Khory Hancock has achieved heavy acclaim for his work in the environmental industry as an environmental scientist and thought leader. His online mission is to raise awareness of climate change solutions and help companies and individuals learn how to manage their carbon footprint better while regenerating our natural world. It earned him a nomination as the Young Queenslander of the Year award finalist, as well as many keynote speaking roles and national television appearances.

Raising Environmental Awareness

This nomination highlights just how important the climate has become for many people and industries. He says the destruction wrought by climate change is only just beginning, and while the problem may be impossible to reverse fully, we still have enough time left to reverse the worse to come.

Hancock grew up on a cattle station and understands the challenges of working on the land and people’s basic human needs. He has used his earthy connection and deep understanding of these issues to create a memorable persona called The Environmental Cowboy that draws in many people and makes learning about environmental change more interesting. His content focuses not just on discussing problems but explaining the real solutions to these issues that exist right now.

For example, one of his biggest focuses has been highlighting the reverse carbon mining process through an industry called carbon farming. This can be done through a series of scientifically regulated methods that aim to draw carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere by reforesting land and increasing seaweed growth and soil. These processes safely store carbon out of the atmosphere and produce more oxygen, and reduce the impact of climate change, with the potential to even reverse it.

That said, Khory Hancock runs and owns a profitable business based on these methods. The company essentially sells the carbon credit (which is essentially a financial product with an associated environmental value) as an offset to buyers on the market. The idea is that landowners and businesses who implement these regenerative methods get rewarded, and by doing so, they create a whole new economic market, one that could focus on the regeneration of nature, not degeneration.  

All of this hard work earned Khory Hancock national and international interest and nearly got him the award for being the most influential young person in the state. His work is also far from over, with his entrepreneurial flare indicating more films and an upcoming book to make a more significant impact. Wherever his career goes, it is clear that young people like Hancock can make a significant difference through education on these chosen platforms.

The ultimate goal is to create a generation of leaders who can positively combat climate change problems in their own careers. Khory Hancock ultimately believes in humanity and often talks about the power of the human heart and mind to overcome our environmental and social challenges. 

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