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Influential Creators: Marcus Murphy

Influential Creators: Marcus Murphy

When you think of someone who inspires or is influential, Marcus Murphy is high up on that list. Marcus Murphy is someone with hopes and dreams to never become stagnant in anything he is doing in his life. It has been such a pleasure for Marcus to achieve success...

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Influential Women Author Spotlight: Meet Crystal Mance

Influential Women Author Spotlight: Meet Crystal Mance

Hello Influential People News readers, meet Author, Daughter of the King, Coach, Pastor, Preacher, Conference Speaker, and Entrepreneur, Crystal Mance. We’ve obtained an exclusive interview with Crystal to learn about her latest book titled R.E.S.E.T. Releasing Every...

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Tips for Beginning Day Traders

Tips for Beginning Day Traders

Day trading involves buying and selling stocks within a day or, sometimes, within minutes. It can be lucrative, but novices often find it challenging. I've been a successful day trader for many years. Here are a few of my tips for beginners. Bone Up Successful day...

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The Direction of the 2023 Real Estate Market

The Direction of the 2023 Real Estate Market

While the boom in housing prices right before the pandemic is still fresh in people’s minds, I have noticed the current fluctuation dip and rise again is throwing folks on edge. During the pandemic, prices dropped significantly. Yet as soon as the social restrictions...

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