by Dr. Richard Flemming PhD

Richard Fleming is one of “The Dark Night of Medicine” who is willing to get things done to protect those who can not protect themselves to expose the truth to those who have been deceitful about test or drugs were done to profit themselves instead of helping the patient. 

His new upcoming patent (TFMTVDM/BEST Imaging) is the only quantitative method that can find breast cancer and changes that leads to breast cancer to increase the treatment option.  This is a huge paradigm shift in treating and finding cancer to save over a million lives.

  TFMTVDM/BEST: Providing the much-needed answers to Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment for both women and men.

     Breast Cancer remains the most common cancer found in women occurring in 1 out of every 8 women and while it is 100 times more prevalent in women than men, in 2018 there were approximately 266,120 new cases of breast cancer in women and 2,550

new cases in men, resulting in 40,920 deaths among women with 480 men dying from Breast Cancer. The conventional tests, which we have been relied upon to look for breast cancer in women, viz. mammography, ultrasound, and more recently MRI and CT have not shown any survival benefit according to the National Cancer Institute and the Canadian Trial (BMJ DOI:10.1136/bmj.g366).

     The overall information shows that 10% of women who don’t have breast cancer are told they do by mammography, with a 50-50 chance of being told they have cancer when they don’t if they undergo mammography 10-years in a row. More significant are the 6-46% of women who have cancer, which is missed by mammography. This risk increases among younger women and women with “dense breasts.”

     Only beginning in 2003, after the diagnosis of Nancy Cappello, Ph.D., whose Stage III breast cancer was completely missed by mammography did people begin to address the issue of women with dense breasts (50% of all women) and the failure of mammography to reliable find breast cancer in these women. By December of 2018, 35 States had enacted laws requiring notification of women that if they have dense breasts, their mammogram may have missed their breast cancer. Nancy died recently and it should be noted that on 19 February 2019, it was announced that the Federal Government had just passed legislation that “the FDA must now ensure mammography reports include appropriate breast-density information. Dense tissue can hide cancer on mammograms, so this information is vital to catching breast cancer early.”

     This is not new information to me. When I entered Medical University, the second thing our Dean told us was that 90% of what we would be taught was wrong, they simply didn’t know which 90% that was. He encouraged those of us with the research

training, experience, and dedication to do the work to find out where the errors were and to improve the practice of Medicine by correcting those wrongs and changing Medicine for the better and so I embarked my career involving researching and correcting these errors.

     As a physicist-physician, I have spent the last 20-years developing a patented breast cancer test known as Breast Enhanced Scintigraphy Test (BEST). BEST not only finds breast cancer sooner but it also finds the changes leading up to breast cancer increasing treatment options. It does this by measuring the differences in blood flow and metabolism in different areas of the breast, allowing us to define exactly what is happening anywhere in the breast, including women with dense breasts, women who have breast implants, women who have undergone treatment for breast cancer including mastectomy and men. As such it places women, and men, on a “Health-Spectrum” identifying where they fit on the “Health-Spectrum” as individuals and provides an actual measurement of treatment results. Thus, allowing physicians to determine whether your treatment is working or should be changed, producing a paradigm shift in finding and treating cancer.

     BEST Imaging is the only quantitative test for measuring breast cancer. It is a part of “The Fleming Method for Tissue and Vascular Differentiation and Metabolism (FMTVDM) using same state single or sequential quantification comparisons” (Patent Number 9566037), which was issued its patented on 02/14/2017. BEST not only “quantitatively” measures and finds breast cancer sooner, but it also finds the transitional changes leading up to breast cancer, increasing treatment options before cancer develops. As cancer develops, these transitional changes demonstrate inflammatory changes and precancerous changes, all associated with more metabolically active cells and to feed those more metabolically active cells, increased blood flow. BEST Imaging can consequently measure not only these transitional changes, but it can consequently measure whether your treatment is working or not. If not, it can redirect you and your Doctor to try another treatment; saving time, money and lives.

     FMTVDM/BEST evolved out of earlier work based upon my “Inflammation and Heart Disease” and “Angina” Theories, which were presented on 20/20, The Today Show and MSNBC. These Theories are now commonly accepted and frequently referred to by other physicians and explain why heart disease; cancer, including breast cancer; and a host of other diseases develop. The process of developing FMTVDM/BEST resulted in the discovery of many misrepresentations by several pharmaceutical companies, which not only produced errors in the tests while increasing company profits.

      We are now in the process of licensing the patent so people may be helped and medicine can enter a new era of “measuring” what is happening and providing each patient with their specific treatment based upon their response to treatment and not some hypothetical we think this might work for you.

     We are also offering to provide ONE University Medical Center Hospital with a FREE license to use FMTVDM based upon a nomination process now underway. Those who receive a license to use FMTVDM must agree to provide the test to all women and men independent of their insurance or financial ability to pay for the test.     ~ Dr. Richard Fleming

      Further information about FMTVDM/BEST can be found at:

IMDb:  Pro Labs     FB:  Richard Maximus Fleming      

Instagram:  richardmaximusfleming     Twitter:  Dr. RM Fleming    

LinkedIn:  Prof. Richard M. Fleming, Ph.D., M.D., J.D.    

Dr. Fleming was born and raised in Iowa. In seventh grade he entered an accelerated physics program initiated by the JFK administration. His doctorate degrees are in physics, medicine and law. He has published more than 80 peer reviewed papers in medical journals, has presented at more than 70 conferences worldwide, has 4 books written for the general public, has 8 chapters in medical textbooks and has been Editor-in-Chief of one Cardiology textbook. He holds several copyrights and the patent for FMTVDM/BEST imaging providing the first and only quantitative method for measuring heart disease and cancer.

Today we are asking for more than your words of support. We are asking for your financial donations to make it possible to provide a FMTVDM/BEST Imaging license “Free” to ONE University Medical Center Hospital, which has been nominated and has demonstrated its Commitment to Excellence to Patient Care, Commitment to the Community it Serves, as well as its Commitment to Patient Compassion. It must further demonstrate these principles by agreeing to provide FMTVDM/BEST Breast Cancer Imaging to ANYONE regardless of their insurance or financial ability to pay for the test. You can learn about the test here:

Medicine is NOT a Business; it is an ancient calling. Medicine is a Profession espoused by the “Hippocratic Oath” long before Roman Laws or American Civilization ever existed. This license epitomizes that Hippocratic Oath by providing care and directing treatment of those in need, independent of money, politics, race, religion, sexual orientation or beliefs.

For the cost of a night out, you can be part of History. Making it possible for ONE University Medical Center Hospital to receive a license for this patented medical breakthrough helping to save countless lives; finding breast cancer sooner, as well as finding those changes occurring before cancer has had time to develop. This is the opportunity to do more than merely treat cancer, potentially preventing it all together.

I am happy to do a conference call with anyone to discuss this new test.

Please go to our GoFundMe page tomorrow, Friday, March 2019. We are asking for a minimum donation of $25.

Our goal is $50,000 by April 12 and to implement the free license at the end of April. We are working with a Hollywood PR firm to help our cause.

About The Author