Having had to fight for her life when she was diagnosed with breast cancer while pregnant at age 29, gave Heather a new perspective on life and marriage. Heather and her husband and I had to rely upon a bedrock foundation of trust, support, faith, tenacity, and persistence to survive and protect the life of our baby while keeping their marriage intact.

“I understand the raw, day-to-day struggles couples face and teach people around the world how to build a foundation of unconditional love for themselves and their spouse.”

Heather Choate and Marc Johnston are the founders of High Thrive Coaching.

Over the past 15 years, Marc has helped thousands of clients make real changes in their lives and save their marriages.  As a founder of High Thrive Coaching, he shares his secrets to reconnect with your spouse and restore your marriage, even if your spouse is checked out or wanting a divorce.

“My method helps clients improve their communication, restore trust, overcome addiction, move beyond affairs, and more. After a spectacular failure, and nearly losing everything, I have learned how to use failures in relationships and life as tools to springboard to success.”


Heather, you had fought for your life when you were diagnosed with breast cancer while pregnant at age 29. Take us back to that time.

Sometimes we have to be torn down so we can be rebuilt. I feel like that’s what my journey fighting and overcoming cancer was about in the end. It gave me a new perspective on life and marriage and helped me look at the shadows in my own soul that were keeping me stuck in pain and unhealthy patterns. I learned to trust the inner voice inside myself that knows the truth. I was 10 weeks pregnant when I was diagnosed and doctors told me to abort my baby to save my life. I told them, “I’d rather die than take the life of my child.” Despite all the odds against us (a 5% chance of living to this day), I trusted that voice inside of me that said I needed to do this. I knew I couldn’t live my life with regrets and I’m so grateful that I can look back without any.

How did this affect your marriage?

My husband, Ben, and I had to rely upon a bedrock foundation of trust, support, faith, tenacity, and persistence to survive and protect the life of our baby while keeping our marriage intact. We saw many other couples going through similar challenges and losing their marriage along the way. It stirred a desire in me to understand what makes successful relationships and to help others overcome their inner shadows and unhealthy patterns so they could liberate themselves.

Going through what we did, I understand the raw, day-to-day struggles couples face and now I’m so grateful for the privilege of teaching people around the world how to build a foundation of unconditional love for themselves and their spouse.

Where have you drawn strength from?

Yeah, we drew strength from our faith, our commitment to each other, and our vision of the life and marriage we wanted to create.

What do you want to share with couples who have been through a similar situation?

Any sort of crisis within a marriage needs a few things. Lots of communication especially around new expectations and needs. Support for both partners. One partner may be experiencing more obvious problems, but the supporting partner needs some ability to be cared for. And lastly, something to look forward to. When people lose hope that things can be better, they tend to check out and pull away.

As Founders of the High Thrive Coaching. What are your clients seeking today?

Our clients are looking for the hail Mary pass play, the miracle cure, that one last shot that could save their marriage. Most of our clients are highly motivated to save their marriage, they love their partner and can’t see a way to be happy without them. That’s why they come to us, where most other relationship counselors or coaches may say that their marriage is hopeless we look for solutions, oftentimes turning desperate relationships into a happy, stable marriage.

While there is no magic bullet to save a marriage, there is a scientific process we use to help overcome challenges and resolve issues in a way that feels good to everyone involved. This process is so effective that we have now helped tens of thousands of couples save their marriage from divorce and create a life together that they BOTH love. (our favorite thing is to get their “thank you” letters, pictures of them putting wedding rings back on or get notes from their kids thanking us for helping their family be happy now)

Tell us about your new Marriage Coaching Program, “Unified Marriage.”  

For the past many years, we have been focusing largely on fixing marriages in crisis. Most of our clients with that program are dealing with the result of years’ worth of unhealthy patterns in their relationship. Our new program is going in a different direction. There are many people out there that don’t want to settle on a mediocre marriage, one that gets by. Most of these couples probably have other parts of their life figured out, but for one reason or another don’t have an ideal marriage. Our new program focuses on these couples, helping people go from an okay romance to amazing, interdependent marriages that look forward to seeing their spouse every day.

What lessons have you learned that you want to share with the masses?

We’ve learned that the reasons many couples consider divorce are generally because they feel like they’ve exhausted all options to fixing their current relationship. In other words, they don’t have any hope that things could be better. We’ve found that oftentimes when you uncover all the surface-level problems and really look at what’s underneath, nine times out of ten, there is something to be done to get that relationship back on track. With High Thrive, we understand that marriage isn’t something that should be casual or ordinary. It doesn’t have to be boring, routine, or frustrating. Most marriages that have a basic decent foundation have the ability to be extraordinary, we, as a society, simply haven’t focused on teaching the skills needed to support such an important institution such as marriage. We’ve found that once many of these skills are in place couples really have an ability to thrive.

So, you’re not at fault if your marriage isn’t as healthy or happy as you would like.

The good news is that you CAN learn the skills and once you do, everything will change for you and your husband/wife.

What makes your program unique?

We combine our scientific process coaching with ground-breaking neurotechnology (no one else even knows about this yet) to resolve issues 10x’s faster than ever before.

You’ll be amazed that issues that once took weeks, months, years (or sometimes lifetimes) to resolve, can be healed within just a few hours.

In less than 30 min a day, you can have a marriage, you BOTH love. Where you feel accepted for who you really are (imperfections and all) and you can talk about anything without rejection, withdrawal, or tension.

It is a blissful way to live!

When you come to the place where you are so whole, so complete within yourself, your partner’s love only adds to your already full store of love and magnifies your joy even more.


Share your vision to help other couples with your Marriage Coaching Program.

We have the #1 best process for marriage happiness in the world. Our mission is to revolutionize marriage relationships and heal the hearts, homes, and families of millions of people. Marriage is sacred. As we heal homes, we heal societies.

We are grateful to be part of the unification of humankind as we become ONE with ourselves, ONE with our creator, and ONE with each other.

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