Happy International Black Women’s History Month Influential People News readers. We are thrilled to spotlight Family Child Care Business Coach and Author, DeShonda Monique Jennings. She is also the founder of DJ It Takes A Village Child Care Association. DeShonda has over 20 years’ experience in childcare and 16 plus in entrepreneurship. She currently serves as an advocate and mentor for children as well as a mentor to women who wish to start a home daycare business. DeShonda also mentors her business partners so that they too may be successful. Team building plays a role in everything she does. DeShonda is the epitome of what a mother, daughter, grandmother and woman of faith is. She has been featured on Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Pandora, The Wealthy Woman Podcast, CBS, NBC, ABC, Richmond Times Dispatch, U.S. News and World Report, The Washington Post, Anthology with Dr. Cheryl Wood and Les Brown and so many more.

Influential People News readers, please enjoy our interview!

Please tell us about your company and what inspired you to become an entrepreneur.

Deshonda: DJ It Takes A Village DBA DeJour Village ™ is The Village of the Day. As a mom, I remember at one point in my life, I didn’t have close family nearby and it was friends that I met that stepped up when I was at a point where I needed assistance. I remember when my husband, myself, and our 2 kids were homeless. A good friend allowed us to stay with them until we had enough money to get another place. We had too much income for public assistance yet we were living a check to check life. We couldn’t work more than the full-time hours because we still had 2 kids to raise. So those experiences and many more contributed to my entrepreneurial desire. I knew that I didn’t want to rely on a job to determine the amount of income I made or my value. The harder I worked, the more I dreaded working. When I got blessed with my miracle baby, that was my push to really pursue entrepreneurship using my gifts. Fast forward to 2019, I started DJ It Takes a Village LLC which also has a nonprofit DJ It Takes a Village Too. The company offers Coaching, mentorship, and community service. I Coaching involves starting a business using your gifts. The community service portion involves giving to the homeless, veterans, and signature events- Celebrating Me for Moms, Fall Event for Our Youth

What sparked your interest to join Book Profit Club and how has the journey been so far?

Deshonda: The value that BPC has for authors is priceless. BPC has weekly meetings in which we receive training, and hear WINS/accomplishments from other authors. BPC has connected me with other authors/speakers with similar missions. As an Inner Circle member of BPC, in addition to the weekly meetings, I have a whole team to assist me in profiting from my books. I have never been a part of a club or group that gives you a team with your membership. So far I have had a done for you service with setting up my hook item capture page, emails, a sales coach, and project manager, and currently, I am working on my Collaboration Book Project. Before joining BPC, I never knew the different streams of income that I could generate with my book.

We would love to learn more about your books and where we can find them.

Deshonda: My books specifically for Early Childhood Resources are Learning Through Play and How To Start A Quality Home Daycare Business, and The Life of An Entrepreneur can be found at 10mistakes2avoid.com. In addition to those 3 books. I have several motivational and self-help books that I am a Co-Author in. They include Girl get Up, Dare to Rise Above Mediocrity, Women Inspiring nations-Bruised But not Broken Vol 4, the 21 Day Success Plan for Youth Entrepreneurs, Step Into Your Power all may be found at deshondajennings.com

What can you share with us at this time? 

Deshonda: I’m excited to be working on an upcoming Book Collaboration titled The Journey of An Early Childhood Educator. This book is so important and needed to help fill the childcare gaps throughout the nation. New and Aspiring Early Childhood Educators will be able to learn from the experiences of a diverse group of ECE. This book will list the ups and downs and explain how early Childhood Educators were able to sustain and launch their business.

We salute the inspirational work you do as an advocate and mentor for children. What does this line of work entail? 

Deshonda: Advocacy has many different levels. It included educating parents on child development, and best practices for children while respecting cultural differences. Advocacy work also consists of sharing your input with stakeholders/policymakers. It includes explaining and voicing your experience on why childcare should be invested in as well as advocating for affordable quality childcare for all families, not just low-income families. Mentorship involves being a positive role model. Not just telling children what to do, it’s showing them the how. It also involves sharing resources.

What else would you like our readers to know about you?

Deshonda: I am the epitome of Resilience & Leadership. As a author, parent & youth advocate and Business Owner, my mission is to help Women launch profitable businesses using their GIFT and reclaim their time!

With over 20 years of experience in childcare and 15-plus years in entrepreneurship, I have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in both fields. I understand the challenges and opportunities that come with starting and growing a business, and I’m passionate about empowering women to pursue their passions and build successful careers.

Which leads me to my upcoming Collaboration Book: The Journey of An Early Childhood Educator. This book will be out this Fall. The mission behind it is for Early Childhood Educators (ECE)/Childcare Providers to come together and share their stories and expertise with fellow educators and those interested in the field of early childhood education. Through our diverse stories, the hope is for us to collectively bridge lessening the number of childcare desserts and more ECE will open Childcare Businesses.

What words of encouragement can you leave our readers who may be currently seeking a mentor or advocate? 

Deshonda: Your Gift will make room for you. Connect with someone that has expertise in this. Get a mentor that has been or is currently an advocate.



Connect on social media:

Linkedn: DeShondajennings

FB: www.facebook.com/deshonda.jennings

IG: www.instagram.com/deshonda_j

About The Author