yourself with people that you can learn from, people who want more out of life, people who are stretching and searching, and seeking some higher ground in life. These people won’t steer you wrong. That began my inspiration to align myself with others working for good. It was several years ago I spoke with Les and I had limited time to meet with him, but I feel his wisdom still would resonate with most people today. Follow David Meltzer & I Challenge You to Live by His Rules I Adapted Just Half of Them & People See the Transformation Tenfold! Living Proof that if you take the time to do the work on yourself you can live the life you were born to. David Meltzer has made a significant impact on my existence, if you want epically successful in all areas of your life, you can’t operate like everybody else and settle for mediocrity. You need to remove luck and chance from your business equation and lock in epic success. Most people desire success and have great ideas, but they come up short on the amount of action required to get their lives to the exceptional levels they deserve.
David Meltzer whether or not he realizes it has impacted me to:
Reach goals that I previously thought were impossible
The art of Correctly setting my goals and guarantee their achievement
Creating unprecedented levels of happiness and satisfaction in every area of your life
Use my fear as my fuel to move you into action
Get everything I want and never have to settle Dominate my competition and become a role model for others to Create tangible results in all areas of their life with his set of paradigm disruptions…. which are: I wake up at 4:00 Am
Meditate for 20 minutes
Work out for 1 hour
I schedule on my calendar
I spend one hour with my family form 7-8 am
I take 3 coaching calls on my way to work
Calls with my clients every other week for 15 minutes
We talk about the conscious and subconscious to create neural pathways
I leave the office at 4 pm
I take 3 more coaching calls when I leave
I spend an hour with my family
I stay up until 11:00 PM
I wake up at 4:00 AM the next day I am on call from 4:00 PM to 11:00 PM every day of the week
Meltzer examined himself and built a team to keep him performing at his best! Be like Meltzer and find the best ways to provide lasting, reliable transformation as quickly and easily as possible. Why do you ask? He has a mission to bring happiness to a billion people around the world, from all walks of life, transforming challenging circumstances into lives they love.
Regardless of where you are in your life right now –whether you feel completely stuck and don’t know where to even start, need help with a clear and specific dream, or just need some support in achieving a long
sought-after goal –you’ll find all the guidance and support you need to succeed right here! David will help you do that…In his early 20s, David was at the top of his game in the business world and lecturing around the globe. But despite his success, something was missing, and the multimillionaire went on a rapid downward spiral that ended in bankruptcy. It was only then that David realized that to revive and thrive, he needed to blend spirituality with business. He started to meld his newfound life and business outlook as CEO to sports super-agent Leigh Steinberg (played by Tom Cruise in Jerry Maguire), and the result of his transformation is the remarkably successful venture Sports 1 Marketing, which he began with Pro Football Hall of Fame Quarterback Warren Moon.
INTERVIEW WITH DAVID MELTZER Today David Meltzer is CEO of Sports 1 Marketing, one of the world’s most successful
sports marketing firms, and has also been recognized as “Sports Humanitarian of the Year” by Variety. He has spent 25 years working as an entrepreneur and executive in the legal, technology, sports, and entertainment fields.
Seven interconnected principles that apply to our lives in general and just as relevant to more specific pursuits such as business. Each principle is supported by four key elements. The goal is to create an energy that scales itself by generating it’s like-kind energy. Ultimately, we want to not only put things out into the universe in a certain way that will come back to us twofold but also where what we empower creates similar energy. We can manifest things individually, but if we scale or empower others and create collective energy, we can manifest things on a global scale. The most successful businesses thrive by putting energy out there in a specific way, creating additional salespeople because of the power of what they’ve provided. Companies like Apple exceed expectations and have been able to thrive utilizing the scalability of this concept. Connected to Goodness provides the knowledge
for life and business to enable you to thrive.
David Meltzer explains how asking people, “Do you know anyone who can help me?” It can change your life. The CEO of Sports 1 Marketing, a company he co-founded with Hall of Fame Quarterback Warren Moon, which leverages over $20 billion in relationship capital to market some of the biggest sporting events in the world like the Superbowl, The Masters, Football’s Hall of Fame and many more share how to become successful and how to stay successful. A company he co-founded with
Hall of Fame Quarterback Warren Moon, which leverages over $20 billion in relationship capital to market some of the biggest sporting events in the world like the Superbowl, The Masters, Football’s Hall of Fame and many more. Mikey Adam Cohen: David, I understand that you became a millionaire just 9 months out of law school, and then by the age of 32, you had acquired a net worth of more than $100 million…How did you do it, sir…I would love to hear your story? David:

I beat people with math. I took a job solely for the money I would work 2 times as many productive hours per day I was twice as efficiently I was twice as successful I knew I wasn’t as good as everyone, so I just went on more appointments I worked 7 days per week
I worked 56 days per week. I worked for 10 years in 9 months.
I had salary, commission, and expense account.
I built a portfolio of worth 120 million
I own many different properties and even a ski mountain
I had over 100,000,000 but I did lose it all Mikey Adam Cohen: David, my understanding is that you soon lost everything had to build yourself up again…how did you lose it all and how did you come back from the loss?
