Mags Lybolt has made it her life goal to help others find what makes them happy. Her passion to inspire people is displayed in all that she does, from being a mother and an entrepreneur to being an inspirational author. Mags graduated from Purdue University with an MBA in business, focusing on the marketing and technology sectors. Before 30, Mags had established a successful marketing firm. She also founded and later sold a prosperous business that assists doctors in marketing, creating, establishing, and expanding their enterprises. Mags now focuses on writing and has authored many books both under a pen name and the Mags Lybolt name. Her two latest releases, “You Got This” and “Prayers to Pray Over Your Children” are written from a perspective of desiring the readers to gain a multitude of positive changes in their lives. 




How Life Has Taught Mags Lybolt to Inspire Others


As a mother and a brilliant businesswoman, Mags Lybolt has learned a great deal about life. One of the most important lessons she has learned is that it is vitally important to help others find what makes them happy. Mags believes that when people are happy, they are more likely to be successful and fulfilled in life. Her passion for inspiring people shines through in all that she does. She has a good heart in helping people find what makes them happy.


When meditating on how life itself is inspiring, Mags notes that it all boils down to our choices in life. Life is an ongoing journey that requires us to make decisions, some great and others not so great. Yet in the end, it doesn’t matter if we make good or bad choices in life because everything in life is a learning experience. Mags believes that what you put out into the universe will come back to you, so she tries to put out positive energy as much as possible. In her writing, she uses these life lessons to inspire others and help them find what makes them happy.

Having made many positive choices in life, Mags Lybolt is a prime example of someone who has been inspired by life itself. She has learned to use her experiences as a way to help others, and this is what makes her an inspiration to others. Mags is living proof that no matter what life throws your way, you can always overcome it if you have the right attitude and mindset. As an author and entrepreneur, Mags Lybolt is able to share her inspiring message with the world. She is a testament to the fact that life can be an amazing journey if you let it be.

As a mother, Mags also sees the beauty that life brings. This is because she has learned that having children is a beautiful thing. Her children bring her joy and happiness on a daily basis. Mags strongly believes that one of the most important things in life are your children. If you can provide for them and help them to grow up happy, you have done an amazing job as a parent.

Another valuable part of being a parent is the ability to inspire your own children. Prayer is a powerful avenue for uplifting and protecting the ones you love and care about the most. Her book “Prayers to Pray Over Your Children” inspires parents to allay any fears they may have that they aren’t qualified to pray with their children. The book was created to assist parents in choosing from a number of prayer types while also assisting them in developing personalized prayers for their children. Many parents are unsure about the best sort of prayer to say; as a result, this book was created to provide examples of both sorts of prayers and blessings that parents may offer their children on a regular basis.


What Mags Lybolt Wants People to Know


Mags Lybolt would like people to know that life is best when you get out what you put in. This means that it’s important for each person to find their own path through life and be true to themselves as they accomplish goals, meet goals, and overcome challenges. She urges people to find their passion in life and put all of their energy toward it. It’s important to have a lifestyle where you are true to yourself, and this includes being true about your own personal goals, dreams, and aspirations.

Mags Lybolt would also like parents to know that praying with their children is a blessing for both parent and child alike. As a mother, Mags knows the importance of talking with her children about things that are important to them. Prayer provides parents with an excellent opportunity to discuss matters of faith and to offer guidance to their children.


An Inspiration to Others


Mags Lybolt is an inspiration to others because she has learned to turn her life experiences into a means of assisting others. She is proof that, no matter what life throws at you, you can overcome it if you have the right attitude and mentality. Her hope is that her writing will inspire others to find their passion in life and to put all of their energy into it. Mags also wants parents to know that praying with their children is a powerful way to connect with them and help them grow in their faith. “You Got This” and “Prayers to Pray Over Your Children” will be releasing soon.




Interviews and PR by Matt Peters and Team.



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