Anointed2Write is a full-service writing company with you in mind. A2W was created and founded by Heather Robinson, M.ed in June 2021. A2W offers various services that include but are not limited to; writing, copy editing, and typesetting. A2W was inspired by the life experiences of Heather who through her own journey of trying to find her voice, desires to help others find as well as utilize their own voices on paper to inspire and make a difference in the lives of others.​

Anointed2write’s mission is to help aspiring and experienced writers get their books ready for publication. Services offered are various writing, editing, and typesetting.

A2W’s Vision:

Anointed2write’s vision is to see to it that all clients see their dreams of bringing their ideas to life when a pen and paper become a reality they can be proud of.

A2W’s Purpose:

The purpose of starting A2W was to assist the many aspiring writers who, with the proper guidance, can produce a literary piece that will ensure their voice is heard.

Heather is the wife of Minister Christopher L Robinson and they are dedicated members of the Mount Carmel C.O.G I C in West Chester, PA.

Please enjoy our interview with Anointed2Write CEO and Founder, Heather Robinson.

Please tell us about Anointed2Write and how it came about.

Heather: In 2010 the Lord gave me the name Anointed2write and the scripture Habakkuk 2:2, “Write the vision and make it plain”. I was like “yeah right” and pushed that to the side and went on with my daily life. In 2012, while in my graduate program at Grand Canyon University, I began writing my first book, A Season of Pressing, A Spiritual Awakening. In 2013, I put my book on hold as I walked through a divorce. In 2015, I finished my book and traditionally published it in 2017. In 2020, my publisher passed away and I got my book rights back and went into prayer about what to do. The Lord reminded me of our 2010 encounter, so I asked my best friend to look up the name to see if the domain was available and it was, which told me it was a God thing and not a Heather thing, so in 2022, Anointed2write LLC was birthed.

Anointed2write is a writing service company with you in mind. Anointed2write offers various writing, editing, and typesetting services. Anointed2write offers a 6-week writers workshop entitled How To Turn Your Ideas Into a Written Piece and a 12-week Reclaim, Take, and Tell (R.T.T.) coaching program. The goal of the writing workshop is to guide clients through the 6 steps to writing their book and getting it print ready. The coaching program helps clients to reclaim their power, take back their voices, and tell their stories.

How has the journey been so far for you as a self-published author?

Heather: This journey of self-publishing has been rewarding. I am able to utilize the pain that once had me bound to help others to walk through their pain and step into their purpose. I want people to know they have a voice, their story matters, and they are enough. This is my bottom line for all clients.

What can you tell us about some of your latest books?

Heather: A Season of Pressing, A Spiritual Awakening is my spiritual journey during very trying times including but not limited to a divorce. As God walked me through losing everything, He strengthened my faith.

Words of Reflection, A 30-Day Devotional Unto The Lord will help to encourage others to spend daily time with the Lord. Each day has a thought for the day, a scripture to meditate on, with an affirmation to help affirm who God says we are.

To Wholeness From Brokenness, Will Ye Be Made Whole chronicles a series of trials and tests I have experienced over the past two years and how God literally carried me through.

What are you currently working on?

Heather: I am currently working on my writing workshop, my R.T.T. Coaching, booking speaking engagements, and selling my books. I am super excited to be working on a book collaboration with Taurea Vision Avant’s The Profits Conference Speakers. The title of our book is “The Whole Entrepreneur: Strategies from Speakers, Coaches, and Business Owners Giving Tips for Business, Career, Wellness, and Life Balance.” I’m doing a challenge; the first 100 people to pre-order, will earn an honorable mention in the book forever. For more information on the challenge, they can email me.

What have been some of the most memorable moments in your career so far?

Heather: Some memorable moments was my very first author event in January, which led to a radio interview. Once I did that event, doors to podcast, spotlight, and magazine features began to swing over. To date, working with Taurea was on my bucket list, so I can now cross that off! One thing that really stands out for me would be my first client for the R.T.T. Coaching program. She was so emotional after each session and that is a part of acknowledging and walking through pain in order to step into purpose. You have to deal in order to heal.

What else would you like our readers to know about you and the work that you do?

Heather: Anointed2write was founded on the fact that I felt unseen, unheard, unworthy, and undervalued; not just by others but most importantly by myself! I did the work to R.T.T. reclaim my power, take back my voice, and tell my story. As a result, I have taken on the task of helping people to do the same. If you are looking to push past your fears and step into your purpose… your time is now.

What advice would you have for aspiring authors?

Heather: I would encourage aspiring authors to do their research to see what process best works for them. I would also share what I learned and share that they should try to book speaking engagements on various stages and do possible collaborations for more visibility as visibility is the key to your success.

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