I lost it all from ego, I didn’t ask anyone for help. I now teach how to not surround yourself with ego. I thought I could always borrow with the equity I didn’t see that that could go wrong in 2008. I was not liquid, and I could not make payments. I believed that you could own property and owe the bank very little. Most times you can borrow against your equity. When the crash happened, the banks realized that they were going bankrupt and wanted to hold liquid assets. It was an evolution, not a revolution when I came back. I was CEO of Lee Steinberg. The hard part wasn’t losing the money; the hard part was being an example for young athletes and their finances. With Lee, 10 years ago, we spun off with Sports 1 Marketing. We’ve worked with Bruce Smith, Warren Moon, Avander Holyfield, Troy Aikmen and more…
Warren and I would buy and build big stadiums. I also have a top entrepreneur podcast called “Playbook” coaching program along with an executive
Mikey Adam Cohen: with Warren? What’s it like working
David: He is calm and wise. We’ve worked
together for so long and he is always there for me, he is also my advisor/The spirit of excellence, he taught me the importance of calmness. Mikey Adam Cohen: David, you wrote the best -selling book, ‘Compassionate Capitalism’ where you share your belief about how giving back can make you feel good while also improving your bottom line…I would like to have you share about this? David: People are discussing their real problems. Ask yourself:
What action are you taking?
What reactions are you taking?
I have a pre-game analysis and go through lessons. Then I have a post-game analysis. Mikey Adam Cohen: You come across as a very proactive person…so how do you typically organize the first four hours of your day and what time do you typically wake up? David: I have a guarantee and a free month after that, I charge $50,000/month
Is there a message or principle that you
wish you could teach everyone?
Ask people if they know how to give but they’re not asking.
Ask people, do you know anyone who can help me? Keep people in your flow.
Many people live their entire existence yearning for something more, without knowing how to get it. Stop standing in the way of living the life you deserve and learn to Be Unstoppable.
The authors of Be Unstoppable break down how people tend to limit themselves with their beliefs and mindset, offering
strategies that will change the way you pursue your goals. I had the opportunity to

sit down with this mentor in my life during the taping of the World’s Greatest Motivators series now in 350 million households worldwide. “And if you love to do something, you’re very good at it, and it follows your purpose, & you are paid well, why would you not do it? Why would you stop? I can’t imagine sitting at home.” – Brian Tracy said this when I asked him a question during Erik Swansons, Habitude Warrior Conference in San Diego. I decided to create a movement based on his answer. Several things he told me that day impacted my life and for the first time I have
eliminated my Abundance Blocks. Mikey Adam Cohen: What motivates you to do what you do? David Meltzer: I’m on a mission to empower over 1,000,000 people to be happy. Mikey Adam Cohen: from? Where does your passion for motivation come
David Meltzer: I believe that the world today is facing a happiness problem and I want to help solve it! Mikey Adam Cohen: What and whom do you love best? Please be clear on the source of your strength and the core of your tribe. David Meltzer: The people that I love best are those that are most relative to me. This means the people who I share the most in common with, those that I share DNA with (my family) as well as those individuals who share the same personal, experiential, giving, and receiving values that I hold dear. Mikey Adam Cohen: What are you most afraid of? David Meltzer: One of my biggest fears stems from not understanding when I am living in an ego-based consciousness because when I don’t realize that my ego is getting in the way, I can’t get back to center quickly. Mikey Adam Cohen: Getting your way or not getting your way? Or get in your way from creating the life you want?
David Meltzer: Getting in your way, for sure! So many people are consistently getting in their way without realizing it, and I think part of my job is to help them understand the ways that they are limiting their success and strategies to avoid getting in their way in the future. Mikey Adam Cohen: Who else has been down your road before you? You’re not the first one to have thought these thoughts. Who are your mentors, your heroes, and your predecessors? David Meltzer: Bob Proctor is someone that I’ve always looked up to and getting to work with him in recent years has been a very rewarding experience. Wayne Dyer is another mentor that I looked up to, but my biggest hero is certainly my mother. Mikey Adam Cohen: What do you spend most of your time doing? David Meltzer: I categorize my time in two ways: activity I get paid for and activity I don’t get paid for. I work to make the most of the activity I
get paid for so that I can enjoy the activity I don’t get paid for even more thoroughly. Mikey Adam Cohen: When are you most fully yourself? What and where are yours? David Meltzer: I would say that I am most fully myself when I am being of service to others, giving myself, my knowledge, and my resources to help them pursue their potential. Mikey Adam Cohen: What one word best sums up you and your vision? David Meltzer: Gratitude Mikey Adam Cohen: What and who inspires you with awe? David Meltzer: The infinite Universe
Mikey Adam Cohen: What is the power larger than yourself that you turn to, respect, and that is beyond your ken? David Meltzer: Forgiveness Mikey Adam Cohen: How has the motivational industry changed in the past 5 years? What do you predict will happen in the next 5 to 10 years? David Meltzer: The ever-increasing popularity of social media has changed the ways that motivators interact with their fans and followers. I expect the mediums of communication to continue to change and shift over the next decade, which is why we need to continually evaluate how to most effectively communicate our message. Mikey Adam Cohen: What is the biggest challenge in the motivational
world at the moment? David Meltzer: The biggest challenge is simply having a message that stands out and makes an impact, as there is more “noise” than ever before to contend with. Mikey Adam Cohen: What are the most critical changes that we must make to transform our lives effectively? David Meltzer: I think consistency is one of the most critical components of change. When we are consistent and persistent, meaning that we do things every day without quitting, we can build positive habits. Those positive habits are what empower us to transform. Mikey Adam Cohen: What effect has mind hacks made on the motivator
industry? David Meltzer: There are more tools and strategies for us to improve our mindset than ever before. Mikey Adam Cohen: Who is making the greatest advancements in motivation and what are they doing? David Meltzer: I would say that my friend Gary Vaynerchuk has helped to change the way that people share and consume digital content on motivation. Mikey Adam Cohen: What is the most interesting trend in motivation in 2019?
