Nicholas Paul Cedarhurst has over 20 years of expertise in energy-related businesses, including JPSC, First Energy, KEPCO, and INTERN. He has worked as a senior electrician for several firms, including JPSC, First Energy, and KEPCO. Nicholas is working with his staff to change the energy landscape as the President and CEO of the most trustworthy electric utility Futuristic Energy Group. He’s aiming to create a more sustainable economy in the long term by promoting a cleaner energy future.

Nicholas Paul Cedarhurst has taken various actions to ensure the success of his businesses, including forming several important movements with the aid of his Futuristic Energy Group. His areas of expertise include the production of a new long-term strategic plan, smart metering, and automated system technology. He has focused on transportation electrification and electric vehicle infrastructure development, as well as tripling Futuristic Energy Group’s renewable energy portfolio.

Nicholas is proud of his reputation as a hardworking, trustworthy CEO and looks forward to providing personalized service to his clients. He is dedicated to maintaining the excellent community involvement. He’s striving to develop trusted connections, spur economic development in the region, use technology to your advantage, lead environmental sustainability and promote a culture of empowerment and responsibility across Futuristic Energy Group.

Nicholas Paul Cedarhurst is an important component of the puzzle because of his organizational skills and ability to keep everyone in line. He’s a major asset because he has a lot of initiative and passion. Nicholas is a self-made success story. He started from the bottom and built Futuristic Energy Group from the ground up. He knows that Futuristic Energy Group’s customers are at the heart of what they do, and he is humble and grateful to them. Nicholas genuinely desires to assist his customers in any way he can.


Thanks for joining us! Let’s start with getting to know who Nicholas Paul Cedarhurst is? And What are you doing these days? 

I am Nicholas Paul Cedarhurst having over 20 years of diverse experience delivering excellence in energy-related sectors. I have served as a master electrician for various companies, such as JPSC, First Energy, KEPCO, and INTERN. Currently, I am working as the President & CEO of the most reliable electric utility Futuristic Energy Group. I am helping my team transform the energy landscape. I am striving to build a cleaner energy future that will support a more robust economy in the long run.

With the help of my team at Futuristic Energy Group, I have launched multiple vital initiatives for the Company. My endeavors include the development of a newly envisioned strategic plan, smart metering, and automated system technology. I am also focusing on transportation electrification and electric vehicle infrastructure deployment while tripling Futuristic Energy Group’s renewable energy portfolio.


What made you decide to become an entrepreneur? 

There are a host of reasons why I choose to become an entrepreneur over the more traditional route of becoming an employee. I worked as an employee for many years but one thing always kept bothering me. I always found that I did not fit in and it became more frustrating with time.

When I was growing up I was told, like anyone else, that the world is the way it is. But I believe life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact and that is, everything around me that I call life was made up by people that were no smarter than me. And I can change it, I can influence it. Once I internalized that, I became an entrepreneur. My creativity was never meant to fit into the limitations of corporate life.


What would you say are the top 3 skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur, and why? 

The following are three skills that any entrepreneur can adopt to help build a business and shape their future.


  1. Vision


An entrepreneur must have a vision. They should know exactly what they want and have a clear idea of their end goal. They should write it, verbalize it, and embrace it. This is how I know exactly where my steps will take me. I believe my vision is what defines the strategic goals of my company and what helps me create a business plan that will get me where I want to go.


  1. Inquisitive Mind


Asking questions about yourself, your plans, your strategy, your business plans, and your decisions is another important skill that every entrepreneur must have. This skill ensures that you are constantly driving yourself to be a better tomorrow. By challenging myself at every turn I will refine my vision and ensure I am always on the right path.


  1. Passion and Energy


It’s a fact that nobody else is going to be passionate about my business. Only I have the energy to take it where it has to go. It is entirely up to me. This passion and energy are vital for entrepreneurial success. This may sound intense, but without these two qualities, you will struggle to take your business through the intricacies that lie ahead and onwards to long-term success.


You sound quite passionate about your work; why? Is there a story behind it? 

I have seen my parents struggling to make ends meet. They were less fortunate in their businesses and I have always thought I will do better. I will give them the comfortable life they deserve. My passion and enthusiasm as an entrepreneur lie in my childhood memories when my parents were struggling financially. I always wanted to build a life with financial freedom and my passion for electronics helped me do that.


How do you separate Futuristic Energy Group from your competitors? 

Our excellent sales, customer support, and service! We go above and beyond in our quest for customer satisfaction and happiness. This separates Futuristic Energy Group from its competitors. We are a company with a likable approach and friendly team which is our immediate advantage.


We make our customers feel heard and understood. We find ways to make people successful using our product and ways to support them so their experience with us is as smooth and memorable as possible. We do it by checking in with a personal phone call or email to make sure customers are happy with our plan and service. It also helps us increase our customer retention rate and encourage referrals from our subscribers.


I believe that the element of human connection is at the heart of any business growth; it’s what makes a business unique. If we have terrible customer service and people walk away from us with a bad experience, we will also stand out eventually – but for all the wrong reasons.


What was the biggest problem you encountered launching your company and how did you overcome it? 

Building a winning team is what was the biggest challenge I encountered in launching my company. Quickly, I realized that building a successful team is about more than finding a group of people with the right mix of professional skills. To overcome this problem, I made a clear and measurable goal for what I wanted to accomplish. I created a clear map. It may sound simple, but it was the greatest challenge for me.


How do you stay driven and motivated to keep going in your business? 

My vision to transform society is what stays me motivated and driven. I have a strong desire to improve the lives of people living in my neighborhood and the local community. My vision to transform society by promoting clean energy is an intrinsic motivation that helps me make a difference.


What’s the best part of your job? 

The best part of my job as an entrepreneur is being able to take something that is just an idea or concept and make it real. I love being able to bring together motivated, talented people who believe in my company’s goal.


What is your definition of success? 

Success is often defined as the ability to reach the goals in life, whatever those goals may be. For me, a better word for success is attainment, accomplishment, or progress. I believe success is not necessarily reaching a destination but a journey that helps develop the skills and resources I need to thrive.


Thank you so much for this truly amazing interview!




Interviews and PR by Matt Peters and Team.

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