June R. Klein CEO of Technology & Marketing Ventures, Inc

Written by Heide Dangelo

June 3, 2022

  • Honored with Top 10 most Daring CEOs in Tech Business to Follow (Beyond! Cover and Featured Story) and Best US Venture Development Consultancy (Global 100.- 2021).
  • Awarded as the Most Influential Female CEO (Corporate Visionary), Most Innovative Financial Technologist (CorporateLiveWire) & Strategic Management Advisory (GameChangers) amongst the many other accolades that she has received over her corporate and boardroom life including executive at IBM, JPMorganChase, Citigroup, Merrill, and Federal Reserve, as well as, public, private and advisory boards.
  • She transforms Tech, Innovation, & Methodology into Wealth, Empowerment, & Resilience. Passionately solving
    business problems especially stakeholder impact of water-related risk due to climate change.


June R. Klein, is the CEO of Technology and Marketing Ventures Inc., a venture development management consultancy, known for its TMVi™ Algorithm. The methodology navigates decision-makers into competitive advantage adaptable to constant change, complexity, and risk. As a long-standing expert in finance, technology, and marketing, Klein’s career has spanned working alongside global financial conglomerates such as Federal Reserve Bank, Merrill Lynch, IBM, Citigroup, JP Morgan, as well as public and private company boards. 

June is known as a trailblazing tech woman from a: public company global board, credit union board, mobile marketing-payments board, health-human services board, and treasurer role of corporate directors’ association. Recently, she spoke at World Congress of Angel Investors on Board Women Solutionists and Money Lessons Learned. 

She has a BS math-education, MBA finance-marketing, IBM Systems Research Institute Certificate, Corporate Director Certificate, and unique, global experiential learnings. Sir Kenneth Olisa who has worked with June on and off for over 20 years said, “June has maintained her indominable energy and enthusiasm for business and innovation. Always comfortable being unique, June’s personal drive led to her becoming a trailblazer in the business application of technologies and to our more recent joint activities assisting disruptive entrepreneurs to scale up their businesses. June’s out of the box thinking (and I am toning down her creativity!) and impressive network makes her a go-to asset for organizations across the commercial spectrum. June is a great businessperson and role model for women of all walks of life.”

Jules:  Tell us about Technology & Marketing Ventures Inc.

June: TMV is enthusiastic about solving client business problems using technology, innovation, and method transformed into value, wealth, and empowerment. We customize our proven four-pillar framework to solve problems in governance, M&A, leadership, diversity, inclusion, entrepreneurship, and reinvention. Our boutique, holistic, integrated perspective versus silo thinking uncovers unusual outcomes for clients. Recently, TMV did a board risk committee assignment and identified that a global cybersecurity issue was not reaching board actionable levels due to reporting structure conflicts between CIO, CTO, CDO, CMO, CSO, and CRO. 

Electronic-BoardroomTMVi® Solutions is our brand and registered trademark in fields of use: consulting, TV, education, network, database, and newsletter. 

EmpowerNatorJune™ Impact is the brand used for e-learning, simulation games, e-commerce, personalized consultations, and game-changing disruptions.

Top-ranked THINK-DO leaders.TMV builds internal-external teams that reflect excellence, ownership, humor, and outcome-based compensation.

TMV awards with cover and featured story include: Innovation in Corporate Technology (Global 100 Winner 2014-2022); US  Gamechanger of the Year (Global Gamechangers 2022); Best US Venture Development Consultancy (Wealth and Finance 2022); June’s Story (Influential People Magazine 2022); Who’s Who in Cybersecurity – May the Tech Be with You (Top Cyber News 2022); Top 10 Daring CEOs in Tech Business to Follow {Beyond!); Best Boardroom Solutions Provider (Global Business Insight); Most Influential Female CEO (Corporate Visionary), Strategic Management Advisory (Silicon Review.) 

Jules:  What trends are you seeing? 

June:  I am working on a pilot prototype that enables C-level to make their own issues the storyUsing time and points gamification, EmpowerNatorJune™ Navigator leads the player through a map with their assumptions, problem definition, and relationships with 4 pillars (technology, marketing, ventures, and inc.) The player’s unique value outcome is in the intersection of the 4 pillars shown in their Venn diagram.

Jules:  Why are people coming to you today?

June:  Boards and CEOs need 360-degree insights on governance, risk, compliance, and hot topics.

