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Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim.
Are You A Woman Aspiring To Be A Leader?
by Gitte Randrup Are you out of your mind? What kind of mother are you? Are you out of your mind? What kind of a mother are you? We’re aware of it. We’ve heard about it for years: the general female deficit on boards of directors and...
Are Your Prospects Thinking About You?
by Meridith Powell Since you arrived at the office this morning, while you were pouring your first cup of coffee, or leading that morning sales huddle; your customers have already started the sales process without you. Right now,...
Future Leadership From Employee to Ambassador
by Gitte Gronning As a leader in today's world, it's not enough to have a long resume, with a long title such as Cand. Mag., longer university education or having been a leader for many years. The world is changing and A.I. is in many areas catching up with...
6 New Year’s Resolutions Every Professional Needs
byMeridith Powell You’ve had a great holiday, lots of wonderful time with family and friends and now it is time to hit the ground running. Time to think about what you want to get out of 2019, and what you wish to the new year to bring. While you’re busy focusing on...
How to Sell on Instagram
We’ve come to love using Instagram as an avenue for expression. People use it to share personal and real-time experiences. Brands use it to tell their own stories and connect with their customers. Do you also use it to sell your products and services?
Comprehensive Tools How to Sort Your Life For The New Year
Brian, my spouse for 23 years, and I challenge each other to do something that we’re scared of doing every single year. We encourage each other to face our fears and challenge each other to do specific things that we think will benefit us in the long run.
3 Ways Personal Healing Makes You A Better Leader
Personal healing and business may not seem like they belong together. But in my life of work, growing as a person means growing as a business, as well. Here are three ways my own healing journey transformed my leadership abilities — and how they can transform yours, too.
How to Overcome Workplace Bullies
When I was a new hire, I was bullied. By this, I mean that work was kept from me so that I didn’t have enough to do, or I received the same monotonous duties. I wasn’t introduced to work areas with which I wanted to acquaint myself and which were natural parts of my job description.
The Importance of Keep Reaching out to People. Vision Mapping (Pt 6)
by Tony Durso Keep Reaching Out To be successful at all in any way, shape or form, you have to keep reaching out. It is the salesperson who must approach the potential customer. Otherwise, the customer will never know where to get that product. If you did not...
No, Facebook doesn’t secretly listen via your microphone
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