3 Steps To Alignment
by Michelle Moore Winder MICHELLE MOORE W I N D E R C E L E B R I T Y M A K E R, AUTHOR, SPEAKER, BUSINESS CONSULTANT, & COACH Copyrighted by Michelle Winder The Lord has been speaking to me about alignment a LOT lately. I had a stiff neck for almost a week &...
Tips How to Increase Your Happiness as an Introvert
by Gitte Randrup G I T T E RANDRUP HR BUSINESS PARTNER, CONSULTANT/ RECRUITER, BLOGGER Copyrighted by Gitte Randrup I use the cards I have in the best way possible. I am an introvert. This means that I get energy and recharge my batteries at home–not among other...
How to Protect Your Boundaries With Honest Conversations
MELISSA HULL PRODUCER, AUTHOR, SPEAKER, ARTIST, CONSULTANTCopyright by Melissa Hull Want to learn how to protect your boundaries with honest conversation? Here are my best tips for creating boundaries even when it’s tough. How many times have you said yes to...
by Phil Guinouard Copyrighted by: Phil Guinourd Self-care. Wait. I’m confused! Self-Bare? You might be asking, what are you talking about and what is Self-Bare? We have all been forced into a new and totally unfamiliar way to operate in our own lives. Let’s start by...
Overcoming Obstacles and Breaking Barriers
by Stephen R Smith OVERCOMING OBSTACLES AND BREAKING BARRIERS. A GIFT FOR FATHER’S DAY STEPHEN R S M I T H AUTHOR, SPEAKER, CEO,FOUNDER, BROADCASTER Copyright by Stephen R Smith Today is a new day and we can paint the canvas of this picture any way we choose. I choose...
14 Reasons To Be Grateful For Staying Home During The Pandemic
MIKEY ADAM COHEN WRITER, INFLUENCER, CELEBRITY INTERVIEWER/REPORTER, COLUMNIST Copyrighted by Mikey Adam Cohen 1. You are saving money. Sure, I know this will have disastrous effects on many businesses and I am sorry about that. You can support your local restaurant...
The Shadow of Freedom to Happiness
by Yoram Baltinester It’s not ‘the man’ that you are enslaved to. Nor is it your employment. That’s a myth! So many of us have bought into the idea that being an employee is bad for us. In parties, we trash employment as a modern-day...