I was honored to be chosen to write this article for the prestigious GRC corporation. 


Digital Ethics Leadership Trends and Action. 

In every TMVi™ Corporate Governance process, a Marketing Pillar question is: Are you confusing your social values with ethical values… do not that is what Enron did prior to its bankruptcy. 

With the speed of Web 3.0 (open blockchain and NFT ownerships) and partnerships beyond, boards must have an independent director or chairman’s advisor like June Klein, who is a holistic, technology solutionist. The TMVi™ algorithmic process will identify red flags and alternative solutions. 

Cybersecurity Trends and Suggested Actions.  Cybersecurity women collegial teams and zero-trust compliance. As Scott McNealy said in 1982, “No privacy, get   over it.” Commonplace threats, quickly evolve into multi-stage attacks. 

TMV’s curated global top talent team does a TMVi™ Analysis or study or white paper on emerging tech in cybersecurity and then refines it further for the client’s environment and security type (critical infrastructure, application, network, cloud,  IOS.) 

Satellite cyber-attack growing risks.

The points of access that exist for a potential satellite cyberattack are the extended land-based infrastructure like ground stations, the satellites themselves, and the supply chain.

TMV team will meet with members of the satellite, end user, cyber and CyberSat advisory board communities to discuss the threat landscape and vectors for a cybersecurity attack on satellites. 

Jules:  When was your Aha moment?

June:  My aha moment was when I was in Oxford while Nelson Mandela was getting his honorary degree. I realized that the common thread in my career was diverse education, innovative ecosystems, and building bigger, bolder, and better.

Mandela said it best, “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” My saga moves from my Oxford experiences below into being top talent in a social movement TV series, to my being interviewed for this article by the ambassador for a celebrity concert honoring Nelson Mandela with proceeds providing water and resources for African people.

Education and career do not have to follow a straight line. I launched and presented versions of my “Corporate Governance  TMVi™ Framework at Oxford’s International Social Values Conference and Internet Institute’s 10-year Symposium. Oxford TV Studio filmed the lectures and included them in yearly versions of “Management of Business, Education, & Training Values” published by the Oxford Centre for Education and Business Values with the University Press of America. 

Investors used the TMVi™ Process to rate stocks and auditing committees used it to detect red flags. Fifth Estate researchers on the Internet’s role in enabling new forms of social accountability and voice also used the framework. I sponsored Fifth Estate research and England’s Higher Education Funding Council matched my gifts.

Jules:  You are known for being one to move on uncharted water, and solve business issues with a proven method that manages risk, change, complexity, and infobesity. Explain.

June:  Impact Leaders hire TMV to navigate them through new and unmapped territories. This is because adaptability, resilience, and recovery are not inherent skills. Most decision-makers know a storm is coming, but do not have a framework to manage constant change, complexity, and risk. So, I share and customize my proven algorithm with executives. The leader’s outcome is in becoming an innovative ecosystem builder driving scalable, sustainable, profitable businesses. The method minimizes leader anxiety because the design is for a continuum, not an endgame that is not adaptable to constant changes.

I created the four key success pillars Technology, Marketing, Ventures, inc.” by necessity when I was developing global trading systems at a major bank. Since traders can leverage speed and reduce costs by using new digital technologies, there is a risk of implementing without beta tests or parallel testing. Asking questions about where each of the four pillars fits with the problem minimizes the risks. The real value is where all four pillars intersect in a Venn diagram.

TMVi™ Method is a more holistic form of a design thinking process as it goes beyond the three most important thinking parts i.e., Inspiration, Ideation, and Implementation. It includes big data pattern recognition, data science, and analytics which can help organizations unlock new opportunities and reinforce long-term innovation. 

Inspiration includes research and understanding of the problem. TMVi™ Method adds Assumptions because if your assumptions are wrong the whole analysis is invalid. We define a problem as something to which you cannot say ‘so what?’ A problem must be something that if you do not do something about it now, the consequences will be disastrous. 

Ideation involves producing ideas and solutions based on the research in the inspiration stage. 

Implementation is launching the idea out in the market.

Jules:  What is your superpower?

June: I navigate decision-makers through uncharted water. The outcome is competitive advantage optimized for adaptability to a future world.

Jules:  You have been exploring the evolution of Social TV, to what stakeholder social causes are you directing your skills? 

