Lorenza Lombana is a certified dual language and bilingual EC-6 educator. Lombana has always been passionate about teaching and helping others learn. This passion led her to her success as an educator. She believes the key to being a great educator is having strong interpersonal skills, which she developed due to her previous work engagements and academic background. Lombana is highly educated, having earned her degree in liberal arts from the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. After completing her studies, she began working in different administrative roles for 4 years.  She learned valuable interpersonal skills as she was responsible for providing customer service and assisting HR with handling confidential documents. Additionally, it helped her to be highly organized and detail-oriented.

Through these experiences, Lorenza Lombana developed strong interpersonal skills, which have proven beneficial in her current occupation as an educator. Teaching is more than just a job for Lombana; it’s a calling. She genuinely cares about her students and their success in and out of the classroom. But Lombana doesn’t stop there; she’s also a philanthropist who has donated time and resources towards noble causes like the Anti-Trafficking Alliance and the Texas Counter-Trafficking Initiative. Lombana is also an avid supporter of social justice initiatives. Her commitment to teaching and helping others makes her an exemplary educator and role model.



Please tell us a bit about your business – what is your career about?

I am a dual language and bilingual teacher. My goal is to help my students develop the skills to own their words to succeed in an increasingly connected world. In addition to teaching, I believe that by teaching our children the value of respect and appreciation of cultures, we can build a more peaceful and prosperous world. I am committed to helping my students develop the skills they need to communicate effectively in various settings to build bridges.


How did your background set the stage for your expertise as an educator?

My background set the stage for my expertise as an educator by helping me grow up. Nowadays, education alone cannot prepare a freshly graduated student for what is to come professionally. I am grateful for the exposure to diverse and bustling environments of the business world where people came internationally to work alongside me. Learning how to make it as an adult in the real world, including becoming a mother, prepared me to go back and follow my dreams of educating children. When I landed a job as a bilingual teacher, I knew I was in the right place. I am passionate about teaching others and helping them empower themselves with education so they can accomplish their dreams someday. I believe that every student has the potential to achieve great things, and it is my mission to help them set and accomplish their personal goals holistically.


Was it difficult to get started?

I began my teaching career in a dual language program. I was unfamiliar with the pace or how dual language truly worked even after my studies, but I was excited to dive right in. The first year was difficult. I was new to the curriculum and the pandemic was unprecedented. However, I was determined to work it out. I sought resources and support from fellow teachers and slowly built up my confidence. By the end of the year, my students were making progress, and I felt more comfortable in my role. Looking back, I am glad that I never gave up. Being a dual language has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my teaching career.


What is your vision goal for your career in 2022?

My goal is to be an exemplary educator. I am no longer considered a rookie and I very much want to pace myself to becoming someone folks could consider a role model for both students and other teachers that are starting out. I also hope to continue expanding my professional development.


What inspired you to start your career as an educator?

I always knew I wanted to work with people and was drawn to helping others learn and grow. My mother is an educator and becoming a mother myself impacted my professional trajectory significantly. I knew I wanted to explore education more than ever so I can help my own children succeed, as well. Teaching is something that I am passionate about, and it is an honor to be able to help my students to reach their full potential.


As a dual language and bilingual teacher, what is the important takeaway (your goal) for the firm that you want people to know about?

As a dual language and bilingual teacher, I aim to prepare students for success in a globalized world. In today’s economy, students need to be able to communicate effectively with people from different cultures and backgrounds. In addition, research has shown that bilingualism can have many cognitive benefits, such as improved problem-solving skills and increased creativity. As a result, I believe that dual language education is essential for preparing our students for the challenges of the 21st century.


What motivates you to keep going in all that you do?

What motivates me to keep going in all that I do is the knowledge that I am making a difference in the lives of my students. I know that by teaching them another language, I am opening up a world of opportunities for them to experience. I also take great pride in watching my students progress and succeed in their goals. Each time one of them reaches a milestone, it reminds me of why I do what I do and motivates me to keep going. In short, my students are my motivation, and their dedication and determination constantly inspire me.


What books have inspired you?

I highly recommend Cheryl Urow’s Teaching for Biliteracy: Strengthening Bridges Between Languages and Erin Gruwell’s The Freedom Writers Diary.

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