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Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim.

Why Most (Women) Give Up On Their Dreams

Why Most (Women) Give Up On Their Dreams

by Soulaima Gourani INVESTOR, SPEAKER, AUTHOR, ADVISOR, LIFE LEADERSHIP & DESIGN COACH Copyrighted by Soulaima Gourani Data from theGlobal Dreams Index Survey showsover half of the world’s women admitted to giving up on their dreams. Over half of the women! Why is...

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3 Steps to a “Perfect 2020” Mastermind Event

3 Steps to a “Perfect 2020” Mastermind Event

MICHELLE MOORE W I N D E R AUTHOR, SPEAKER, BUSINESS, CONSULTANT, & COACH ☆ C E L E B R I T Y M A K E R ☆ Copyrighted by Michelle Winder Masterminds are NOT just another conference or meet up. If you’ve ever thought about running your mastermind event, here are...

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How To Be A More Strategic Leader.

How To Be A More Strategic Leader.

by Theresa Ashby Great business leaders understand that leading an enterprise in the direction of continuous growth once it has caught fire can take a herculean effort. Inevitably, every organization—from startups to the well-established—faces the tenuous transition...

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Snowflakes and Influencer Marketing

Snowflakes and Influencer Marketing

by Ben Baker It’s snowing out. Most people who are reading this are saying, “yeah, so what. It is the middle of winter, what is the big deal about that?”  But what if I gave you some more context?  It is snowing, and it is in Vancouver, BC.  Again, most...

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