June:  Streaming. In a time of negativity and fear of the world we are bringing up our children into, focused streaming services could be a breath of fresh air. 

Hurricane Flooding. I experienced the bay and ocean meet four times, so I understand the built-infrastructure risk for stakeholders from climate change-induced hurricane flooding. I am building a new practices data base because old practices no longer work.  

Ecosystem Savvy. Fulfilling the objective of building partnership skills and competencies is critical for the success of innovative ecosystems. I am applying UN Partnerships Accelerator findings to various ventures.

Jules:  Tell us about the TMVi process of how you analyze satellite cyber-risk before okaying operational launch for pitches.

June:  Before approving the operational launch of satellites, I collaborate with four expert colleagues regarding the latest satellite-related issues. 

I review Assumptions e.g., Adversaries are eager to exploit cybersecurity vulnerabilities in space systems.

I update Problems e.g. If hackers took control of private industry satellites, they could spoof signals creating havoc for critical infrastructure like water networks. 

Process answers four questions: How does each of the four pillars (Technology, Marketing, Ventures, inc.,) relate to satellites, cybersecurity, ESG, humans, built-environment, water-related, climate change, and investment decisions? 

Technology insights e.g., Solutionists use the digital twin concept before and after disasters to synchronize a physical object with a cyber form. This enables the testing of different scenarios to find vulnerabilities and create protection solutions. 

Marketing Observations: e.g., the Space race has moved from the ideas of visionary engineers into wealthy entrepreneur enablement and ideally human betterment. 

Ventures pop-up: e.g., Stakeholders regard cybersecurity not only as a technology issue but as a key environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concern, falling under ‘Social’ human impact. 

“Inc.” pulls together: e.g., The first line of defense inside a space system is encryption and authentication of the data sent to and from the spacecraft. The algorithms used are GIA4 for integrity and GEA4 for confidentiality. The integration of the Environmental into Social via Governance is a journey, not a destination. 

55second TV show context video  https://vimeo.com/620955556     

Expanded Satellite process at: “May the Tech Be with You…as We Go Where Others Have Not Gone Before”  https://www.linkedin.com/posts/juneklein_technology-marketing-ventures-activity-6900988166296473600-HCWk?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web

Jules:  You received the Influential Global Financial Technologist award. What does this mean to you? 

June:  Interconnecting my holistic vision with global, financial, technology, math, learning, and marketing skillsets produces unique results for TMV’s clients. It is my experiences and skills that give me a unique perspective to navigate C-level executives and senior decision-makers in tech and finance through uncharted waters.

I attribute my comfort with managing risk to digesting the crux of financial services, a risk, process, and compliance business. 

I attribute my joy in complexity to my math foundation where I digested assumptions, problem definition, pattern recognition, Venn diagrams, and programming. I learned how to think, not what to think. 

I attribute liking constant change because it is inherent in surviving and thriving with technology.

When I advised a small cap universal exchange, I wanted the investors to understood where our exchange fit within the financial landscape. I authored the book, ‘The Evolution of Trading: How Technology & Governance are Changing Finance in the 21st Century.’ The globalization of finance sounds like a complicated topic. In fact, there are only two main drivers: regulation and technology. You need to get regulation right because it constitutes a critical element in the structure and competitive advantage of a modern corporation. World leaders understand that the success of the primary financial business is a direct result of successful technological innovation and adaptation.

Jules:  As a visionary what problems do you want to solve? 

June:  Holistic, model digital homes-offices that cost-effectively reimagine people, places, and processes.

If we do not catapult collaborative designs with the future of information spaces, and the impact of tech, we will not be able to create value from interconnecting people, technology, and business. 

Over the years, I have created specific models for live-work-family-learn facilities in apartment buildings, single-family homes, aging parent multi-family homes, empty homes, director’s estates, and private boardrooms. The pandemic has catapulted adaptability needs for universal connectivity, entity partnerships, family staycations, recreated spaces, user- friendly technologies, furniture setups, and hybrid-working policies. Currently, I am vetting integrated ecosystem partners with expert services for a scaled-down use-case in NYC and CT. 

Jules:  What has been the proudest moment in your career?

June:  At the IBM in-depth review of my Systems Assurance strategic plan, Vice Chairman said, “in all my years, I’ve never seen anyone this prepared for every global contingency.” I was so happy that my customer, team, and employer were delighted to approve this milestone.




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