Hello Influential People News readers! We are thrilled to spotlight a woman that has dedicated her time and heart to helping women who battle depression. Author and speaker Teresa Cox-Bate is determined to inspire 100 women this year with her message of hope and resilience.

Known for her infectious energy and sense of humor, Teresa brings a unique blend of warmth and enthusiasm to her work. She has a gentle and sweetheart, which shines through in her writing and speaking engagements. Her goal is to help women who are struggling with depression to find their inner strength and live a life of purpose and joy.

Teresa’s message is one of empowerment and self-care. She believes that every woman has the power to overcome her challenges and become the best version of herself. Through her books and speaking engagements, she encourages women to embrace their inner beauty and strength and to never give up on their dreams.

We are so thrilled to hear about the inspirational work that you are doing helping women who battle depression. What inspired you to begin this line of work?

Teresa: I am inspired to begin this line of work because I feel I didn’t have a community too turn too. Yes having a therapist to speak with or even friends and family it’s great but I wanted to be surrounded by other woman that has this battle so we can bounce our ideas off each other and create this bridge for woman to feel comfortable and free.

As an author and speaker, what have been some of the most memorable moments in your career so far?

Teresa: My most memorable moment so far is when I spoke at a conference last year. It was a very scary moment for me. In the end, I did amazing and I had the honor of connecting with women like me. The opportunity is like no other that I had. This is why I love what I do. It’s extremely important to hold on to those special moments.

What do you enjoy most about your career?

Teresa: I enjoy being a powerhouse for women that needs the help and I encourage them to always put their best foot forward. I reflect on values and interests that will assist my clients. I always take time to reflect on my core values and interests. I identify with what drives me and what my passion is about which is to encourage women. This can help me to align my career with my passions and make the career so much more fulfilling.

What are you currently working on?

Teresa: I have so much going on for me. I am doing my first book collaboration. The title is, “Rising Above: Overcoming Depression through Mindfulness and Self-Compassion” It’s necessary to protect ourselves by showing self-love as the only kind of life that we can give ourselves. I’m also working on my course that teaches women how regain the focus to get on the path of true happiness. Last but not least I am planning to do my first one-day event. It’s going to be epic.

Why is empowerment and self-care important to you personally and professionally?

Teresa: Depression is an incredibly difficult state to experience, as anyone who has been around depressed individuals for a prolonged period can attest. The misery that it inflicts is striking, as evidenced by the personal account. Empowerment is extremely important to me because finding the courage to push yourself will allow you to do the hardworking. It takes dedication to care for yourself. I am a firm believer that you must fill your cup first before pouring it into others. While staying truthful to your dreams so you can get on the path of feeling complete.

What else would you like our readers to know about you? Any exclusive news you can share with us first?

Teresa: I want people to see how passionate to help women. I’m determined and set in my ways to spread the love that is needed. Our thoughts, mind, and perspective are very powerful. I want readers to know that if they pay attention to their thoughts, they can change and improve their lives. I am currently working on a special project as I will be hosting workshops at various gyms to bring the component of mental well-being.

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