Several Factors That Can Lead To High Blood Pressure Beyond Our Diet
Copyright by Dr David Friedman
There are several factors that can lead to high blood pressure beyond our diet. New research shows high blood pressure may actually come from exposure to certain chemicals inside our food, wrapped around our food and from the cookware we prepare our food on. Here are three we should be eliminating:
•Perfluoroalkyl substances PFAS. These compounds are found in stain-resistant fabrics, nonstick cookware, and other products that resist heat, oil, stains, grease, and water. They’re also in fast food wrappers and microwave popcorn bags. 90% of the U.S municipal water supply contains PFAS! Research shows people with higher PFAS in their blood are more prone to having high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
•Bisphenol A (BPA) is another chemical linked to causing high blood pressure and other diseases. This chemical is used to make plastic water bottles and food containers. It’s found in the lining of soup and soda cans, grocery store and ATM receipts, cinema tickets, and airline tickets.
•Phthalates (aka “plasticizers”) also causes blood pressure to increase. They’re a group of chemicals used to make plastics more flexible. They are found in dairy products due to the plastic tubing used to milk cows; shampoo, cosmetics, deodorants, nail polish, and even shower curtains. Yes, your shower curtain could be causing high blood pressure!! Also, avoid using air fresheners as most contain phthalates.
In Food Sanity, I share several tips on how to avoid all of these chemicals.
As for foods/supplements, there are several helpful in reducing blood pressure. Here’s a few:
•Cocoa (70%+)
•Coenzyme Q10