The Power of a Morning Routine

The Power of a Morning Routine

AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR KEYNOTE SPEAKER, BUSINESS STRATEGIST, SALES/LEADERSHIP EXPERT Copyright by Meridith Powell All you have to do is a little googling to find countless articles and videos on why a morning routine is essential and the virtues of why most successful...

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Why Fear is Paralyzing Your Business

Why Fear is Paralyzing Your Business

AUTHOR, SPEAKER, PRODUCTIVITY COACH, PODCASTER Adam Strong is a former elite athlete who trained with Olympic gold-medalist Mo Farah. He has taken the principles of discipline, focus, and productivity and applied them to business to help entrepreneurs and medium-sized...

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3 Steps To Alignment

3 Steps To Alignment

by Michelle Moore Winder MICHELLE MOORE W I N D E R C E L E B R I T Y M A K E R, AUTHOR, SPEAKER, BUSINESS CONSULTANT, & COACH Copyrighted by Michelle Winder The Lord has been speaking to me about alignment a LOT lately. I had a stiff neck for almost a week &...

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Tips How to Increase Your Happiness as an Introvert

Tips How to Increase Your Happiness as an Introvert

by Gitte Randrup G I T T E RANDRUP HR BUSINESS PARTNER, CONSULTANT/ RECRUITER, BLOGGER Copyrighted by Gitte Randrup I use the cards I have in the best way possible. I am an introvert. This means that I get energy and recharge my batteries at home–not among other...

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by Phil Guinouard Copyrighted by: Phil Guinourd Self-care. Wait. I’m confused! Self-Bare? You might be asking, what are you talking about and what is Self-Bare? We have all been forced into a new and totally unfamiliar way to operate in our own lives. Let’s start by...

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Overcoming Obstacles and Breaking Barriers

Overcoming Obstacles and Breaking Barriers

by Stephen R Smith OVERCOMING OBSTACLES AND BREAKING BARRIERS. A GIFT FOR FATHER’S DAY STEPHEN R S M I T H AUTHOR, SPEAKER, CEO,FOUNDER, BROADCASTER Copyright by Stephen R Smith Today is a new day and we can paint the canvas of this picture any way we choose. I choose...

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The Shadow of Freedom to Happiness

The Shadow of Freedom to Happiness

by Yoram Baltinester It’s not ‘the man’ that you are enslaved to. Nor is it your employment. That’s a myth!      So many of us have bought into the idea that being an employee is bad for us. In parties, we trash employment as a modern-day...

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