by Phil Guinouard

Copyrighted by: Phil Guinourd

Self-care. Wait. I’m confused! Self-Bare?

You might be asking, what are you talking about and what is Self-Bare? We have all been forced into a new and totally unfamiliar way to operate in our own lives. Let’s start by looking at a definition of Self-Care and I will give you my definition of Self-Bare (as I just made it up). What is Self-Care?

Self-care is the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health. The practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress. What is Self-Bare?

Self-bare is the practice of not giving to yourself or “stripping” yourself bare and depleted for the reasons of lack of money, resources, and even lack of an abundant mindset (per Phil Guinouard, I made this definition up). Why Now??? Up until early March 2020, you were operating life in a way that was working, or at least it was routine, and you mostly managed it well enough (or did you?). Then BOOM things changed and they changed quickly, even without your say so in the matter. You were told to work from home or even worse you had no work. Your kids are now being homeschooled, almost all businesses are being shut down and stay in place orders are mandated. Grocery store lines and outages of basic needs were enough to put even the strongest of people off their game. All of this creates a new and UNKNOWN level of stress and chaos in and around us.

Practicing self-care during the pandemic is important to our bodies, mind, feelings, and behavior, says one Rutgers expert. So, what are some of the things that you can do daily to participate in your own self-care and that of the people around you? Here is a start…

Morning Mindset

Keeping a regular schedule in the midst of a completely different routine

Wake up 30 minutes early to have time to generate your day through

Practice Daily Meditations

Utilize Visualization Techniques Breathing exercises to relax & reduce stress Start Gratitude Journaling Daily Immune Boosting Drink plenty of water & electrolytes Pro & Pre-biotics Digestive enzymes Healthy eating of fruits, vegetables, protein Reduce sugar, starches and carbonated beverages Take a fiber supplement (we can’t eat enough fiber) take a high quality proven daily multivitamin supplement

Move your body

Go for a walk throughout the day

Exercise of some kind daily (I am missing the YMCA not being open)

Use your downtime to do fulfilling projects around the house that you have been putting off During these current times, people are more focused on their health than ever. These are just a few of the self-care actions you can be taking. I believe that some of the most critical self-care practices are boosting your immune system to be healthy, fight off stress and ultimately keep a schedule.

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