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How long does it take to Summarize a Deposition?

How long does it take to Summarize a Deposition?

epositions are one of the most vital and unavoidable factors in filing a lawsuit. So, it is important for a lawyer to have a thorough checking in all aspects of deposition summaries. While making the summary, it is important to note that the witness testimony is correct and should point out the vital parts which is helpful in the case.

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5 Ways to Intuitively Nurture Your Network

5 Ways to Intuitively Nurture Your Network

When it comes to spreading a global, world-changing message, you’re going to need as many people in your corner as you can get — but that doesn’t mean collecting surface-level connections or Facebook friends.

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How Do I Get My Youtube Channel Noticed?

How Do I Get My Youtube Channel Noticed?

How do I get my YouTube channel noticed? I hear it all the time because a lot of people think if you build it, they will come but that’s not necessarily the case when it...

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Snowflakes and Influencer Marketing

Snowflakes and Influencer Marketing

by Ben Baker It’s snowing out. Most people who are reading this are saying, “yeah, so what. It is the middle of winter, what is the big deal about that?”  But what if I...

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Are Your Prospects Thinking About You?

Are Your Prospects Thinking About You?

by Meridith Powell    Since you arrived at the office this morning, while you were pouring your first cup of coffee, or leading that morning sales huddle; your...

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