Mike Schadt is a testament to the power of faith and action. As a minister and founder of SOS Ministries, he has made it his life’s work to provide help to those in need around the world. Through his organization, SOS Ministries, clean sources of water are now accessible to villages that desperately need it. Additionally, countless lives have been exposed to the Word of God through the tireless efforts of Mike and his team. It is clear that Mike Schadt is a man who walks the talk. Having previously served in the US Marine Corps, he knows what it means to put others’ needs before his own. Today, his passion, courage, and strong faith make him an unstoppable force for good. Through SOS Ministries, Mike is helping bring good change to the world and ensuring that those who have been forgotten by society are not left behind.

Mike Schadt’s story serves as a powerful reminder of what it truly means to selflessly serve others. Through his experience in the United States Marine Corps, Schadt was able to put the needs of his country and fellow citizens before his own. It was his unwavering faith and trust in God that gave him the courage and strength to serve, even in the most undesirable of conditions. Schadt’s commitment to service didn’t stop when he left the military either, as he was one of the first responders to Ground Zero in the aftermath of 9/11. Alongside his colleague Nick Kypros, Schadt offered support to survivors and their families, providing solace and leading prayers during the darkest of times. His story serves as a powerful testament to the power of faith and the importance of putting others first, even in the most trying of circumstances.

We had the opportunity to speak with Mike Schadt and learn more about how the power of God has given him strength in these unimaginable experiences.


Can you please tell us a bit more about your experience being a first responder inside  Ground Zero NYC?


As I stood at ground zero, surrounded by the rubble of what was once the World Trade Center, my heart was heavy with incredible grief and sorrow. But despite the overwhelming sadness that gripped me, I knew that God had brought me there for a reason. Through a series of connections and contacts, I had been given clearance to enter the grounds and be apart of the rescue effort by bringing hope in a horrible situation and by comforting the brave firemen who worked tirelessly to uncover the remains of those who had perished in the attack. Nick Kypros and I stood at the very edge of the debris, ministering words of grace and hope to the dust-covered rescuers. We shared with one another and listened to the endless stories of pain and loss. Though finding the right words to say in such a sensitive time was difficult, I put my faith in the Lord and allowed Him to guide my heart and words. I didn’t force my beliefs on anyone, but instead simply listened and offered words of encouragement where I was called upon to do so. The experience was both humbling and heartbreaking, but through it all, I felt a sense of profound purpose and lasting relationships with all the rescuers I worked with.



How did you find the courage and strength to go to Ground Zero just 10 days after 9/11?

When the attacks of 9/11 occurred, I was overcome with emotions just like everyone else. Confusion and anger were common, but for me, a deep sense of wanting to help was also present. As a former member of the US Marine Corps, I knew that in times of despair, people need to connect with something greater than themselves. The Lord has always been a source of hope and comfort for me, and I felt compelled to share that with others. So, after SOS Ministries was given entry at the site by Red Cross, inside Ground Zero I did not want the attacks to have the last say or word, so I offered my support in the only way I knew how: through prayer and creating a safe space for people to come together. Just as I connected with my fellow soldiers in a similar way during my time in the Marine Corps, I knew that survivors and family members of victims needed the same. It was an experience that reminded me of the power of faith and the importance of coming together during times of tragedy.


Can you tell us a key takeaway from your experience?


Being a first responder at Ground Zero immediately after the 9/11 attack was an experience that will stay with me forever. The devastation was unimaginable, and the sadness palpable knowing I was standing, working and ministering on the grounds of about 3,000 people who perished in one day, at this one small location, and there I was. But amidst the rubble and destruction, there was something else too- Hope. It may have been flickering, but it was there. And that is what I realized – that Hope can be restored and does not have to be lost in times of tragedy. It is easy to turn our backs on the Lord in moments like these, but we should do just the opposite and run to Him, so through His strength we can comfort and encourage one another. God is a God of hope! That was my biggest take away. And where there is hope proper attention can be given to the survivors… letting them know that all hope is not lost.


Now that 9/11 was over 20 years ago, how has your commitment to missionary work changed?


For 23 years, which is the life span of SOS Ministries this year, my commitment to spreading the Word of God and serving those in need has remained steadfast. Our foundation is 23 years old…how wonderful is the Lord to grant that to happen! We have been able to accomplish so much in West Africa, providing clean water, and helping to bring the Gospel to those who have never heard it before. It’s a humbling experience to witness how people’s lives are impacted for eternity by these efforts. Recently, we partnered with the Tim Tebow Foundation to bring physical and spiritual care to people with profound medical needs in El Salvador and Guatemala. It’s wonderful to have such steadfast partners to serve alongside us. We’re also expanding our mission by constructing Hope Centers in underserved countries to bring hope and possibility to people that have never had access to it before. Though our mission has evolved over time, the core purpose of our work remains the same: shining the light of God’s forgiveness and love into the darkest corners of the world.



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