Mikey Adam Cohen: What do you think the best outcome will be for your audience in regard to the World’s Greatest Motivators? David Meltzer: The best outcome is for attendees to be empowered to be
happy, and then passing on that empowerment to others. Mikey Adam Cohen: What is the number one way we can make a substantial difference in our lives? David Meltzer: Be a student of your calendar. That means you need to study it at least twice a day, analyzing it with a lens of productivity and accessibility, paying attention and putting intention on making the most of the events that you have scheduled as well as the “white space” in your calendar. Mikey Adam Cohen: What made you decide to name your event The World’s Greatest Motivators? David Meltzer: I’m not sure there is any better way to describe the collection of thought leaders that we’ve assembled. Mikey Adam Cohen: Do you have any plans to develop any other people in other genres that you believe are also the World’s Greatest in their particular focus? Who would you like to have & why? David Meltzer: One of my favorite things to do is find people who’ve succeeded in a particular industry and have them teach their “playbook to success” to others who work in different areas. Hearing some of the struggles that boxing legend Sugar Ray Leonard faced in his career, for example, provides a unique perspective that other motivators might not be able to share. Mikey Adam Cohen: How did you get into the [industry/field], and why do you stay?
David Meltzer: Thought leaders like Napoleon Hill and Wayne Dyer had a big impact on me, and I want to pay that forward and empower others to be happy and successful Mikey Adam Cohen: What are some of the ways the motivators you chose from the Greatest Motivators events you hosted are making a difference in the world? Mikey Adam Cohen: What has helped you get to where you are as a producer/visionary and what advice would you have for others who want to set off in a similar direction? David Meltzer: I would say that an understanding of the Stage Theory has helped me get to where I am today. The Stage Theory comes from un
derstanding content, access (how content is experienced), and medium (where content is experienced), and then using digital media to amplify and perpetuate your message. Mikey Adam Cohen: What are common misconceptions people have about Motivators? How can we combat these misconceptions and communicate more effectively? David Meltzer: I think a lot of people tend to put motivators on a pedestal, without realizing that we are still people with flaws. Illuminating those flaws and sharing the fact that we all do hypocritical things on occasion can help to correct those misconceptions. Mikey Adam Cohen: By way of comparison, do you remember something you’ve done or something you wish everyone was doing, and why?
David Meltzer: I wish everybody was committed to providing value first, instead of focusing on receiving value. Mikey Adam Cohen: What’s the question you are most tired of hearing
about in motivation and what would you like to say about it, so you never have to answer it again? David Meltzer: “What is your why?” – I believe that almost everybody’s “why” is related to helping others, which is why we should be more focused on asking, “How?” Mikey Adam Cohen: What question would you like to hear Tony Robbins answer? David Meltzer: common? What is the one thing that most high achievers have in
Mikey Adam Cohen: What is one piece of practical advice you would give to someone starting as a motivator? David Meltzer: Focus on providing value first before asking for value in return. Follow the 100/20 Rule, which says to provide $100 of value before asking for $20 in return. Mikey Adam Cohen: What is the best resource for people who want to dive deeper into motivation? David Meltzer: Google! We have more access to inspirational stories and people than ever before, but you need to make sure that you are “shopping” for the right content. Mikey Adam Cohen: Why did you choose these motivators to be included in your events? What unique perspective can they add? Please speak to each one and why they became a part of this event? David Meltzer: All of the motivators involved with World’s Greatest Motivators bring something different to the table, and that collection of unique viewpoints is designed to provide life-changing value to everyone that attends our events or watches the show. Mikey Adam Cohen: Is there anything we’re leaving out here that needs to be addressed? David Meltzer: I just want to reiterate the importance of gratitude, empathy, accountability, and inspiration, the cornerstones of my mission to empower over 1 billion people to be happy David Meltzer
Now is the time to stand by as one human family
Sparsh has been featured amongst 46 artists with special abilities from 14 countries with 1 message.
“Stand By Me” music video is live.